Leap of Faith

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  The robot lifted its arm and threw a swing at Tony, but he grabbed the fist in his hand then Stark kicked the robot back. Once the robot was back on the floor, Tony fired a shot at the metal which made it slide back. The robot got back up and shot from its palm, but Tony side stepped and used both of his hands to send a bigger blast towards the robot. The moving piece of metal flung through the wall and out of the building, but it quickly kicked its rockets on and started flying. The robot built energy up in its chest and fired, making a bigger hole in the wall, and making Tony fly back. Stark slammed against another wall, but he lifted his head up and glared at the robot, lowering his mask and getting in an offensive position. 
  The two battled it out for long minutes and eventually most of the roof was gone, an entire wall was blown off, and the floor was broken and cracked which made a hole that revealed the fourth floor. Finally, Tony threw another blast that knocked the robot through the hole out of the room and outside of the building. Tony could finally turn his attention to me, so he fired at the robot that held me and it flung back after releasing me. Instincts kicked in and I raced towards Tony. He was near the crater in the floor, wall and roof so we had our back to the outside while he faced the robot that had held me. I was in front of Stark while he was behind me, which was a bad idea but we didn't have time to correct it because the robot - that was fighting Tony earlier - grabbed my uncle's ankle and pulled him down to the next floor.
  All I heard was a gasp so I turned around and watched Tony slam against the floor below us. Stark quickly stood back on his feet and fired a blast at the robot below me. It took a couple shots but the robot was finally thrown off the building. There was a thump coming from behind me so I turned and faced the other robot that had held me captive earlier. The robot stepped towards me, threateningly, and I realized that there was nothing much I could do. If I called for my suit, then I figured it would take too long for it to get here. I took a step back but my feet touched the edge of the floor I was on. I was at the hole so if I fell back then I would fall several feet below me, and - since I didn't have my suit on - the impact would either injure me severely or kill me, while Tony was still on the floor underneath me.
  "Uh, Tony..." I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear me as the robot strode toward me.
  Tony glanced up at me, "Sam, you're gonna have to jump!"
  "What?!" I screamed. I looked down through the hole and realized that, if I jumped too far, then I could miss my uncle completely and fall out of the building which would definitely kill me. Even if I didn't over jump it, Tony could completely miss me and I could slam into the fourth floor, hard. Either way, I didn't see the jump ending well and it probably didn't help that I was terrified of heights.
  "Sam, you have to trust me. Jump!" Tony demanded.
  I stared at the robot as it got closer to me, but I was shaking from the thought of jumping, "I can't..." I squeaked.
  "I will catch you! Sam, please," Tony urged. "Samantha, look at me!"
  So, I looked back down at Tony's wide open arms. I looked into his eyes and knew instantly that I could trust him, but my body was numb. I couldn't jump... I just couldn't. The robot was only a few feet away and any more steps it would be right on top of me. I took a deep breath and my mind went blank as I jumped. I couldn't even manage a scream as I fell but I closed my eyes in fear. Metal touched me and followed my falling motions to decrease the momentum of the fall so it would hurt less.
  "Open your eyes," the voice mumbled to me, so I complied and opened my eyes. Tony had me in his arms as he smiled at me. "I caught you," he reassured me.
  I couldn't help but smile and breathe, "I'm never doing that again."
  There was a noise behind us so Tony quickly put me down and we turned around to find out what the noise was. Robot number one, the one that Tony had shot and fell - we thought to its doom - was flying outside of the hole in the wall on the fourth floor, staring at us. Tony kicked on rockets of his own and clashed with the robot as they flew toward each other. Stark fired at the robot, which shoved it away. So, the robot shot back at Tony but he managed to dodge it. I watched again as the two went head to head, again. At first, they seemed matched but eventually Tony was throwing harder blows and it was beating the robot up pretty good.
  Unexpectedly, the floor above me caved in or was forced to implode and the other robot, the one that I had jumped from earlier, fell from the ceiling. Before I could even move, speak, or even breath, the robot launched a blast towards me. I couldn't do anything but watch as the ball of energy slammed into my stomach and threw me out of the building through the hole in the fourth floor. Pain shot through my body and I noticed myself staring out at the dark sky. My breath stopped as I actually started falling from the five-story building. My hair shot up from the wind and reached towards the sky like it was trying to grab the stars. 
  Tony pushed back the other metal robot and lowered his head to notice my helpless body, so all I could process was him screaming, "Grab her!"
  I had no clue what that meant until a piece of metal connected to my skin. Instantly, I knew it was my silver suit as it quickly swallowed me whole. I didn't think it would make it in time for me to reach the ground, but - to my surprise and joy - the suit attached to me. All of my suit, except for my face mask, was shielding me but it didn't help prepare me as I felt my body slam into the ground beneath me. 

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