Awkward Conversation

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(Ughh, that is like the fifth time that I have posted without the chapter to have a name yet so I wrote something random! I might change the name Awkward Conversation to something else... if I can think of something witty to name it...) 

  Agent Conner finally parked outside of the breakfast restaurant, so I got out and stared at the Denny's sign. It was more out of the city so it was less crowded as we walked into the restaurant. "Just two," Conner stated, toward one of the girls at the register. The employee nodded and motioned us to follow her so we walked behind her until we got to a booth. I noticed all the stares, but they weren't looking at me because I blended in, they were all staring at Conner because of the way he was dressed. Everyone else was dressed casually, and I guessed that people don't dress fancy to eat here. The waitress handed us a menu with a smile and asked what drinks we wanted.
  "Coffee," Conner replied almost instantly. "Black. No sugar, no creme."
  I paused and stared at the menu for a few minutes. Yes, literally minutes, because I was indecisive as I stared at the drinks menu.
  A few more minutes passed and Conner began to tap his finger impatiently, until finally he got tired of the wait, "Samantha!"
  "It's Sam!" I snapped back. Then I turned to the waitress and smiled, "I think I just want water."
  The waitress smiled, "Of course." Then, she walked off, rather quickly.
  Conner waited until the girl was gone then he looked at me, "All that for water?"
  I shrugged, still staring at the menu to figure out what to eat, "So, for someone who says they don't get paid well, you sure have a nice car."
  "Yeah, well when I'm getting job offers that are so well paying - like babysitting - it pays for itself," there was sarcasm drenched in the sentence so I knew he was joking.
  "Glad to know that Tony picked someone that enjoys my company so much," I smirked, throwing sarcasm right back at him.
  Conner looked up from the menu, "Hey, you could've gotten one of those super strict agents."
  "True..." I got quiet as I read something that caught my eye.
  "So, how long have you known Stark for?" Conner questioned.
  I closed the menu when I realized what I wanted, then I looked up at the agent of SHIELD, "Um... For a very, VERY long time... You know, a week..."
  "Right... And, what's it like?" Conner pressed.
  I looked away, bashfully - because for some reason I was clamming up at the subject -, as I genuinely thought about it, "It's weird..."
  I narrowed my eyes in thought as my eyes glazed over, "I can't quite figure him out," I mumbled, more towards myself.
  Conner seemed intrigued now, "Want to elaborate?"
  "Nope!" I exclaimed. I turned to my glass of water and fiddled with the small, black straw that floated in the liquid, "You know, next time you have a geeky computer gig and the Avengers just so happen to be there, you should let me come!"
  Conner grinned, like he enjoyed the thought of meeting the Avengers, then replied, "Yeah, sure."
  The waitress came back, "So, what can I get you guys?"
  I pursed my lips, "Can I get the blueberry pancakes with the hash browns on the side and bacon, please?"
  "Of course, and you sir?" the waitress asked the agent.
  Conner paused and stared at the menu, "I think I'll just have the breakfast sandwich," he pointed to an item on the menu.
  "Mmkay!" she answered, cheerfully. Then the waitress smiled and took the menus from us, then left toward the kitchen.
  I cleared my throat, trying to make the awkward silence pass, "So... How'd you become an agent?"
  Conner seemed to glance around the restaurant, wondering if anyone was listening, then he answered, "Um, I was in the military. I was the highest rank in such a short amount of time that I guess it made people curious. I got out of service and got a call from SHIELD."
  My mind started racing with thoughts, "So you don't have to have super powers or a super smart brain to be in SHIELD?"
  Conner smirked and shook his head, "I guess not... I think being handsome helps, though," he joked.
  I huffed and rolled my eyes, but giggled, "I guess that would help."
  It went quiet again so I grabbed my glass and took a drink, not knowing what to say. My eyes glazed over as I started thinking again. How cool would it be to join SHIELD? I wondered if it was even possible from someone as great as SHIELD to notice someone like me. Finally, Conner broke the silence, "So, you haven't really told me a lot about yourself."
  "What's there to tell? Meeting Tony and Pepper has really been the only exciting thing to ever happen to me," I explained.
  "You've got to admit that anyone else would kill to be in your position," Conner made the point.
  I looked down at the table, bashfully, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
  "I mean, if you go back to school, I think your summer stories would be more interesting than everyone else," Conner continued. "Wow, thinking about it, if you told people that you knew Tony Stark, you would probably be the most popular kid there."
  I didn't say anything because I was getting very shy at the subject of being looked up to so highly by others. I blushed from the embarrassment of the conversation but couldn't help think about it. The more that I thought about it, the more that it scared me if anyone found out. Then again, no one could or would ever give me crap at school.
  "And your grades at school would explain everything since you're Tony Stark's niece," Conner seemed dazed by the thought.
  At this point, a chuckle escaped my lips, "If only that's how it worked..."
  "What do you mean?" Conner narrowed his eyes, focusing back on me.
  "Tony doesn't have any siblings," I pointed out, surprised that the guy - who seemed to worship Tony - didn't know that about the genius.
  Conner paused, "Wait, then how-..." he trailed off in the sentence.
  I rolled my eyes, annoyed that I had to explain it, "I'm technically Pepper's niece."
  Conner's eyes lit up as it seemed to click in his mind, "Oh... Pepper is still very smart."
  "True..." I nodded, realizing the point.
  "Hm..." Conner stared at me, as if he was thinking about something.
  I turned away from his gaze, awkwardly, and cleared my throat - clearly uncomfortable - but the man didn't let up. His glance was finally pried off of me when the waitress brought out the food.
  "Wow... That was fast," Conner noticed. Then he moved his coffee to the side so the woman could place he food in front of him. After he got his food, and I moved some stuff on my side of the table, the waitress set my food down. Steam came off of the freshly cooked pancakes and my mouth immediately began to water in pleasure at just staring at the food. I poured syrup on the blueberry pancakes and cut small triangles in the circle. I stabbed the food with fork and shoved into my mouth, happily.
  "Mm," I moaned at the warm food. I smiled then cut another piece and shoved it into my mouth. Conner chuckled when he saw that I was enjoying the food, and he ate a few bites of his. I was halfway finished with my three pancake stack when the glass of water on the table shook. I wasn't paying attention so when I heard the clink of silverware too, I glanced up and gave Conner a look. "Did you just hit the table?"
  Conner turned pale, "Please tell me that was you..."
  There was another violent shake of the table so now the whole restaurant got quiet. Since it got so quiet, I could hear faint screams coming from outside.
  "Aw, I didn't finish my pancakes," I whined, knowing that we were going to have to see what was going on outside. What ever it was... 

(I wonder what could be going on outside? You'll find out soon! And I need help with filler chapters, so if you have any ideas then please message me or comment them below. And feel free to comment what you think of this story so far - it will get interesting soon, I promise - and vote if you like the story! Thank you for reading! And I am about to travel to Oregon soon, so I might be a little busy and the updates might come a little slower but I will do my best!
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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