Beaten and Bruised

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  It was pitch black. Even if I tried to blink I couldn't see anything. Suddenly, I felt very compressed in the space and I wondered how I was going to get out. With just a slight push the suit that covered me gave way and opened to the night sky. I shot up and gasped the air in, while my brain was still processing what just happened.
  Then, I glanced up and noticed that I was right under Clyde's robot. So, I realized that the scientist was about to take another step but where I had fired the huge blast was a hole that soon started to break when he moved. Good news, the suit was starting to crumble. Bad news, the suit was starting to crumble. It was good news because that means that I had beat Clyde but bad news because all of the metal pieces were about to fall right on top of me.
  Frankly, I was too exhausted to move and my suit wasn't working so I figured that I wouldn't be able to move in time anyway. I flinched as I heard the suit start to fall apart around me and I decided to close my eyes so I wouldn't see the chunk of metal coming. 
  Eventually, the thumps and thuds of the metal suit breaking apart had ceased and oddly enough I was still alive since I wasn't wearing my suit and the debris could've easily killed me. I fluttered my eyes open and peered up to see Tony blocking any piece of metal that might hurt me.
  When it was over, Tony glanced down at me and lifted his face mask, "Are you good?"
  I nodded slowly, "For the most part... What about Dr. Clyde?"
  Tony gave me a quick look that I couldn't read but then he turned to the pile of debris and metal, however, I couldn't see anything beyond the pile of hardware. "I think we should let the police finish this up," Tony suggested.
  "Already called them," a voice sounded behind me.
  So I turned my head and smiled when I saw Rhodey approaching us, then he too lifted his face shield "Are you okay, Rhodey?" I asked.
  "Beaten and bruised but alive," he answered with a grin.
  Then Tony commented, "Well, it looked like you were getting your ass handed to you. Seems like you're getting rusty there, partner." 
  "Me? Rusty?" Rhodey started, obviously about to go on a rant when he raised his eyebrow, "You should've seen the way you fought."
  "What? No! Well, you-," Stark started, childishly.
  Then I intervened, "Both of you! Shut up! I'm already tired as it is."
  "As soon as the police arrive, we can leave," Tony offered, not getting offended at the fact that I yelled at them.

  Of course, it took a long time until any authorities showed up, but eventually we were surrounded by sirens and people in uniforms scoping out the area.
  I was left sitting on the side while the two adults talked to the police about what happened. It looked like they were keeping it short so it didn't take long for them to come back toward me.
  "So?" I asked, looking up at the two.
  Tony's gaze lowered, "Clyde didn't make it. Smashed by his own machine."
  My heart dropped then my head lowered and I closed my eyes. No matter what Dr. Clyde said or did, he did not deserve to go down that way. Was it my fault? I was the one to shoot that blast that caused his suit to go down. 
  "Hey, what's wrong?" Tony snapped me out of my thoughts as he kneeled down beside me, since I was sitting on a metal pole from the construction site that was turned over.
  I cleared my throat then hugged my arms from the cool night air, "I just want to go home..."
  Tony raised to his feet so Rhodey turned his head and stated, "It's pretty late, she probably needs to get some sleep."
  "What time is it?" I mumbled, obviously feeling exhausted, sore, and drained. 
  Rhodey checked the time that his suit provided for him then he raised his eyebrows, "Wow, it's almost five o'clock."
  "Well, that settles it. We're going to get you home," Tony promised, giving me a small smile. 
  I stood up then peered behind me, "What about my suit?"
  The two adults paused then Tony answered, "You just get in the car. Rhodey and I will get it."
  I nodded then turned to walk toward the car. In the process hearing Tony ask, "How are you getting home, Rhodey?"
  "I'll probably just take the suit. Seeing as how I didn't bring a car," he pointed out.
  Even though I was getting farther away, I could still hear as Tony replied, "I didn't really plan for any of this to happen."
  "I know," Rhodey claimed, his voice getting softer.
  "I just hope she's okay-," Tony started but that's when I closed the car door behind me.
  I sat in the passenger's seat and stared out of the window toward the horizon at the stars and how bright they were compared to the dark sky. My body was weak but my mind was still rolling with thoughts. Thinking about what-ifs, regrets, and mostly about the future. Like, what was I going to do tomorrow? However, all I could think about now is how comfortable a bed would feel right now and I all I wanted to do was sleep.
  Finally, Tony slipped into the car and started it up. The car started moving and I could feel it reach the road. Slowly, my adrenaline was fading away so the longer I had my eyes open the harder it became to keep them open.
  I surely thought that I would've fallen asleep before we would get to the house but I managed to stay awake as we pulled into the garage. My thoughts were probably the ones to keep me awake.
  It took all of the energy I had left in me to get out of the car and walk to the elevator. At last, the doors opened to one of the top floors where my bedroom was so I waved back at Tony to signal that I was heading to bed.
  "We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" Tony urged.
  I nodded the answer then turned my body and headed back to my bedroom. As quickly as I could, I changed into my night clothes then I leaped into my bed. The comforter was so gentle that it made my body relax even more. I squeezed under the covers and found my eyes slowly closing.

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