We'll Call Him Tim

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  The table shook, silverware clanked against each other, everyone was standing up to look out of the windows. There was one shake that knocked my glass of water over, which was the final straw for me. I sighed and leaped to my feet, running towards the exit of the restaurant. 
  "Samantha, wait!" Conner called.
  I rolled my eyes but ignored him using my full name, then I shoved the doors open. I looked around the streets - which weren't too busy, luckily - but it seemed quiet. We were more outside of the city so there weren't a lot of cars, people, or buildings, but the streets still seemed too full for an attack to happen; someone could get hurt. There were a few people running down the street, frantically, which made everyone else panic and start to run too. Although, I couldn't see what they were running from. Everyone ran out of the Denny's and began to panic too, jumping in their car and driving away.
  I bit my lip as people ran past me, "Agent Conner, start getting people to safety!"
  "What? No!" then he snatched my hand, "We're getting in the car now!"
  "But-!" I tried to pull away, but Conner was strong.
  Conner started dragging me towards the parking lot, "I'm paid to protect you, not save the day."
  I finally yanked my hand out of his grip, "I want to help!"
  Then I saw something fly through the air and there was a loud crashing sound. I could finally see that someone was thrown in the air and smashed against someone's car. The fight was getting dangerously close to us, as the parking lot was right near the street that this was going on. I gasped, wondering if the person was okay. Probably not, considering they were just slammed against a car. Oddly enough, the person stood up off of the car and looked only a little dazed then they picked up the car and threw it towards someone. My eyes followed the car that was thrown to a suit that was in the air, but the metal suit just flew out of the way. Then I froze, wait a minute... I turned my attention back to the man, because my brain just processed that he had picked up a 4 ton car and chucked it to the flying suit of armor.
  The iron suit looked familiar but it wasn't red which was a clear indication that it was not Tony. Conner grabbed my hand trying to make it his car but the suit of iron, that was still in the air, shot a blast at the incredibly strong, normal looking, man. The man dodged the fire and was now in the parking lot of Denny's. The man grabbed the closest car and chucked it towards the iron suit.
  "My car!" Agent Conner cried, as the closest car happened to be his.
  My attention turned back to the metal suit while it dodged Conner's car. The suit fire again, this time hitting the man and shooting him back a few yards. Finally, I recognized the suit that was in the air, "Rhodey?!"
  The metal suit of armor seemed to hear me as he turned his head and looked our way. His mask lifted from his face to show the familiar man, but his featured showed curiosity and worry, "Sam?"
  I was about to say something but our conversation was rudely interrupted when the man threw another car at Rhodey and, since he was distracted - oops -, the car slammed into him and made Rhodey fall back; landing on the street, hard. I flinched at the landing, thinking that it looked like it hurt...
  "Ouch..." I said, slowly. I snapped into action and ran towards the street.
  "Samantha no!" Conner tried to call me, as I ran away from him.
  By now, I didn't know where the man - with the super strength - was but I got to the streets and started helping people out of the dangerous roads. Some people were injured from the fight so I helped them up and helped them toward a sturdy looking building. The closest building and the strongest one was a bank that was a stone and metal structure; it seemed pretty safe. I pulled everyone that I could from the street and into the bank, then I went back outside - to the street - to find anyone else but it finally seemed empty. Well, until I turned around. The super strength man - we'll call him Tim because I didn't know his name and he looked like a 'Tim' - was standing right behind me, looking pretty mad. This Tim guy had veins popping out of his arms, he looked like a built guy but not strong enough to pick up cars... Anyway, his bulging arms was probably the most normal thing about this guy because then I saw his eyes; which were glowing red. Yes, I mean glowing. This guy looked like he had toxic waste dunked all over him after a football game and became a human looking Hulk... except he wasn't green and Tim was normal sized.
  Tim glared at me, probably because I was the closest and the only person on the street. He looked pretty livid because I was helping people out. I gulped as he stepped toward me. Tim grabbed a car nearby and lifted it, then he aimed toward me to smash the car on top of me. Conner yelled something, then I felt arms wrap around me and hug me towards the ground. I realized that Conner was trying to shield me with his body, but we both knew that his body was not going to stop a 4,000 pound car. We closed our eyes in anticipation and flinched.
  The car smashed back down on the street but it was a few feet away from us, and it didn't crush us. It took us a few moments to realize that we weren't dead so we opened our eyes and noticed that Rhodey was back on his feet and he had tackled Tim. They both flew across the street and into an empty building.
  Conner snapped out of shock quickly, faster than me, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards Denny's. I didn't fight him this time as I followed him back into the restaurant, panting and freaking out. We finally stopped when we were in the restaurant so I sat down on one of the chairs in the breakfast place to catch my breath. 

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