Tony Comes Home

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  Conner stumbled to the couch and he almost fainted as he fell back on the furniture. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a white rag, then I ran back into the living room and pressed the cloth against Conner's wound that was still bleeding. The agent flinched when the cloth touched his forehead but he allowed me to press down on the wound. I grabbed his hand and pressed it against the cloth that was laying on his forehead then I ran to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. I jogged back to the man on the couch and gave him the glass, while I pressed against the rag again.
  Conner sighed and groaned, "Tony is going to kill me..." 
  "I'm sure he'll make it quick," I reassured him, teasingly. 
  The agent covered his face with his hands and I was still holding the cloth against his wound, hoping it would heal. If it didn't stop bleeding fast then we'd have to go to the hospital so Conner could get stitches; because I was definitely not qualified to fix him. 
  I called, "JARVIS, can you notify us if Tony is in the building?"
  "Yes, Miss Sam," the A.I. called. 
  "Hey, no sleeping," I smacked Conner's hand away from his face, since he was still trying to hide his face behind his hands.
  Conner whined, childishly, "Why not?"
  I rolled my eyes, "You could have a concussion."
  "Stupid car door," Conner muttered, but he obeyed and kept his eyes open. After a few minutes of silence, Conner glanced at me, still sitting on the couch next to his resting body, "Are you okay, Sam?"
  I blushed and grinned, "Aw, you didn't call me Samantha."
  "Are you okay, Samantha?" Conner repeated.
  I glared at the agent but answered, "I'm okay..."
  Conner continued, "I know I'm being a baby but you're the one who got thrown out of a car... and almost got hit by a car... multiple times... and you're the one that walked on glass... and you almost broke your foot trying to smash a window... and-,"
  "Okay! I get it!" I snapped. "Yes, my legs still hurt but-,"
  "They're still bleeding," Conner noticed.
  "But, I'm fine," I finished my sentence. The room got quiet so I reached for the remote on the table and turned the TV on. The channel was on the news so we read as the headlines read "Man With Super Strength Terrorizes The City", while the screen showed all of the damage that Tim did.
  A reporter started talking through the television, "Reports show that a man, who has not yet been identified, was terrorizing the city. War Machine - Iron Man's second hand man - had stopped the villain from killing anyone, but there were reports of injured citizens. The terrorist is being held in a prison but authorities worry that the man will escape, so they are looking for a better solution to hold the man-."
  I zoned out of the news report, having enough of it, "I wish they knew his name."
  "What difference does it make?" Conner questioned.
  "He's still a person," I snapped.
  Agent Conner was about to say something - probably about he tried to kill us - but JARVIS interrupted, "Miss Sam, Mr. Stark just parked his car and will be heading up any minute now."
  "Here lies Agent Troy Conner," he mourned for himself.
  I rolled my eyes, "Tony is a very understanding man," I reassured him, but Conner gave me a look so I sighed, "Yeah, you're dead..."
  "I'm just gonna go to sleep so I can slip into a coma," Conner joked.
  "..." I stared at the man, just not sure what to say.
  There was ding as the elevator doors swung open and I saw Conner's body tense up in anticipation. I stood up from the couch that was at an angle so Tony couldn't see us yet.
  "How was the meeting?" I asked, quickly.
  Tony walked into the living room but he was looking down at his phone, "A lot of screaming..." Then he looked up at me and turned pale, "What happened?" Stark sprinted towards me and took my chin, examining my face. Then his glance snapped toward Conner and changed into a glare, "What did you do?!"
  I quickly pointed toward the TV, so - luckily - Tony shot a stare towards the television and he glowered even more. Tony turned back toward me and his eyes wandered across my body, finally stopping at my legs, then he winced. Stark didn't say anything as he looked away and rubbed his forehead like he was trying to calm himself down.
  "It was my fault-," Conner tried to start speaking at the same time as I exclaimed, "It wasn't his fault-!" but the sentences sounded jumbled up as we said them in unison.
  "Be quiet! Both of you!" Tony demanded, then he took a deep breath and looked back at me, "Are you okay?"
  I turned back to look at Agent Conner, "I think he got it worse."
  When I looked back at Tony, he raised his eyebrow, "He has one gash on his forehead, but you..." he trailed off.
  Conner sat up on the couch but wasn't ready to stand up, "Sir, I agree that she took more hits than me and I'm sorry."
  Tony gave Conner a look then he sighed and shook his head, "Just tell me happened."
  I bit my lip but explained the whole thing to Tony, I was considering leaving out the dangerous parts but then the story would be pretty empty. By the end of it, Tony skipped the angry part - because he pretty much covered that stage - and went straight into worry. His eyes were gleaming with disquiet but I explained several times that I was alright and Conner nearly died - multiple times - trying to keep me safe.
  "And technically Agent Conner didn't break any of your rules!" I pointed out.
  Stark raised an eyebrow, "Like what?"
  "Agent Conner didn't let me play with any gadgets that he had, so I didn't hurt myself with those. That counts for something!" I exclaimed.
  "Alright, alright. I'm not mad... I'm not happy, but I will still pay you Troy," Tony promised.
  Conner quickly added, "That's not what this is about."
  But I didn't let up, "Uh... Tony... I kinda broke his car..."
  Tony sighed, and groaned, "Alright, fine. I'll pay for damages."
  I corrected myself, "No, Tony... I totaled his car."
  "Fine! I will buy you a knew car..." Tony gave in.
  "Sir, you don't have-," Conner started, trying to object but I interrupted him.
  "Thank you, Tony," I grinned, saying it for Conner. I stepped toward him and hugged Stark, but he looked down at me and gave me a look, so I let go. I stepped back and blushed, "Right... You don't like hugs..."
  Tony sighed and rolled his eyes but I knew he felt guilty because there was a gleam of regret in his eyes. Tony was just stubborn and I was not going to hold that against him.
  "So, can Agent Conner come back?" I questioned, looking up at Tony with puppy-dog eyes.
  Stark looked down at me and his body seemed to relax as his eyes soften, soon he had to pry his gaze from mine to actually answer, "Fine... Thanks for babysitting, Troy."
  Conner nodded, "She's a handful... Now, if you don't mind I'm going to the hospital."
  "I don't think you should drive, Conner..." I pointed out, worried if he had a concussion.
  Conner gave me a look, "With what car?"
  I paled and looked down, "Oh... Right..."
  "It was good meeting you, Sam," Conner stood up and nudged me with his elbow, playfully. "I'm going to go call a cab."
  "Bye, Agent Conner," I smiled as he trudged toward the elevator. The elevator dinged and the door closed, leaving me and Tony alone in the living room. Silence eerily echoed through the room, and I started wondering what Tony was thinking. I glanced back over to the news to see if they were still talking about Tim but the news changed to something else going on in the world. I glanced back at Tony and wondered what to say. Well, what now?

(I'm in Oregon now! I got over the jet lag so now I can get back to my normal publishing routine. And I also want to thank everyone for reading and voting for this story! Feel free to comment what you think! The next few chapters will calm down a little but I feel like we are about to get into the big boss battle fight so that means the story is almost over! But! I have decided to make a second book with one of Sam's favorite people! Soon, Sam will meet the Avengers! Exciting and I have already started working on the book so I won't wait too long until I publish it after I finish this story. Tell me what you guys think about that, I know I'm excited! And I think you guys will really like it. Alright, little rant is over
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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