Stars Fall Like Rain

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  Pain shot through my body but I was alive so that's what mattered. It took me a few moments of staring up at the stars to realize I wasn't dead but it didn't help that Tony was screaming at me.
  "Sam?" He called, "Sam!"
  I groaned and tried to lean up but my stomach hurt too much so I stayed on the ground. Finally, I answered, "I'm fine," as I glanced up and watched while the two robots launched up and were face-to-face with Tony. I slowly and carefully stood up, "What's the damage, JARVIS?"
  "A few bruised ribs," the computer answered.
  I pursed my lips, "So, I'll live?"
  "Yes, miss. You'll live." 
  My head lifted and fell into a single nod, "That's all I needed to know." I flicked my heels so my rockets kicked on and I lifted my head to watch as Tony fought the two robots. Finally, I flew up to Tony's level as he faced the levitating machines. 
  Tony flicked his eyes to look at me, "Sam, stand down you could still be hurt." 
  I shook my head confidently, "Not this time." 
  Tony definitely gave me a look and I knew he was probably going to continue to argue but the robots interrupted the conversation. Robot number one - I was completely guessing at this point - launched an attack toward Tony but my uncle swooped under the blast. The second robot threw a shot towards me although I - somehow - managed to dodge the attack too. I focused in on the robot in front of me while Tony went after the other machine. 
  A ball of light sprang from my palm as the blast escaped my hand and towards the robot's chest until it slammed into the robot in front of me. The machine flew back a few feet so my head started spinning as I figured more out about the technology. Such as, the robots weren't good at dodging, some of them didn't have a lot of bulk on them, and they weren't very fast. So, with that in mind, I flicked my heels and charged the robot. Eventually, I was slamming into the metal and pushing it towards the ground. The rockets on my shoes went full blast and I rammed the robot into the ground below us. Not only was the falling robot heavy but the blast of my shoes added to the speed and momentum at which we hit the ground. If you factor all of this up and then take the density of the ground, it was not surprising to find that the robot had left a massive crater where I slammed it into the dirt.
  Now, the robot was on the ground and dazed - if robots can be dazed. So, now I did the only sensible thing, which was to pummel the robot deeper into the ground. I lifted my fist and smashed it down, hearing it clank as metal hit metal. I lifted my arm up then slammed it back down, hitting the robot in the chest several times. Finally, I was starting to make dents and I figured that if I kept this up then the robot would surely - what's the right word? - shut down. Unfortunately, the robot managed to grab my fist before I could strike the metal again and used its chest to blast me thirty feet up in the air then sent me speeding toward the ground until my body was impacted by the earth under me.
  Dazed would be an understatement. I was dazed, dizzy, sore, out of breath, and now exhausted. I debated in my head whether or not I could just stay on the nice, forgiving ground but it didn't seem like such a good idea as the robot started getting up from the floor.
  It didn't help that Tony was watching my every move to make sure that I was still alive, "Sam, you okay?"
  I sighed, "I'm fine."
  Tony was still hovering in the air, battling the other robot while he commented, "You know, it's not too late to set this one out."
  Yes, it is! I thought to myself, and - at this point - I was agitated, "Worry about your own robot! I can take care of myself!" 
  "I don't know, you fight like a girl," Tony was teasing, at a time like this! Unbelievable... Actually, I shouldn't be surprised. So, I tried to think of something sarcastic and witty to snap back at him but then I hear him start to curse, "Oh shi-," but his voice was cut off. The next thing I see is Tony falling from the sky and slamming into the floor next to me so I leaned up off the ground.
  As soon as I hear him groan from the daze of the blow, I crack up laughing. It takes me a few critical seconds but I finally manage to stop my outburst, "I told you to focus on yourself." 
  "Yeah, yeah," Tony grumbled then started trying to stand on his feet.
