The Cocktail Party

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  Tony started to walk toward the fancy door but my feet were frozen in place. My stomach was in knots and my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I had never been around rich people - except for Tony, but he hardly ever acted like one - because all of my foster parents didn't either have a lot of money or they wouldn't spend a cent on me. Higher class people made me nervous.
  Stark finally noticed that I didn't move towards the door so he glanced back at me. Tony took a deep breath then reached for my hand, "Come on, you'll be fine."
  I hesitantly followed Tony into the house as he walked in. The room was filled with a medium level noise of robotic laughter and clacking of shoes against the marble floor. The house seemed huge in width but it was only two stories. I tightened my grip on Tony's hand when people glanced at us. I knew that some looks were pointed towards me so I shied away from their gaze and I glanced down at the floor. Tony tugged me toward a group of people so I followed him but kept my head down. When we reached the group, I let his hand go, then one of the women that was talking in the group stopped and turned to Tony.
  "Tony Stark!" the woman beamed at my uncle. The woman was wearing a long, dark blue dress that went down to her ankles. It was high enough that I could see her shoes, that were silver high heels. The woman had dark brown hair that was pinned up into a perfect bun, and her makeup seemed way too heavy with blue eye-shadow, crimson lipstick, and thick foundation. 
  "Hey-?" Tony paused, trying to think of her name.
  The woman smiled to show her unnaturally white teeth, "April." 
  Tony nodded, "Right..."
  April looked down at me and shot me a fake smile, "And who is this angel? You look so... cute," the woman muttered - with a smile on her face -, and her eyes sparkled with distaste as she looked over my outfit. 
  I cleared my throat, "Sam," I tried to keep my voice sturdy but it melted with embarrassment so it just turned into a barely coherent squeak. 
  "There's a pool around here somewhere if you want to go," she hinted.
  I narrowed my eyes, "But I don't have a swimsuit..."
  April pulled another fake smile at me then turned to Tony. When she looked at Tony, her brown eyes began to dazzle again. "Well... She's adorable... Where were we last time?" the woman began to think, but I knew it was mock ponder. "Oh! We were talking about oil," she flashed another smile. 
  I tugged at Tony's arm so he happily changed his attention to me, and I mumbled - so softly it was almost a whisper -, "I'm going to get some water. Do you want anything?"
  Stark shook his head toward me, so I scurried away from the phony woman and towards the kitchen. When I actually got to the kitchen, my eyes widened in amazement. It was pretty big and it had it's own built in bar. There were some stools so I climbed up the stool and sat down, watching the bartender clean some glasses.
  When the bartender's eyes looked up at me, they flashed with curiosity, "Are you okay?"
  I blushed, wondering what expression I had to be showing for him to ask that, "Yeah, why?" 
  "You're pale," the man said simply. "Can I get you anything?"
  "Water..." I answered, like it was obvious. The bartender grabbed a glass and reached over to a pitcher. "Do people usually not order water?" I wondered.
  The bartender turned his back to me as he put the pitcher back down but he shrugged and answered, "It's not uncommon. It's just strange that a teenager wouldn't at least try to get a drink that's not water." 
  "How many teens have you served?" I questioned.
  The man finally turned back toward me and set the glass on the bar, "Well, not a lot at parties like these, but when their parents do bring them they have the look that you have and wouldn't hesitate to ask for something stronger." 
  "Oh..." I replied, shying up again. I picked up the glass and pressed my lips against the cold cup, then I felt the water slide down my throat. 
  "But I guess it's only the rich kids that try to misbehave," there was a gleam in the bartender's eyes like he knew about me.
  I paled, "How did you know?"
  "Two ways," the bartender started. "First, you don't carry yourself like you have money. And two, you would've at least tried to pick a different outfit." 
  I narrowed my eyebrows, offended, "Hey!"
  The bartender shrugged, "Am I right?"
  I rolled my eyes and took another drink of the water, but didn't answer the man. "What's your name?" I asked politely. 
  "Fredric. And yours?" the bartender glanced at me, patiently.
  "Sam," I smiled.
  "Who'd you come with, Sam?" Fredric wondered.
  I was quiet for a few heartbeats, until I finally answered, "Tony Stark."
  There was a look in Fredric's eyes that I couldn't quite read, "No wonder you're here."
  I knit my eyebrows together in confusion, "What do you mean?"
  "Tony is popular here. Everyone's trying to talk to him," Fredric explained.
  I shot the bartender a look, "Aren't you suppose to call them Sir Stark or something?"
  Fredric chuckled at the title, "I'm supposed to... Are you gonna tell?"
  I grinned and shook my head, then sipped the last of the water. I reached the glass out, asking - shyly - for another drink. The man poured me another water and handed me the glass. My mind started wandering, as I took a drink of the water. Wasn't today suppose to be a me-and-Tony day? I decided to ignore the thought.
  "Sam?" a familiar voice called behind me.
  My eyes widened and I shot around in the stool. "Rhodey!" I smiled and hopped down, running to him.
  Rhodey grinned and pulled me into a hug, "Hey, squirt." He pulled back then looked at me, his eyes instantly showing worry, "Are you okay?"
  I nodded, "I'm fine. You saved me, remember?" I pointed out, talking about yesterday and what happened with Tim.
  "Yeah, but someone could've been seriously hurt if you weren't there to stop the guy," Rhodey praised.
  "What happened to the guy?" I wondered out loud. 
  Rhodey sighed, "SHIELD finally took him. I think they're trying to figure out what happened to him, but the feds are breathing down their neck about it."
  Rhodey and I sat down on the bar and talked about yesterday, and even strayed from that topic. It was good to catch up with Rhodey and get to know more about him, especially since we didn't really get to know each other before. It was cool to hear stories about Rhodey being War Machine, because he would actually tell me cool adventures he had.
  Eventually, Rhodey glanced down at his phone and noticed the time, "Oh... Wow, it's late." Rhodey stood off of the stool, "Come on, squirt. Let's go get Tony so we can get you back home."
  I couldn't help but yawn then I nodded, "See you later Fredric," I waved bye to the bartender, and the man shot me a smile.
  There was still a large crowd, even though it was getting late, so Rhodey held my hand so I wouldn't get lost. We finally saw Tony standing in a group and talking to the same woman; April. When we got to the group, April let out a loud cackle and Stark shifted his feet. I didn't know what they were talking about but I knew that April was just trying to kiss up to Tony, and I think Tony could tell because he didn't seem like he was paying much attention.
  "Tony," Rhodey got the man's attention. April was cut off when Tony turned toward his friend.
  "Finally," Tony muttered under his breath and sighed in relief. After he waved back to everyone in the house, Stark followed after us out to the car.
  "I'll see you around, Sam," Rhodey flashed me a smile then walked to his own car that was parked somewhere else.
  I nodded then jumped into Tony's car, and Stark got in too. Tony started the car and drove away from the house, while we were both quiet. I felt my eyes get heavy and I leaned my head against the window. Luckily, the ride was smooth or else I wouldn't have gotten any sleep as I accidentally fell asleep in the quiet car. 

(The end is near! I can't wait, because it's about to get good, so I want to thank you guys so much for sticking with the story and it will get interesting pretty soon. Bare with me until that happens ;) Anyway, thank you guys and make sure to vote, comment, and things like that if you love the story.
~~~~ LL2z)

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