Therapy for Infinity War

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This does not contain spoilers! I just figured that the people who have watched Infinity War need a little reassurance from Tony. So, here ya go! This is pretty short and doesn't go along with the storyline - since this particular book is over - but we'll just call this little chapter a bonus! Hope you guys enjoy!

  With a gasp and a start, I lurch up in my bed with sweat dripping from my forehead. My chest is rising and falling so rapidly that I'm surprised I don't pass out from hyperventilation. Not only are my lungs burning from overworking them but my eyes are beginning to sting. Tears are already brimming my eyelids and are about to pour out onto my cheeks. As all the dark thoughts race through my mind, my heart beats harder and feels like it's about to rip from my chest.
  Finally, I try to take a deep breath to calm myself down. The nightmare continues to plague my thoughts and it feels like I'm about to go insane with worry. What if he's actually hurt? What if the dream was real?
  Now determined to check on him, I slip off my bed and race out of my bedroom. Judging by the darkness that seeps through the windows, I can tell that it's probably in the middle of the night. He's probably sleeping so I continue to trek through the darkness toward his bedroom.
  Alas, when I open the door and my eyes adjust to the pitch black room, I realize that the bed is unoccupied. At this sight, my heart drops to my stomach. Tony isn't there. If he's not there then does that mean everything's true? Is he gone? Hurt? Or worse?
  Yet again, my heart pounds stronger in my chest as my mind blurs over. I'm about to panic and freak out. I shut the door to the bedroom then glance around the living room. Where else could he be? In desperation, I sprint to the elevator and press the button to go down to his office work area. Although, thoughts start creeping their way into my head. What am I going to do if he's not there?
  It feels like forever until the doors to the elevator finally open up. As soon as there is enough space for me to slip out, I bolt out of the elevator and race down the hall. He has to be here. 
  The door bursts open as I shove the doors away from me and I scan the work office. Instantly, my heart slows down and I freeze up on my feet. The noise of the doors opening startles him as he jumps on his feet but he turns around and locks his eyes with mine. 
  "Sam? What are you doing up?" Tony inquires with clear confusion as he narrows his eyebrow.
  A part of me was going to be sassy and ask him the same thing but I'm too worried about him to bring myself to do anything other than hug him. I lunge forward and wrap my arms around his torso while burying my face in his shoulder. 
  At first, Tony is too shocked to react right away but he eventually gets over it and wraps his arms around me. He must've figured something was wrong because I can feel how gentle and tense he's being. "Are you okay, Sam?" Stark wonders, his voice resembling a reassuring coo. 
  My thoughts immediately go back to my nightmares and I can't hold back the sobs anymore as my body shudders under my emotions. "I was so worried about you," I admit through my tears.
  "What?" Tony's confusion is clear and obvious in his tone. 
  "I just-," I start but can't seem to finish my sentence because it only makes me start bawling harder into his shirt - probably ruining the fabric. 
  However, Tony doesn't seem to mind as he patiently traces circles on my back with his hand. It doesn't take long for him to guess, "Bad dream?"
  "We lost you, Tony. We lost everyone," I elaborated on the nightmare.
  Tony's hold on me tightens but he continues to comfort me by promising, "It was just a dream. Everyone's fine."
  There's a moment of silence and all that can be heard is my sniffling nose while I process Tony's words. A part of me just wants to believe him and try to forget the nightmare entirely. However, it's hard to do that when my mind is rushing around with dark thoughts.
  Eventually, I mumble into Tony's shoulder, "What if it does happen?"
  In reassurance, Stark strokes my hair and states, "It won't. And if it does then-... well, I guess you're prepared for it now. Besides, it won't be the end of the world."
  Not at all content with his response, I exclaim, "Tony!" Before pulling away from him to cross my arms indignantly.
  "Look, Sam, I can't promise that nothing will happen to us. But I can promise that if anything does happen, we'll get through it as a team," Tony claims. 
  My body relaxes at his words but I'm still crossing my arms. Even my eyes soften as I let his words sink it. Finally, I conclude the discussion by playfully snapping, "If you ever die on me, Tony Stark, I will kill you."
  Finally, that familiar smirk of his etches onto his features. That look always gets a smile from me and it even calms me down to the point that I let the nightmare slip from my mind. He's right, everything will be fine. However, then I realize that I don't know what to do now. The dream startled me so much that I'm not tired anymore so I peer around his workspace and realize that he's working on some more of his gadgets.
  After motioning to the pile of metal, wires, and tools, I ask, "Can I help?"
  "If it gets you back to sleep," Tony shrugs then takes the lead back to his workstation. I sit down on a bench and begin to watch him work. Whenever he asks for a tool, I hand it to him. Whenever he asks me to hold something, I keep it perfectly still. Other than the occasional requests from Tony, the room is quiet but it's peaceful. Being with Tony makes me realize that everything is alright. Nothing's changed.

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