  While, the robot I was fighting - in front of me - was back on its feet and it started stomping towards me. So, since Tony was fine, I focused back in on the fight. I stretched my arms out, my palms facing the robot, and - since I was using both hands - shot a bigger and more powerful blast. The robot launched back and slammed into some metal bar from the construction site but it seemed to recover quickly. Before I let it rally, I kicked my shoes and shot towards the robot. The only thing I didn't expect was for the robot to grab my shoulder and slam me into the ground.
  The move knocked the wind out of me but, luckily, the suit absorbed the blow so it didn't hurt even though I was still stunned. Now, the robot had its strong, heavy, metal arm pressing into the shoulder of my armor. I tried to kick the robot off of me but it was really strong. It didn't help that I started panicking because the moving metal started pressing its iron hand into my shoulder like it was trying to dig into my armor to rip it apart. It also didn't help that I kept forgetting I was in a suit that could fire back. So, I felt pretty helpless as its hand squeezed tighter. The next best thing to do was kicking and clawing so I did exactly that trying to get the heavy robot off of me. Alas, my efforts were all in vain as the robot squeezed my shoulder tight, and right about now it felt like it was trying to break me. 
  Then, there was a loud clank! and the pressure stopped. I turned my head to look at the robot but noticed there was two. So, I turned to look the other way and saw Tony standing a few yards from me. It didn't take me long to realize that Tony had thrown the robot he was fighting against the robot I was fighting. 
  I quickly got back on my feet and shifted in the suit, "Um... thanks, Tony..." 
  "Did it hurt you?" Stark was quick to ask.
  I sighed in aggravation, there he goes again caring about my health. "No," I answered then turned back to the pile of metal beside us.
  One of the robots - I, honestly, don't know which one - stood up then shot off with its rockets. Oh, no you don't, I flicked my ankles and flew up towards the sky after the robot. I raised my arm and felt pressure in my palm, then I fired a blast aimed at the robot's foot. Somehow, I managed to hit where I was aiming and the blast connected with the robot's metal foot. There was a flash of light and sparks. The next thing I know, the robot is wobbling around in the air on one foot because its other foot - the one I shot - shattered. The robot was going much slower now since it could only use one foot, so I reached the metal quickly. Then, I shot the robot's other foot so it was about to helplessly fall towards the ground.
  Before it could fall an inch, I grabbed its arm and pulled it higher up. I tried to stay focus on the robot and what was above me as I flew higher - away from the ground. If I so much as look down then I would be doomed because I was reaching an incredible height. I ignored the fact that I was going higher than I've ever been before in the suit. 500 feet. 600 feet. I was reaching the sky and going at an incredible speed. Of course, it was the suit that helped with the weight of the robot but soon I was reaching 1,000 feet. For some reason, I didn't feel like this was high enough so I kept going.
  Finally, I glanced at the screen in front of me - in the suit - and realized I was at 2,000 feet. I tried not to visualize how high I was and I certainly did not want to look down. I stopped and looked at the robot that I was still carrying. My fingers unclenched as I let go of the hunk of metal and I watched as it fell helplessly towards the ground. For safe measure, I fired a huge blast that slammed right into the robot's chest - which made it fall even faster. Until it slammed into the ground beneath us and - from that fall - it was safe to say that the robot was finally finished.
  Unfortunately, my stomach churned into painful, sickening knots as I realized that I was looking at the ground... The earth that was thousands of feet below me. The robot only seemed like a dot because I was up so high.
  My breath hitched and I choked as I stared at the ground beneath me, "I can't believe I did that..."
  Tony's voice rang in my ear like a telephone, "No, you did good. See, the robot's gone now."
  But that's not what I was talking about, "Tony..." I kept my voice stable, "I'm not, at all, close to the ground..."
  There was a pause and a soul-crushing response, "Oh..."
  All of the sudden I felt light-headed, "I'm about to pass out." Yes, Tony still had his own robot to deal with but I didn't really care at the time.
  "Okay, okay, uh..." Tony hesitated as he thought. "Just close your eyes and slowly come down. Take your time and don't worry about anything else."
