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Last night went by quickly when Tony woke me up in the car and I had to walk from the elevator to my bedroom. I changed as fast as I could so I could finally rest in my bed. Considering how tired I was, I was surprised when I hardly got any sleep for whatever reason. Leaving me even more restless because I just wanted to sleep.
Morning came slowly but I opened my eyes and forced myself to get up. It was earlier than I usually got up but I knew that my body wouldn't let me sleep any later. I took a shower, threw some clean clothes on, and got ready for the day. The bags under my eyes were noticeable as I stared in the mirror so I covered my face with my hands and groaned. Finally, I walked out of my bedroom and into the living room.
I glanced around to find Tony but he wasn't watching TV in the living room, he wasn't in the kitchen, and he wasn't in his bedroom. I glanced at the elevator door where Tony placed a sticky note once but there wasn't any message on the elevator door. "Tony?" I called, wondering if he was in another room I didn't check, but there was no answer. Either Stark was abducted by aliens or he was on another floor. "JARVIS, where is Tony?" I questioned.
"He's on the second to last floor. Or just level two, whichever you prefer to call it," the computer answered.
"Thank you," I called to the A.I. then went toward the elevator. It seemed to take a while, like always, because Stark's tower was so tall. The elevator dinged and the doors opened up to reveal a garage looking room. It was like the parking garage that was on the lowest floor but it was also different. This floor had a few cars here and there but their hoods were up, there were missing tires, missing doors, it just looked like they needed to be repaired. There were even some metal suits that were hanging up, waiting to be repaired. Also, there were some mechanical arm looking robots that seemed to be used as tools. Speaking of tools, there were tool boxes scattered across the room in different areas and pieces of metal lying around.
"Whoa," I mumbled.
"Ow!" I heard a thump and a voice mutter, then cuss under their breath. I instantly knew that it was Tony but I couldn't see him, until he slid from under a car. Tony had a tool in his hand as he looked toward me, "You scared the daylights out of me."
I blushed and smiled, "Sorry..." I shifted around in the position that I was in then I took a few steps toward Tony, who was across the garage. "So, what are you up to?" I wondered.
Tony picked himself up off the ground and brushed himself off, "Well, I was trying to see the pipe that connects to the engine and the gas, also there should be some kind of wire connected to-," he started but realized how confused I looked so he summed it up, "It helps me think so I can work on my suits."
"Oh..." I nodded, and watched Tony walk over to one of his unfinished suits. "Need any help?" I offered.
Tony turned his head toward me and lifted his eyebrow, "Yeah, you think you're up for it?"
I nodded quickly then jogged over to the suit with Tony. I knew I wasn't good with fixing anything or mechanics but I was good at following directions so I hoped I couldn't mess up too bad. The suit seemed to be halfway finished, but it didn't have legs yet. The metal stopped above the waist and there were wires and mechanical technology hanging off of the stomach of the suit.
"Why do you need so many suits?" I questioned, looking at the new suit.
"This is just a prototype," Tony explained, as he gathered some tools.
I narrowed my eyebrows, "Wait, so you're never going to use this suit?"
Tony shook his head, "No, it's more like my guinea pig of suits."
I nodded to show that I understood then I stepped closer to the suit to examine it more. There were some wires that didn't seem to be connected to anything so it definitely looked unfinished. Tony knelt down to look under the metal suit and he started fiddling with the wires inside.
I shifted uncomfortably, "It won't shock you, will it?"
"There's no power connected to it, so it shouldn't," Tony explained, then grunted as he tried to move one of the wires.
The technology looked very intimidating and I was surprised that Tony had built all of this. Watching him start to fiddle with the mechanism was impressive as his forehead creased to show he was focused. I glanced around the workshop again then back at the suit, "And it won't fall on you?" I wondered. I wasn't trying to be negative but I knew that the suits were dangerous and it made me worry a little. The suit was hung up by hinges so it didn't touch the ground and it was hung up to match Tony's height. Tony was under the suit to be able to get inside the technology and fix the inside of it, so it made me nervous if the hinges broke.
