Under Dressed

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  Tony and I goofed off the whole day, but there didn't seem to be a lot of things to do. I suggested to Tony that we jump off of the tower with a parachute on and that it would be fun, but then he made it very clear that it was too dangerous - right after calling me crazy. So, I went swimming while Tony decided to stay out and use his phone. We watched a few movies, but while we were in the middle of one movie I noticed Stark glancing at his phone.
  Finally he got a call so he stood up and answered it, walking away from the living room. I sighed when he left but he was still close enough that I could hear his side of the conversation, "Yeah, I saw that," Tony answered the phone. "I can't go..." he reminded. "Who's all going to be there?" Tony wondered, then paused as someone on the other line answered. "See, it's not that important," Stark pointed out. "What kind of party is it?" Tony questioned, obviously thinking about it. When the voice replied, Tony sighed, "Then it's not a good idea." Tony paused again, "Alright, alright. Fine!... What time?" Stark finally hung the phone up and turned his body back towards the couch but stopped when he caught me looking at him. "How's the movie?" Tony pressed.
  "I heard the word 'party'," I admitted.
  Tony couldn't help but laugh at the statement then he explained, "Rhodey needs me to go to... well, it's not really a party but a business-get-together, I guess you could call it."
  I pouted, "But you were suppose to hang out with me."
  Tony nodded, "Yeah, you're coming."
  The statement shocked me and it took me a few moments to process it, "Why am I going?"
  "Because I'd feel better if you were with me," Tony answered, simply.
  I paused, thinking about it, "What time?"
  Tony turned his head to look at a clock then he raised his eyebrow, "Wow... It's already six o'clock... So, in two hours."
  "It's today? At night?" I wondered.
  "Yeah, they usually are," Tony explained. Then Stark started walking toward the nearby kitchen, "Which means we should eat something soon. I'm cooking, what do you want?"
  I bit my lip to stifle a giggle. Tony, cooking... This should go well, I thought comically.

  The hours passed too quickly for me as I rushed to fix my hair and change into something else. I tried to dress business-y but not too flashy so I could stay under the radar like the shy person I was. Tony called my name and was saying that it was time to go but I wasn't ready yet! I searched my unnecessarily large closet for shoes. Finally, I stumbled out of my room and into the living room.
  Stark noticed me almost tripping over my feet in a rush so he added, "Wow, looks like you've already had a few drinks," he teased. I glared at him, but his eyes lit up as he seemed to remember something, "Oh! Speaking of getting drunk-," Tony started. Uh oh... I thought, anticipating what he was going to say, so he continued, "there will be drinks at the party so I trust you to make your best judgement and please do not have any alcohol. Got it?" Tony was stern about the subject.
  I raised my hands, innocently, "Got it... But if I can't have a drink, then you can't either," I bargained, not wanting to be the only one that can't drink there. Then, I started wondering if I was going to be the only teenager, would a sixteen year old stand out in the crowd?
  "I already promised Pepper," he reassured me. Tony changed the subject, "So, what do you think?"
  Tony slid some sunglasses so, considering it was getting dark outside, I rolled my eyes, "Ew, no."
  "What? Why not?" Stark questioned.
  I shook my head, "I hate sunglasses."
  Tony hesitantly slid them off, "What kind of person hates shades?"
  "This person," I answered, simply, then added, "You wouldn't catch me dead in those."
  Tony chuckled at my over reaction, "Let's hope we don't. Now, let's go before we're late."
  I shrugged, "I thought you liked to be fashionably late."
  Stark rolled his eyes but smirked, "Always. Now, let's go," he repeated, so I followed after him towards the elevator.
  I found myself fixing my hair or my clothes while we were in the elevator, then I would press my arms against my body, anxiously. I was definitely nervous about the party because I was - most likely - going to be the youngest one there. The elevator opened back up, so I followed Tony to one of his cars. Stark decided not to take any of his sports cars; instead he went with an actual car and not a race car. The car was still luxurious looking, and it looked more business-casual. It was a dark silver color and it seemed like a bigger car than Tony usually drives. I got into the car and felt the seats, impressed every time I road in one of Tony's cars.
  With Tony's driving, it didn't take us long to get to the party. The get-together was at some rich guy's house, so it was a very expensive looking house. There were so many large windows that they were basically the walls as it showed the inside of the house, but it made the building seem more open and bigger. There were plants decorated around the house, and the walls were painted a pure white color. The floors were made of marble and the furniture was an off-white color than made it pop out. Everything seemed luxurious but modestly modern. If the decor wasn't intimidating enough, the people here definitely were. They had very formal looking attire, that seemed very overpriced, and the way they carried themselves seemed very astute and excessively confident. My heart started beating faster and I was beginning to get very nervous.

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