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  "No-..." there was a pause. "I think you have the wrong number," came the response. After another moment of silence he curiously admitted, "Yes, this is Tony Stark." Then his face shriveled up in an expression of distaste, "What? I never did that... Who gave you my number?" When the person on the other end of the line explained, he turned his attention to me with his eyebrow raised, "A teenage girl, huh?" Once the woman on the other end of the phone confirmed, Tony sent me a look that said 'Really?' before clearing everything up with the woman, "Look, I'm sorry about that but I think this was just a huge misunderstanding... Uh-huh... Okay, thank you... Nice to talk to you too," Tony's voice sounded genuine but the way he rolled his eyes made it obvious that he was annoyed with the situation. "Alright, bye," he was finally able to hang up the phone.
  The living room filled with silence as he massaged his forehead to calm down. He was obviously irritated that he had to deal with the woman from last night at the dinner because he didn't even notice her last night. Also, Tony could tell from the lady's voice that she was an older woman but at least she was sweet!
  Finally, he switched his exhausted eyes on me, "You gave some random woman my phone number?"
  "And had you pay for her meal," I admitted with a grin. 
  Yet again, he raised his eyebrow at me while Stark inquired, "Why?"
  As I shrugged, I reminded him, "You poured ice water on me. It only seemed fair." 
  Which got him to cross his arms to challenge me, "So that's how it's going to be, huh?"
  My smirk widened as I pointed out, "You started this."


  Throughout the day, the two of us split up to do our own thing. I was pretty sure Tony was working most of the time because he was in his office. Of course, I would've gone to bother him but I got too distracted either watching movies in one of his cinema-like rooms, playing games - such as Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Mario Cart, etc. - in another room, or just chilling outside on one of his balconies.
  At one point, I even decided to use one of his computers to do a little more research. I had heard about the attack in New York on the news but - now knowing Tony - I decided to get a little more information on it. When the Avengers popped up, I dug a little deeper on them. I even found out that the tower that I was staying in wasn't even the first Stark Tower. The original one got damaged in the war but - after being repaired - became the Avenger's Tower. However, I was sure that Tony still needed his own place to work and live so he rebuilt another Stark Tower a few miles from the original. This got me wondering if I could see the Avenger's Tower from here.
  Eventually, however, I got bored with research so I dragged myself away from the technology and wandered around the building again. Except, this time, I was searching for Tony because I was becoming bored pretty quickly.
  So I scoured the building in attempts to find the man but it was becoming rather difficult. Finally, I trekked down a hallway and opened a door to peer around. In this particular room, there were workout machines and large weights around the room. Surprisingly, the weights were larger than what I could lift.
  Although, I ignored the thought when I spotted Tony on a treadmill. "There you are," I mumbled which got his attention but continued to jog on the workout machine. "Hey, the old man does work out," I teased.
  "Okay, A: I'm not old, and B: I'm Iron Man which means that I need to stay in shape," Stark explained while still focusing on his running. "Plus, it's very appeasing to people when the person saving them is in shape," an arrogant and egotistical smirk was shot towards me.
  Ignoring the urge to roll my eyes, I had a better idea. Since the door to the room was see-through, I glanced out the window and pointed, "Is that one of your inventions? It looks like it's on fire," my eyes widened.
  Fortunately, this quickly caught Tony's attention as turned his gaze out the window and tried to see what I was talking about. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly reached over to his treadmill panel and turned the speed way up. This caused Tony to lose his footing and trip which - in turn - forced him rolling off the moving treadmill.
  Seeing the lack of elegance he had during the fall, I began laughing so hard that there was even a slight pain in my side from it. Trying to compose himself, Tony cursed and glared at me. At first, I would've corrected him at his language but I was snickering too hard.
  "Did-... Did I really deserve that?" Tony narrowed his eyebrows, still half glaring.