Tony pulled away from the suit to look at me and he raised his eyebrow at my question, but he changed the topic, "Can you hand me that tool box over there?" Stark had one hand in the suit to hold his work together and he used the other hand to point across the garage.
I followed his gaze to the tool box and I jogged toward it. I picked it up then looked at the tools inside, which some seemed very odd to me and others were very simple; there were just a lot of different tools in the box. The tools inside clanked together as I set the tool box beside Tony.
He released one of his hands to feel around in the box but he couldn't seem to find the right tool. Tony turned his head to look in the box but then there was a snap from the machine he was working on so he had to turn his attention back to the suit. Tony growled in agitation then he asked towards me, "Sam, can you get me the pliers?"
Pliers... I thought as I searched through the box. I pulled out a tool and handed it to Tony, hoping it was the right one but he didn't deny it so I knew it was the right one. Tony moved his hands around in the suit so I titled my head to see what he was doing but his hands were in the way.
"I need the energy capsule, it should be over there," Tony motioned with his head where it should be.
I stared at him, completely confused at this point, "Okay, I don't even think engineers or mechanics know what the heck that is!"
Tony sighed and shifted his body, "Alright, do you see how my hands are holding the wires?" He moved his hands enough in order for me to see so I nodded at how his hands were pressed against the machine. "Hold it, and I'll get the capsule."
I pushed myself underneath Tony, leaning into him, and I pushed my hands against his until my fingers were exactly how his were. Tony pressed against my fingers and made sure that I had it then he backed away. When he knew I was fine, he jogged to another part of the garage.
My arms started to feel heavy from leaving them in a held up position, and I glanced up at the wires that were in the machine, "Are you sure this won't turn me into barbecue?"
Tony scoffed as he searched for the energy capsule, "No..." then he paused and looked back at me, "Well... as long as I didn't put the capacitor in it..."
"Tony," I sighed but couldn't do anything about it now.
"Now, where did I put it?" Stark started getting frustrated as he looked for the tool.
I leaned away from the machine in anxiety, worried that the technology was going to blow up or something. I had to trust Tony, right? So, I bit my lip as I waited but he kept moving things around to find the capsule. "Please hurry," I begged, getting nervous. Tony kept looking and I started to wonder if he even heard me. "Is it suppose to smoke like that?" I broke the silence.
Tony shot around to look at me, "What?" he ran to the suit and looked around but didn't see anything obviously wrong with the mechanism. Tony glared at me, "Oh, haha," he muttered, with sarcasm.
I stuck my tongue out at him then I heard a crash from across the garage. I turned my head and saw a peculiar robot rolling towards us. The robot lifted its metal nose towards the suit and I turned my head toward Tony in curiosity but Tony's eyes widened.
"No! No!" Tony shouted towards the robot then stepped in front of the metal suit and stopped the robot. "No, it's not-"
PSHHHH! Too late... The robot was apparently a fire extinguisher because it sprayed foam toward the metal suit but, since Tony was in between the robot and the suit, the foam was all over Tony. I let go of the suit and covered my hands in shock, "Uh... Tony..."
Stark shot his glance toward me and narrowed his eyes, then he wiped the foam off of his face and flung it towards me. I squealed in surprise and stepped back. "Sam, you're hair is on fire!" Tony shouted.
We both knew that my hair was not on fire but the robot didn't know that so it raced towards me. I didn't want to be drenched in foam like Tony was so I screamed and ran away from the robot. The robot was fast so I jumped behind one of Stark's unfinished cars, "Tony! Call it off!" I pleaded. The robot tried to reach its nozzle behind the car but I only backed away further. The moving fire extinguisher managed to get behind the car so I crawled under the car. Yes, this was all because I didn't want to get sprayed. I found a cart with wheels under the car, one that helps you roll under the car to fix under a vehicle, but I used it to slide out from under the car and bolted away from the robot. I turned a corner in the garage and Tony was right there to grab me with his arms.
