The Ways of The Suit

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  A piece of metal pulled away from the silver suit that was hanging on its hinges then it charged towards me. The piece connected to my hand and it threw my limb back but I kept my balance. Then another chunk of metal attached to my shin. More pieces flew at my body and it was pushing me back, slightly. I threw my hands up to shield my face instinctively as the suit attached to me. The room got silent and I pulled my hands away from my face and glanced down. The suit fitted me perfectly, and it was still tight but breathable. The metal shined against the silver color and I thought it looked pretty amazing! "Cool!" I smirked, looking at the suit.
  WHAM! The metal face mask slammed right into my face and launched me backward onto my back. The suit, surprisingly, absorbed the fall so the landing didn't hurt but it still dazed me. I looked up at Tony when I heard him chuckling, and saw - through the eye sockets of the suit - that he was smiling down at me. I groaned as I tried to get back on my feet.
  "It's heavy, Tony!" I complained.
  Stark rolled his eyes, "Com'on, you can stand up!"
  I rolled over on my stomach and pushed up with my arms. I had super strength in the suit! The silver armor felt like it was doing all of the heavy liftings. It made me feel light on my feet which made an idea pop into my head, "What about flying?"
  "Your suit will allow you to jump, so, when you do, flick your ankles," Tony instructed.
  I hesitated, doubting that I could jump in such a heavy set of armor, but I listened to Tony and I jumped up in the air. It almost felt natural to kick up with my feet and the rockets kicked in. I stumbled in the air - if it's possible to do so - because I was trying to get my balance. "Whoa!" I cried in joy and tried to move around in the air. Stepping in the air was almost impossible, so I slipped - in air, might I add - and fell backward as my rockets turned off. I fell hard on my back, again. 
  Tony winced at the action, "Yeah... We need to practice that."
  I got back on my feet and forced the face mask to lift, "Can I have a cool superhero name too?"
  Tony couldn't help but laugh at the idea then he shook his head, "How about we learn the suit first? Come on," he walked back towards the elevator so I kept my suit on as I followed him. In the elevator, I noticed that the suit made me stand up taller, but I still wasn't as tall as Tony, yet. It took a while but the elevator doors finally opened up to reveal where we were.
  "The roof?" I looked around at the sky, birds flying over our heads, skyscrapers in the distance. It was a pretty nice view if I didn't look down.
  Tony flicked his wrist and a piece of metal flew out of nowhere and connected to his wrist, "Pretty cool, right?" Then he did the most unexpected thing, he stepped off of the roof.
  I gasped and stepped forward, holding my hand out as if I could catch him, "Tony!" I screamed.
  As soon as his foot left the roof, one of his rockets attached to his foot and kept him balanced. Soon his whole suit started to connect to him, and - eventually - his body was covered in his red suit, except for his face. "Come on," Tony held his hand out as he floated off of the roof.
  I stepped closer to the edge and looked down, instantly getting dizzy so I backed away, "I can't..."
  "Sam, your suit will catch you," Tony promised.
  I looked forward and into Tony's eyes since he wasn't wearing his face mask, then I stepped forward. I decided not to look down and just look at Tony as I stepped toward the edge. I tensed up but stepped off of the building. My body leaned off of the building then I panicked and tensed, forgetting to start my rockets. Tony launched forward and caught me.
  "It's okay. I got you," he reassured me. "Now, put your rockets on."
  I flicked my ankles and the rockets at my feet came to life. Tony slowly let me go as I got my bearings but I still held onto his hand, in fear. Tony didn't mind holding onto my hand as he guided me away from the tower. The only way I could explain it is that it felt like swimming. If you're a kid and you first learn how to swim as you go in the deep end, and you need someone there just so you don't drown. The air was as free as water and if you didn't have the movements down then you would more than likely drown... or fall to your doom - either or. Tony finally let go of my hand and he started picking up the pace away from the tower.
  "Are we going somewhere?" I asked while trying to focus at the same time. 
  "Yeah, I want to practice somewhere. But not here because I don't want you to wreck the place," he teased but got faster. I tried to keep up with his pace and soon, Tony was flying through the air. I was lagging behind so I flicked my wrist and forced the rockets on my palms to start so I could catch up. Watching Rhodey and Tony work the suit really helped a lot for me to understand how to work it. I caught up to Tony pretty quickly so then he smiled at me, then he put his face mask back on and zipped through the sky. I followed his lead and kept pace with him.
  Soon we got to a clearing with no buildings, people, or anything that I could possibly destroy, just some trees. The landing was rough, as I neared the ground I turned the rockets off too early and didn't stick the landing real great. Luckily, I landed on my hands and knees, which didn't hurt at all because the suit absorbed the fall. I quickly got back on my feet and looked at Tony, wondering what we were going to do next. 
  Tony stepped to the side and the suit seemed to melt off of him as he stepped away from the armor. The suit kept its shape as it stood firm on the ground while Tony walked away from it. He jogged towards me, "Alright, let's practice." Tony grabbed my arm and held up the metal armor. "Hold your hand like that," Tony explained as he pointed to his own suit with my arm. Tony moved my hand in a certain way then he glanced at me, "Can you feel that?"
  I nodded as I felt energy start to build in the palm of my hand. It felt like the pressure was building in my hand and Tony urged my hand forward, which made a blast of energy shoot out of my palm. The pressure in my hand released as soon as the shot was fired, and the ball of energy hit Tony's suit but the armor held strong against the attack. 
  "I'm not going to show you, but you can do that with your chest. Only do it when you need to because the attack is very powerful and it uses a lot of energy that drains your suit," Tony explained.
  I looked down at my palms, "So, this is the only weapon I have in this suit?"
  "You have to remember that I did all of this last night," Stark pointed out. "And, when you leave it here, I can work on it more."
  I knit my eyebrows together, "I can't take it with me?"
  Tony shot me a look, "No, it's a weapon that could hurt someone so it stays here. But, it is still technically yours." 
  I wasn't too bummed out about it so I smiled, "Thanks for this, Tony."
  Tony smirked, "No problem. Now practice!"

(Sorry the updates are slow, guys, but the story gets exciting so please be patient! And thank you guys for sticking with the story and voting and commenting and just being awesome, and I appreciate it a lot!
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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