Tim Doesn't Like Tasers

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  "Well-," I panted. "Thanks for helping, Conner."
  Agent Conner glared at me, "You know what Stark told me before he left? He made it very clear that 'if there is a scratch on her I will kill you myself'."
  I looked over my body, "Well... my knee is bleeding a little but I'm sure I can throw on some pants," I noticed my bloody knee that my shorts couldn't cover.
  Conner ran his hand threw his hair in frustration, "How did this happen?" he asked himself as he buried his face in his hands, stressfully.
  "I think a better question is how are we suppose to get out?" I pointed out, referring that Conner's car was outside and flipped upside down.
  Before Conner could answer my question there was a loud thud, so I glanced out of the window and saw that the War Machine - Rhodey - was thrown against a stone building. Luckily it wasn't near the bank, and I started wondering if everyone in there was going to be okay.
  "Conner! Rhodey needs help!" I cried as I pressed harder into the glass window, watching in anticipation.
  Conner sighed and shook his head, rubbing his forehead, "I'm already dead..." He sighed, "There's a taser in my glove box."
  I smirked and ran outside out of the restaurant, faster than Conner could blink. I glanced around the street for the black Dodge Charger and instantly spotted it. Running toward the car, I could see that Tim was walking towards the bank - which meant he knew there were people there. I got to the upside down car and tried to kick the window in but it only almost broke my foot. After, crying out a little in pain, I grabbed a metal piece of debris that was on the ground and smashed it against the Dodge Charger window crashing. The noise caused Tim to look my way, since he was already ticked at me, he started stomping towards me.
  Conner ran out of the restaurant, "Hey! Buddy! Over here you meat head!"
  Tim didn't like the compliment so he glowered toward the agent and picked up a car, throwing it towards him. Conner couldn't get out of the way in time as the car flew towards him, but luckily the car spun against the ground and stopped before hitting the agent. Unfortunately, one of the car doors opened and smacked against Conner's body, throwing him a few feet away.
  "No!" I shrieked, worried instantly about Conner, but then Tim turned towards me. He was far enough away that I had time so I crawled through the smashed window of Conner's car and searched for the glove box. It was disorienting because the car was upside down, and I had to look up for the glove compartment. I could hear Tim getting closer to the car so I ignored the pain that was coming from my shins because I was crawling on glass. I fiddled with the glove box but it was jammed. "Crap!" I muttered, trying to get the compartment open but soon Tim was right outside of the opposite window of the car. Tim didn't try to get in, he just kicked the car and it launched back, slamming into a nearby pole. I tumbled out of the broken window and groaned in pain as my head was pounding. I looked up and saw that the glove box had finally opened and the taser was sprawled on the roof of the vehicle. I clenched my jaw in determination, then bolted towards the car again. I slipped inside and grabbed the taser. Tim was on the other side where the window was broken, trying to walk around the car to get me but now I was on the opposite side where the window was still intact. I muttered to myself in agitation and kicked at the car window. I started slamming both of my feet against the window until it finally shattered.
  I took a deep breath and crawled out of the window. By now, Tim was close to the other side and was just a few feet away from me. I reacted as I pointed the weapon towards the super strength man, in a threatening way, "I will taser you if you don't get back!" I yelled, but my voice cracked in fear. Tim looked fuming as he glared at me. The weapon was a taser gun so I could shoot from a distance, so when Tim stepped toward me I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.
  Tim stood there, shaking as bolts of electricity were zapped through his body. I couldn't help but sigh as the taser worked, but the man wasn't going down. He stood there for a few minutes, taking the pain, but eventually he got bored and ripped the cords from his chest. Tim stepped closer to me, now even more enraged, so my eyes widened and I stepped away slowly.
  I flinched, closing my eyes while I expected to be pummeled to the ground. Usually, you're suppose to run when someone is about to kill you but I was too shocked. I whimpered when it felt like a metal wall was slammed into me; which it doesn't hurt as bad as it sounds.
  "I got you," a voice mumbled soothingly. I opened my eyes and found myself in Rhodey's arms - well, his metal suit arms -, which I would've been fine with but Rhodey started flying higher. I squeaked in fear and buried my face into his metal shoulder. The War Machine noticed how fearful I was so he tightened his grip, "I'm not going to drop you," he reassured me. I felt a bump and Rhodey released his grip on me but I thought we were still in the air so I held onto him tighter. Finally he exclaimed, "Sam! Look!"
  I opened my eyes and found that he was standing on top of a building, so my feet found the floor. I cleared my throat in embarrassment, "Thanks, Rhodey..."
  "Are you okay?" he touched my shoulder to comfort me.
  "Yeah," I answered but my voice squeaked into a higher octave, then a tear forced itself out of my eye. I quickly wiped my cheek and blushed, hoping that Rhodey didn't notice; he did. I scratched the back of my neck and avoided eye contact.
  "Sam, you were brave today," Rhodey stated so I looked back at him as he smiled. "Now, I'm going to get your babysitter, will you be okay here?"
  I nodded quickly, trying to stand up straighter like I was brave, but I think it only made me look even more terrified. Rhodey's mask covered his face again and he launched off of the building in his rockets. I watched as War Machine flew towards Tim, almost breaking the sound barrier, as he launched his fist and connected with Tim's face. Tim flew back a mile and Rhodey flew up in the air, scanning for Conner. When he found the agent he picked him up and I watched as Rhodey flew back towards me while carrying Conner bridal style toward the building. I would've found it funny but I was still too shocked to laugh.
  Rhodey set Conner on the building and Rhodey's mask lifted, "Are you okay, man?"
  "My head hurts, but I'll live," Conner reassured us, while massaging his temples.
  Rhodey nodded then he turned back toward me, "See you around, Sam."
  I knew that meant he was about to go and kick Tim's butt, so I stepped toward Rhodey and wrapped my arms around the metal suit. Rhodey embraced me back, as he took the gesture as a 'thank you' and we eventually had to let go. James Rhodes smiled at me then he lowered his metal mask and flew off, again.
  Conner and I stood on top of a building for a few minutes, until I sighed and found a door. I took the lead as we walked down a staircase off of the roof. We finally got back to the street and we didn't waste time running away from the danger of the street. This time, I followed Conner as we ran away from the scene of the fight.
  Finally, we got deeper into the city that wasn't affected by Tim, so we hopped on a bus that would take us into the town where we needed to go. It seemed like it took a while because everyone was staring at both me and Conner. Although, Conner looked slightly worse because he had a huge gash on his head that wouldn't stop bleeding. The wound was bigger, while mine were smaller but there was more cuts and bruises on me. I was worn out, Conner was in pain. Conner was bleeding while I was wanting to sleep. The bus stopped and we hopped off while I helped Conner to the elevator because he was getting light-headed from the blood loss. We got in the elevator after some struggle then I pressed the button and we started heading up toward the living room.

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