"Ha! Got you!" he exclaimed. Since there was foam all over Tony, and he wrapped his arms around me, the foam rubbed onto me.
"Ew!" I whined and pulled away, my clothes now smothered in the froth. I crossed my arms and pouted, "Not fair!"
Stark smirked and wiped some more foam off of his clothes and threw it at me. I flinched away and giggled, then Tony's phone began to ring. I frowned when Tony told me he had to take it, so he walked out of the garage and to some small room that was on the floor of the tower. I sat down on a nearby stool and waited for Tony to get back but then I heard little wheels start to roll again. The robot raced in front of me and had its nozzle in my face. "No! Bad robot," I scowled the robot. The machine seemed to stare at me, hesitantly, then - just when I thought it was about to leave - the robot shot a fist full of foam towards my face. I gasped at the incident and quickly tried to wipe away the froth, then I glared at the robot as it rolled away - pleased with itself.
A few minutes passed by and, finally, Tony came out of the little office - thing - and back into the garage. By the time that he got out, I was looking around the garage and going through the things that he had. I held some metal, cylindrical container in my hands. I stared at it but had no clue what it was.
"Now, are you going to actually help me with my suit?" Tony tested as he walked back into the garage.
"What is this?" I wondered and turned toward Stark with the container in my hands.
Tony looked over at me then his eyes lit up, "Hey! You found it!" So, I handed the container to Tony and he went back to his suit. I helped him as he fixed his suit up.

It didn't seem like a large amount of time passed but Tony glanced down at his phone after he wired something together in his suit, and his eyes widened, "Wow, it's that time already..."
I rubbed my sore eyes, "What time is it?"
"Well, we need to eat," Tony explained so I followed him back to the elevator. We got back to the top floor and Tony went straight to the kitchen, but I still had the foam in my hair so I went to my bedroom to get clean while Tony threw something together. When I got out, supper was ready so I grabbed a plate but Stark decided to clean up before he ate so he left to get in the shower. I was so hungry that I decided not to wait as I ate, but I ate the food slowly. It didn't take long for Tony to get out of the shower so he sat down and ate too.
When we were finished with supper, we both decided to go back to the garage. I followed back down to the garage and watched as Tony walked back over to his suit. I sat down on a bench in the workshop and watched him work on the machine. It was interesting to watch him fix things because he would get so focused on it that he zoned out everything else. I wasn't keeping track of time but I knew that hours were passing by quickly so I laid down on the bench that was just the length of my body, still watching Stark. I blinked but noticed that I couldn't open my eyelids because they were so heavy with sleep, since I didn't get much sleep the night before.

"Come on, Sam. Let's go to bed," Tony's voice came through softly. I managed to squint my eyes open but the light in the garage was irritating me so I shut my eyelids. Stark took a deep breath, which almost turned into a yawn, as he repeated patiently, "Come on. You can't sleep down here," Tony pointed out.
I groaned and rolled away from Tony, "I'm too tired."
There was a pause and I thought Tony was going to let me sleep down in the garage but then I felt his hands slide under my shoulder blades and under my legs. Then, he lifted me up into his arms and started walking toward the elevator. I kept my eyes closed as I let my head lean against him. The light in the elevator was bright as the doors closed, so I buried my face into Tony's chest to block out the blinding light. The elevator made the usual ding noise and the doors slid open so Tony continued to carry me bridal style through the living room and towards my bedroom.
"I'm not heavy, am I?" I mumbled, but it was a little muffled by his shirt.
"Of course not, princess," Tony answered with a lighthearted mocking tone. Tony walked into my bedroom then he gently set me down on my soft bed. He pulled the covers over my body and tucked me in. "Night, Sam," Tony murmured.
I yawned then replied, "Goodnight, Tony." I kept my eyes closed as I heard my door shut, then I rolled over and dozed off.

Sam: A Summer With My Uncle (Tony Stark fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now