Iron Man's Helper

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   Rhodey stormed back into Tony's office, so I followed behind him, and he stomped toward his suit. Rhodey pressed a button and his suit started to attach to him like he was magnetic. The mask compressed to his face and he was completely in the suit, which looked awesome by the way. Rhodey could see that I was getting a kick out of the suit so he started posing and modeling, showing off in the armor.
   "See? I'm much better looking in this suit than Tony is," he boasted through the metal.
   I snickered, "Of course, but are your tricks better than Tony's?"
  The iron clanked together as he crossed his arms, he looked like he was in thought of what to do or what to show. Rhodey jumped up off of his feet then started falling back towards the ground but before he touched the floor a burst of fire came rocketing out of his iron shoes. He was hovering now. I could feel the heat coming from his shoes and Rhodey did a hovering back flip, inside the office. Somehow he managed not to touch anything or break anything while he showed off, like he was very familiar with the suit and it's functions. Rhodey glanced back at the shattered window, then he started flying towards it and he slipped outside. He lifted his heavy looking, metal arms and started spinning in the air. Fire started shooting out of the palms of his hands and soon he was going so fast that he looked liked a giant firework, spinning right in front of me.
  My eyes widened and my mouth dropped, "Woah..."
  Rhodey slowed down and eventually stopped spinning. The palms of his hands pointed towards the sky and he started firing balls of heat and energy towards the clouds. He leaned back and put his chest toward the sky, firing a huge ray of light towards the sky. The ball of energy coming from the suit's chest seemed to also be the weapon for the armor because it looked like it could do some damage to someone.
  Rhodey leaned up and opened the face mask again, showing a grin form on his face, "So?"
  "That was so cool! But, Tony usually takes me to the roof," I smiled, and lied through my teeth.
  Rhodey sighed but flew back into the building and picked me up, then he slowly hovered back outside. I pressed my hands harder against the suit, clenching Rhodey so I wouldn't fall. I could feel the gravity try to pull me towards the ground but the man was not going to let me go, even if he tries I was holding on so tight that I wasn't going to fall no matter what. The feeling of the ground was freaking me out so I didn't look down, I just looked at Rhodey's shiny, smooth suit. We finally started lowering and he place my feet on the stable floors of the roof. My legs felt a little shaky but I soon caught my balance. Even though my head was telling me not to, I glanced over and peeked off of the edge, looking down at the ground of the streets below. I leaned back away from the edge to catch my breath, it was terrifying looking down but it was also cool how much of a view that Tony had in his building.
  "This is pretty cool," I breathed.
  "Am I more fun, yet?" Rhodey smirked, boastfully.
  "Uh, yeah!" I replied like it was obvious. The sky was clear and there were no clouds in sight, making the day look even more pretty. The air had the heat of the sun sprayed in it but the wind made the heat pleasant, it was the best summer weather you could have, you could even taste it. The feeling of summer felt refreshing and I felt like I could stay up there forever. I glanced at Rhodey and noticed that he was ready to get back inside so I smiled one more time, feeling the air then nodded. "That was fun," hinting that I wanted to go back inside, too.
  Rhodey nodded then he carried me back into the broken window and he put me down. He glanced back towards the window, "I feel kind of bad that I smashed through it... But at the same time I don't," Rhodey shrugged.
  I smiled and nodded, understanding what he was talking about, "So, tell me about the suit. How does it work?"
  "Well, first, the sensors indicated where to connect to, actually forming the suit. One way to work it, you can talk to it and order what you want it to do. Another way was if you fold your hand a certain way it will sense what you want it go do," Rhodey explained.
  "Ohh... Can I try?"

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