  I nodded - even if he couldn't see it - and squeezed my eyes shut then I slowly started to descend. I focused on my breathing and tried to space out my mind. It was quiet which made it easier to stay calm. But, eventually, the images of the robot being only a tiny dot and how high I really was made my heart start beating faster. I tried to stop it but the harder I tried not to think about the height, the more I thought about the height... My breath quickened and my eyes were forced open as I looked down at the ground below. Good news, I had made progress. Bad news, I wasn't even halfway to the ground it was still a long way down. The longer I looked at the ground, the more it seemed to be getting farther away and the dizzier I became.
  I had enough as I gasped and clasped my metals hands over my metal mask, "I can't do it," I squeaked. Yes, I was disappointed in myself and very embarrassed, but images kept flashing through my head that I couldn't get rid of.
  There was silence until Tony finally breathed, "Okay, give me a minute."
  Even from up here I could hear the loud clanking of metal slamming together. I knew Tony was still battling the robot, which made me wonder how long that was going to take - but luckily it took my mind off of the falling distance. Surprisingly, it didn't take long at there was a noisy clank then thump.
  It seemed like forever in a single moment when I felt something grab my hand. I instinctively jumped - in air - first because my eyes were sealed shut but then I relaxed when he grabbed my other hand so both of my hands were in his. Stark slowly started lowering himself towards the ground, pulling me down too.
  It was slow, how I wanted it but then Tony interrupted the silence, "I'm going faster now."
  "What?!" I squeaked and gripped Stark's hands tighter. I was terrified to open my eyes so I kept them shut but I could feel the both of us falling. My stomach was in my throat and my heart was going hay-wire. It felt like I was falling, which was the exact thing I was terrified of. Tony needed to stop or I was going to have a heart attack! "Tony, stop," I begged but it didn't feel like he was slowing down. "Tony!" I screamed, officially freaking out. We weren't slowing down, so I pulled myself forward and wrapped my arms around Stark. I dug my head into his shoulder and prepared myself for the hard impact with the ground.
  Fortunately, we didn't hit the ground hard while Tony held me tighter as he slowed down. My heart was still beating fast but - as soon as we touched the ground - I was able to take a deep breath. 
  The moment my feet touch the floor and Tony let me go, I fell on my hands and knees - panting and trying to catch my breath. My mask lifted so I could get air better.
  Stark kneeled down beside me and lifted his face mask too, "Hey, are you okay?"
  I exhaled and nodded, "Thanks, Tony."
  Tony smiled, "You're welcome."
  Then I curled my fingers into a ball and slammed my metal fist against Tony's armored shoulder.
  "Ow!" Stark exaggerated. 
  "Jerk," I spat. 
  "What was that for?" Tony narrowed his eyebrows. 
  I crossed my arms, "For almost killing me."
  Tony glanced up and looked over our shoulder, "Well, at least we took out those annoying robots." 
  I followed his gaze and saw the robot that I fought lifeless in a small crater in the earth. My eyes moved where the robot that Tony fought was. Its chest was sunken in and metal of the robot was dented and beat up. Both of the robots were completely lifeless so I managed a sigh of relief. It was over.
  Then, there was a humming noise, so Tony and I exchanged glances. Our eyes dragged up to see more robots flying out of the abandoned building. These robots were small, thinner than the robots we fought before. They looked weaker than the original ones we fought - which was good - but there were a lot more of them - which was bad. I counted thirteen more...
  Another sigh escaped my lips, "Great..." 

(Well, it's not over yet... But tell me if you guys liked this chapter! And please comment and vote if you like the story. Also, why is Sam so scared of heights? I will tell you this, there is a reason. How are you guys going to find out this reason? A second book of course! Tell me in the comments - or you can message me if you want - if you guys want a second book! I think I already told you guys it has the Avengers in it, so if that interests you and you guys want me to write a second book then please tell me! Thank you for reading, and have a great day
~~~~~ LL2z)

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