We Get Wet

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  The next day came without incident but the days went by in the blink of an eye. I was even loosing count at how long I had been here but it seemed like I'd been staying here for a while. I had gotten to know Tony a little bit and realized, yeah, he was still boastful and full of himself about everything. But! He was pretty funny and thoughtful when he wanted to be. I even forgot that he was my uncle because of his laidback demeanor and it was always 'call me Tony'. So it was more like he was a very irresponsible, narcissistic, self-centered, egotistical babysitter but the kind that lets you do anything so he was cool with me.
  The only problem was that Tony was always so busy. Of course, he would find time to do something with me but - most of the time - it was up to me to busy myself and find something fun to do in this giant tower of a building. If I didn't, I would die of boredom before the summer ended. 
  It was a few hours in the afternoon and I had just fixed my hair, grabbed my phone then opened my bedroom door. I walked passed the living room and into his office until I saw Tony sitting at his desk in the corner of the room. "Tony, can I have some money?" I asked as I started looking for my car keys, remembering that I had left them in here.
  A few seconds passed by but Tony snapped out of his work and turned toward me while he twisted in his chair, "Why?"
  "I want to go shopping," I answered but wasn't looking at him because I was still in search of my keys. At first, I was hesitant to even ask him for the money to buy clothes but - for one - I knew he didn't mind and - two - I needed some new clothes.
  "How much?" Stark leaned back in his chair as he peered over at me.
  This caused me to stop the search for my keys and stand straight in thought, "Um..."
  Except, he just interrupted me, "You know what? Here," Tony grabbed his wallet from the counter and pulled out his card. Then he held it out toward me.
  My eyes widened and I looked at him like he had grown wings or something, "Seriously?"
  So Tony just shrugged like it was no big deal, "Yeah, you're responsible."
  Hesitantly, I slowly took the card. I acted as if something was going to happen if I even touched it; like the world would implode if I held his card. When I took the card between my index finger and thumb, I stared at him for a few seconds as if to make sure nothing exploded. Tony raised his eyebrow at my actions, so I gasped and grabbed him in a hug, "Thank you!"
  "I'm not use to the hugging..." Tony was trying to lean away from me.
  With a smile, I let go then I glanced at one of Tony's tables in his office and saw my keys. They jingled as I grasped them in my hand. I flashed him one more grin as a thank you and bolted out of the office and through the living room toward the elevator. Finally, there was one last beep and I stepped out of the elevator onto the bottom floor. I excitedly raced out of the metal box and instantly saw my car so I got in then turned it on.
  After following the directions on my phone, I pulled into the parking lot of the mall. The mall seemed pretty crowded but it didn't really bother me. I was able to get a parking spot close to the building, so I got out of my car and locked the doors, then trekked into the mall. Usually, I had friends to go with and help me pick out stuff but I didn't see anyone I recognized - of course - so I was forced to shop by myself.


  By the time I walked out of the mall I had quite a few bags in my hands, but not too many because I didn't want to spend a whole lot. So, I got to my car and threw the bags in the back then started driving back to Tony's. When I got back, I realized how long I stayed out at the mall since the time just flew by and it was almost dark. With the bags in my hands, I went into the elevator and pressed a button to one of the top floors. After they opened up, I went to my bedroom and put all of the bags up.
  When I walked out of my bedroom I noticed Tony sitting on the couch and watching the news, "Hey Sam, can you hand me the remote? It's over there."
  My gaze followed his motions until I could see the remote on the counter. Even though I had to set my keys there anyway, I still rolled my eyes. After setting my keys down, I picked up the remote and sauntered toward Tony, "You want a cane, too?" I teased, calling him old, again.
  "I'm sorry, what was that? I can't hear anything," Tony joked as sarcasm filled his words. Tony didn't even bother looking at me as he shot his playful glare to the tv.
  After letting out a giggle, I pressed, "Need to retire soon?"
  "What?!" he asked louder as if he still couldn't hear. Tony shrugged then stood up, "I don't know, maybe I need to find a way to make you speak louder," he suggested in his regular voice as Stark stalked toward me threateningly. Before I could react to the menacing strides he was taking, Tony lifted me up and over his shoulder in one, swift motion. 
  In shock by his actions, a yelp slipped from my lips as I nervously questioned, "What? Tony, what are you talking about?" 
  No matter how much I tried to squirm out of his grip, Tony held on tighter - since he was a lot stronger than me - as he kept a straight face, "Well, if I throw you off of the building then I think I can hear you when you're screaming."
  "Haha, Tony," I muttered sarcastically. When he didn't let off, I hissed, "Very funny, now put me down."
  Alas, Stark was strolling toward the door that led to the balcony with me helplessly on his shoulder, "At least you'll get an amazing view of the stars."
  This got a nervous laugh from me but I admitted, "Tony, please, I am terrified of heights."
  "Oh, is that so?" Tony hinted surprise but he didn't let up.
  "Come on... Tony! I was joking!" I was begging now but Tony was determined to keep up his little joke. So I caved in, "I'm sorry, you're not old." But he didn't even look at me, "You're not actually going to throw me off!"
  Tony turned me towards the edge of the balcony so I could actually see the concrete below the giant building, "It'll be a long fall," he was taunting.
  This caused my eyes to bug out of their sockets and my grip on Tony tightened so hard that I wouldn't be surprised if I had made indentions on his skin, "Tony! Tony, stop!" The closer I got to the edge, I freaked out and squeezed my eyes shut. 
  "Bye Sam," was the last thing Tony said."
  A blood-curdling scream slipped from my lips when Stark dropped me. I thought I was going to fall longer than I did but I touched down pretty quick. It was quiet but then I realized that something swallowed me up. It took me a while until I realized I could swim up, so I got to the surface. When I poked my head out of the water, I could hear Tony laughing hysterically at my reaction.
  "You are such a jerk!" I cried while the glare that I shot him could kill. 
  "I'm sorry but that was too good," he was still laughing.
  As he continued his shenanigans of laughter, I took the time to look around at the balcony and realized the pool was in the concrete. I had never realized the pool before and it would've been a positive revelation if it weren't for the circumstances. My clothes were now soaking wet, for the second time since being at his house and my heart was beating way too fast. My glare harshened at Tony chuckling and I splashed water at him.
  "Woah, hey," he chimed up with a smile as he stepped away from the water. Although, I just splashed him some more so he was wet either way as Tony took a few steps back then ran and jumped into the pool, doing a flip in the air.
  I rolled my eyes, "Show off," I muttered while he was underwater. When Stark splashed back up, I sloshed water at him again so he did the same back. I dove underwater quickly then leaped back up, bringing a wave of water with me. "I'm getting you back, one day!" I protested to the man.
  Tony huffed and rolled his eyes, so I tackled him and tried to push him under the water. Luckily, Tony complied at first and went under but he lifted me up in the air when he came back up, then threw me away and back into the water. We splashed around for a while, not caring for our soaking wet clothes until it got really late and the day ended.

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