Suit of Iron

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The robot fired two more times at Tony's suit, then kicked it back. I noticed that a light on Tony's suit started glowing but I didn't know what that meant. The robot forced the suit into Tony's office, then fired a huge shot from its chest at the suit, making it break through the window and fall towards the street.
The building was quiet now as everything settled down, then the robot turned around and glanced towards me. My eyes widened as the robot stepped closer to me threateningly.
At the last minute, Tony's suit appeared from the window, and shot through the living room and toward the robot. The suit raised its chest, firing a giant shot at the robot, making it fling through the wall, into another room. The suit turned its head towards me, which made me narrow my eyebrows in curiosity.
The mask lifted to show Tony underneath, which made a huge wave of relief spread through my body. I figured when the suit fell towards the ground, it picked Tony up in the process, which explained the light glowing from the suit. "Are you okay, Sam?" Tony's eyes softened.
I took a deep breath then nodded, "Yeah, thank you Tony."
"I'll tear that suit apart," Tony threatened with determination flooding through his voice. The rockets from his feet fired up and he launched himself into the next room. I decided to stay in the living room and out of the way, but I couldn't see what was going on in the room, all I could do was listen.
There was more shooting in the next room and crashing, which made the image of a tore up room pop into my head. Then, there was a constant clanking in the room, and a loud crash like something just went through the wall.
Minutes passed, and it got very quiet so I waited anxiously to find out what happened. I clenched my fists at the thoughts that shot up in my head, but then there were footsteps and Tony walked out of the room with his suit still on. It didn't look like there was a scratch on him, then he pressed something in his suit and it started to stack off of his body. Then, surprisingly, there was technology that came into the room and took the suit back into Tony's office.
Tony took a deep breath, "Jarvis, have you got any information on the machine?"
"Yes sir, the technology was designed by Dr. P, Clyde," the computer replied.
Tony's fist clenched so tightly I thought I was going to see blood drip from his palms, and his forehead creased. Now this was the angriest I have seen Tony, ever, and I couldn't imagine him any angrier.
"What are you going to do about him?" I asked, but very softly as if I could calm him down.
"Depends, what was the machine here for?" Stark's voice was deep with anger.
That was actually a good question, and I couldn't know for sure what the answer was but I tried to think back when the robot came into the house. "It was in your office, I think it was looking at your suits..."
"That son of-," Tony quickly stopped himself before he said anything.
"Well, we have to do something. Right?" I pressed.
Tony smiled, "Sure, we'll go talk to him."
I lifted my eyebrows in shock, we are about to go talk to the man that created- more like stole- something that was trying to kill us?! Sounded pretty crazy to me but it also sounded like Stark had a plan, so I figured it was better than staying here and cleaning this place up.
"So, where is he?" I wondered.
Tony's eyes glazed as he thought about it, "Well, he must've seen me off in a rush, but hopefully he'll still be at the board meeting. Maybe we can play it like we don't know anything..."
"So, I'm coming too, right?" I pleaded, while making it look like I didn't care either way.
Tony had to think about it, he didn't want to ruin the plan but he couldn't just leave me here, so he nodded anyway, thinking that it would be best. He tilted his head to the side, towards the elevator, and told me to follow him. Stark pressed the button on the elevator- which, surprising, still worked- then it gently started lowering down into the parking garage. Tony got into his fastest car then, after I got in, started it up and took off toward the building.
I took a deep breath as he was speeding down the busy road, his driving was not really helping me be anymore calm. With all the events that went on, I started feeling anxious and worried so I had to relax more so I didn't seem so jumpy. "So, your iron suit held up pretty nicely."
"Thanks... You know it's not actually made of iron, right?"
"What?" I was surprised at this, it seemed like it was totally made out of iron. It was heavy like it, and smooth like it, the texture seemed like iron, but- then again- what did I know about metals?
Tony chuckled, "Yeah, it's actually made from a gold titanium alloy."
My mouth opened a little bit, dumbfounded, "Um... What's the difference?... You know what, I don't really need to know... Then why do they call you Iron Man?"
"That's a common question, actually. Well, I think it has a good ring to it, don't ya think?" It was good to see Tony calm again, even if it looked like he was bragging about his suits again.
"You know what? I think it does have a good sound to it... So, anyway, tell me why Dr. Clyde wants the suits, if that's what he's after."
Stark sighed, like he was frustrated, "He wanted there to be more than just one... two people using the suit. He thought that we could suit up soldiers and have the great military so we could be the world's superpower. When I objected to it, he offered that we make suits that people didn't have to control from the inside so we can send them off into any kind and all kinds of dangers. I just didn't agree to any of them because I think that we are already full of ourselves and powerful enough without suits walking around and taking over countries or whatever."
"Wow..." The car got quiet I zoned out, thinking about what might happen if there was a bunch of robots running around. Which made me wonder how many suits Clyde had...

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