  Not completely finished laughing, I held up my pointer finger. Finally, I managed to breathe, "I'm so sorry," but I kept giggling because I wasn't that sorry.
  As Stark pulled himself up from the ground, he brushed himself off and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah."
  Still breathing heavily from the laughter, I sighed, "Oh... That was too funny."
  Alas, Tony didn't see so as he argued, "Yeah, you thought so! My prank was funnier... Probably because yours wasn't even a prank."
  "Uh-huh, whatever. Of course you're gonna think that your 'pranks' are so much better than mine," I rolled my eyes.
  "Well, yours hurt," he whined.
  Another giggle escaped from my lips before I could admit, "Well, I'm bored! Give me something to do besides throwing you off things."
  After a moment's thought, Tony offered, "Want to come help me in my office room?" 
  "Yeah, sure... Can I play with them?" I asked, wanting to mess with the suits so bad!
  "Maybe some other time... But not today," Tony started toward the door.
  "Aw," I whined but followed him out of the exercise room. Tony walked down a small hallway, through the living room, and into another room. I peered around in amazement at all of the mechanical arms, iron suits, and all of the other crazy gadgets that he had. Tony sat down on a stool and looked at a screen, focusing on that. 
  While he worked, I grinned and jogged over to one of his suits then tapped on it. The suit held sturdy and I could tell it was made out of iron. My fingers traced to the electromagnetic circle in the middle of the suit's chest. I could see the lights that would power it up but it was off so they were dull and didn't glow. My mind started wandering as I thought about the one that Tony had on his chest.
  "Don't let it shoot you!" I jumped at the sudden voice. I turned around and saw Stark chuckling, still sitting at his desk.
  With a sigh, I rolled my eyes but then shifted uneasily, "It won't... Will it?"
  Which got Tony to continue his smirking but he shook his head and promised, "No."
  When I turned back to the suit, I dragged my hand down the suit's arm to feel how smooth it was. I grabbed the hand then turned it so I could look at the palm.
  The silence was interrupted when Tony's phone rang, so he pressed a button and held it up to his ear, "Hello?" I could only hear his side of the conversation, "Yeah... Uh-huh." Tony glanced at me then held up his pointer finger and mouthed 'I gotta take this', "Yeah... Well, he can-," Stark walked out of the room and I was left by myself.
  So I sat down on the stool that he was on, then I glanced at the computer he was looking at. The computer didn't look like a computer per se, it just was like a hologram. Like a projector flashing images that a computer would show. It had a holographic interface, with a keyboard projected on the screen. It just looked like light, but I reached my hand up and could tap the keys! I messed around with the computer and found that I could pinch, pull, grab, and push anything that was up on the screen.
  Suddenly, I felt the stool twist and I found myself staring at Tony, "Having fun there?"
  "Oh..." I turned red. "Yeah..." I grinned, still embarrassed.
  "Scoot, I got to make sure you didn't delete everything," he teased.
  I hopped off of the stool and Tony swung his legs around and sat on the stool. Stark's forehead creased as he looked through all of his stuff.
  Not allowing the silence, I start awkwardly "So... What was that about?"
  "Just some guy that's jealous of the suits. Apparently, everyone has their own way to run my business," he answered with a gruff, still focused on the screen.
  "It was about me?" I joked. "But seriously, what makes him special?
  "He'd-," Tony sighed, then he turned his head from the screen to think, "Never mind."
  Well, I was curious now but I decided to drop it... sort of, "What's his name?"
  "Dr. Clyde," Tony answered with his gaze back on his computer. Stark turned toward me, "Don't know why I told you that, but I'm done in here so let's go before you delete any more of my stuff."
  However, I decided not to protest that I didn't delete anything, and walked out of the room back into the living room. We had to go through the living room to get to the kitchen which was our main goal. It was about supper time and I thought that it would be better if I got ready to cook sooner rather than later. I was even prepared for me to do all of the work while Tony read the directions and helped gathered the ingredients. 

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