What About Now

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  The light from the sun burst through the window so I opened my eyes and noticed that the curtains were pulled back. I sighed as I figured I forgot to close them last night but now I was too awake to go back to sleep. My head tilted as I glanced at the clock beside my bed; 12:49.
  I launched up in the bed, still staring at the time. I couldn't believe I had been asleep that late in the day. So, without wasting any more daylight, I hopped up, took a shower, and got ready for the day. Then I stepped out of my bedroom and into the living room where Tony was laying on the couch.
  "Morning," I mumbled.
  Tony twisted his body to sit up and see me. Since there was space on the couch, I sat down beside him and took a deep breath.
  "How'd you sleep?" Tony broke the silence. 
  I shrugged as a reply, "Good enough." Then I turned my head to look at Tony, noticing his tired eyes. "What about you?" I questioned, already figuring the answer. 
  Tony scratched the back of his neck, he must've known that I could already tell he was tired from the tone of my voice, "Yeah, not very good."
  I smiled and huffed, leaning my head against his shoulder, "Does that mean you're not up to doing anything today?"
  "What would you want to do?" Tony challenged. 
  I pursed my lips in thought, "I don't know. Something relaxing, like go to the park."
  "Well, actually-," Tony started but was interrupted by a loud ringing. Stark groaned, "Seriously?"
  "What is that?" I asked as it rang in the background.
  "Well, it's kind of like a home-phone," Tony answered then frowned as it kept ringing but he didn't seem to want to answer it.
  I smiled, "I'll get it... Where-?"
  Before I could ask, Tony pointed over to a corner. I walked over to the other part of the living room then found the phone looking machine. For being a home-phone, it was very advanced in technology like everything else in Tony's house. So, I slipped the phone off of the table and clicked a button.
  "Tony Stark residence," I answered. 
  "Is this Samantha Hadley?" a nasally voice questioned. 
  I paused to wonder how they knew that but I shook the thought off as I answered, "Yes, this is Sam. Who's this?"
  "This is Kelly Keeton from the NYAC and I was just calling to confirm the time of pickup," the voice replied. 
  I narrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "'Time of pickup'?"
  Kelly explained, "Yes, we're scheduled to have you back at the adoption center in thirty minutes so we can drop you off to your new foster parent." 
  My heart dropped into my stomach and I found it harder to breath, "You found someone?"
  "We did," the voice commented.
  "Aren't you suppose to give notice or something?" I became snappy quick.
  The woman didn't seem to notice my tone as she claimed, "We talked to Mr. Stark the other day to confirm the time."
  "What?" I hissed.
  "Just wondering, are you going to be able to come in as planned?" Kelly wondered.
  It's not like I could've just canceled Tony's plan so I spoke slowly, "Uh... Yes..."
  "Great! We'll see you soon!" then there was a click and the conversation was over.
  I was frozen for a few heartbeats but I finally set the phone down. Slowly, I turned my body to look at Tony. He was looking at me with his eyebrow raised as if to wonder what the conversation was about. 
  It seemed like Stark was about to ask something but I cut him off by asking, "When were you gonna tell me?!"
  "About what?" he requested.
  I crossed my arms, "About the adoption center!"
  Tony looked taken aback but then he quickly stood off of the couch, "Sam-."
  "What? When was I going to figure it out? When you dump me off at that place!" I raised my voice.
  So, Tony raised his, "Sam! Stop!"
  However, I was too furious to shut up, "Gah! You're JUST like everyone else! Aren't you?!"
  "Sam, please calm down," he begged.
  I bit my lip and clenched my fists, "When did they call you? When did you find out?"
  Tony paused then answered, "A few days ago... When we were working on your suit."
  That felt like a stab in the back, "You kept this from me for that long? Why didn't you tell me?"
  "I didn't want you to be bummed out, like... now," he pointed out.
  It wasn't like I could've stopped the event. I knew it was going to happen eventually and I should've been more ready. Was I mad at the fact that he didn't tell me or was it something else? Maybe because I was upset that I was leaving at all but it's not like I could stay here, right? It's not like Tony wanted me here anyway.
  After the long pause, Tony broke the silence, "Sam, are you okay?"
  I exhaled slowly then nodded, "Yeah, sorry about getting snappy. I guess I'm still tired... Is there anything else you forgot to mention?"
  Stark froze then shifted his glance, "Um... Well... -."
  Everything seemed to be interrupting Tony lately as the elevator doors swung open. An exhausted Pepper appeared from behind the door as she walked onto the floor with files in one hand and a suitcase in the other. "Tony?" Ms. Potts called then her eyes connected with ours. A smile immediately appeared on her drained expression, "Let me go put this stuff down real quick."
  "Take your time," Tony smiled, so Pepper left to put her stuff down. Tony glanced back at me and gave me a hesitant look, "Oh, yeah. Pepper's coming home."
  I glared at the man, "I hate you."
  Stark grinned like he was relieved that I wasn't angry as if I was going to overreact. "As long as we're on good terms."
  "Who could ever be mad at the Tony Stark?" I joked since apparently a lot of people could be mad at Tony.
  Tony rolled his eyes, "A lot more than I thought."
  I shrugged, "Gee, I wonder why."
  Then he paused but added, "And thanks, Sam. I don't know how that would've turned out if you weren't there."
  "Probably a lot smoother," I smirked.
  Stark chuckled and shook his head, "Seriously, though. Thanks, Sam."
  Before I could say anything, Pepper came back into the living room with a smile on her face and my bags in her hands. I was so not expecting her to have gotten my bags but there she was with them, since she was such a nice woman. Then she commented, "I wish we could've had time to do something, Sam."
  "Maybe next time," I suggested, but it was more of a hinting question.
  "Definitely. We can still talk in the car since I'm going to drop you off," Pepper informed me, then she glanced at her time and her look softened, "Like... soon?"
  I quickly nodded, "Yeah, of course." Then I turned toward Tony, "Well, then. I guess I'll see you around?"
  Tony slipped his hands in his pockets, awkwardly, then he answered, "Totally... And it was great to have you this summer."
  I lifted and dipped my head in a nod, then I gawkily stepped toward the elevator.
  However, Tony quickly cut in, "Sam."
  I turned my head to look at him but noticed that he took a step towards me and he did the most shocking thing; he wrapped his arms around me.

  At first, I was definitely surprised, "Are you hugging me?"

  "Are you ruining the moment?" Tony shot back.

  I smirked then squeezed him back. We stood there for a few moments just surprised that he actually showed affection, alas we had to pull back so I smiled and waved bye to Tony Stark as I stepped into the elevator. The elevator closed in front of us and I can feel the emotions start to race but I held them back as I stared at the metal doors.
  Pepper turned her head to look at me, "So, how was the summer?"

  I nodded, "It was good."

  Ms. Potts smiled, "What did you guys do?"

  I paused in thought. There was so much I could say, about everything. There were even things that I couldn't say but it was definitely a rollercoaster. So, I pondered the thought of how to explain this. Finally, I replied, "Where do I begin..."  

Sam: A Summer With My Uncle (Tony Stark fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now