Abandoned Building

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  Tony led the way into the abandoned building, so I followed close behind him. As soon as we stepped into the building, it was freezing cold, and I expected it to be empty but - sadly - it wasn't. There were definitely tools around and it looked like someone had been here recently. There were ropes and chains hanging from the broken ceiling, which was illuminated by the moon that sunk through the broken windows.
  "Let's check upstairs," Stark suggested, so I nodded and followed him toward the staircase. The walls had chipped paint on them which made the wall seemed cracked. A shudder ran through my body, and I couldn't tell if it was because of the temperature or because this place gave me the creeps, but probably both. "Damn, it's dark in here," Tony muttered, as we continued to climb up the steps.
  I elbowed him for his choice of words but he didn't even look at me. I paused and even stopped breathing for a moment to listen. Then, I jumped and reached for Tony, grabbing and holding onto his arm.
  Tony glanced down at me with his eyebrows narrowed, "What?"
  "Did you hear that?!" I whispered. "I swear I hear footsteps..."
  Tony chuckled and shook his head, "We're walking. Sam, calm down."
  "Calm down?!" I hissed. "Have you seen horror movies?"
  He scoffed and wondered, "What's the worse that could happen?"
  I shot the man a glare, "A psychotic killer could come after us and murder us!"
  Stark shrugged like that was no big deal, but I never let go of Tony's arm. Luckily, he didn't pull away because - not only was I terrified - I was freezing. My body sent shudders through my blood because I was nervous and cold, but I tried to keep my head clear to think about the task at hand. We passed the second floor because it seemed spacious and empty, so we climbed to the third. When we got to the third, it was way too cluttered with debris to get through and look around so we climbed to the fourth floor, which was starting to get exhausting.
  "How tall is this building?" I wondered, aloud.
  "Probably pretty high," Tony admitted.
  I sighed and mumbled, "Great." Then, continued to think as we climbed the stairs. Until we stopped at the fourth floor, "Might as well get to the top floor."
  Tony nodded and continued, "One more floor, okay?"
  I groaned but followed after him. Eventually, we reached the fifth - and final - floor, so we pushed past a door and into the main room of the floor. This is exactly what we were looking for. To my surprise, there were iron robots in rows and there were a lot more than I thought. They were lined up next to each other, so Tony and I stopped dead in our tracks.
  "Wow, there are a lot more than I thought there would be," Tony admitted. Stark stepped towards the robots and examined them but my eyes wandered around the area.
  There were some doors that caught my eye and I didn't see any reason for both of us to be in the same room. I turned back to Tony and found him inspecting and studying the suits. "Hey, Tony. I'm going to look around in the next room. Okay?" I offered.
  Tony nodded but didn't look from the suits as he mumbled out his approval, so I turned and walked through a door. The door shut behind me as my eyes widened while I looked up at a larger and thicker suit. This suit - or robot - was bigger than the rest and it was like a tank compared to the others. I pursed my lips and stepped closer, thinking that it was good we got it before it could be used against us. I reached my hand out and touched the metal, noticing how cold it felt. It was smooth and the metal was hard and sturdy.
  I continued through the room, wondering if there were any more suits but - of course - there were more suits in the corner. I swallowed hard and continued toward the other robots. There were many different kinds of the robots like they were prototypes; there were thick suits of metal, lighter and thinner suits, tiny suits, and some suits didn't even look like they were completed yet. It kind of creeped me out to stare at the lifeless machines. It felt like they could come alive at any moment, which was starting to make my skin crawl with anxiety. Maybe I should go back to Tony, I thought but before I could even turn around there was a voice behind me.
  "Impressive, isn't it?" the voice echoed.
  I shot around and my heart dropped with fear, but I tried to keep calm, "Um... I didn't think there was anyone here..." I admitted, towards the man.
  Dr. Clyde smiled, "Samantha, isn't it? Where's Tony?"
  I gulped, "He's not here," I lied. "I came by myself." I didn't quite know why I was lying, but I felt like he wouldn't do anything if Tony wasn't here because I figured it was Tony that he wanted.
  The man lifted his eyebrow in suspicion, "Oh, really? Then what are you doing here?"
  I paused, to think, "Um... it's an abandoned building, I didn't think anyone would be here... while I... made a movie..."
  "A movie?" Dr. Clyde tested.
  I took a step back, "Yeah... You know, a horror movie. This is the perfect place for one."
  Dr. Clyde smiled at the thought, "And you just happen to run into my suits, is that it?"
  "I just... Weren't you suppose to be at a conference?" I pointed out.
  "And who told you that?" Dr. Clyde hissed. "Well, good thing it was canceled then."
  "I didn't think this place would be occupied..." I urged, trying to keep my voice from wavering. "Can I just leave?"
  The man stepped toward me so my body froze in anticipation, "You look scared... Why are you nervous?"
  "N-nervous?" I stuttered, and mentally scowled at myself for my weakness. "Sorry, you just surprised me."
  "Well, if you're by yourself then I guess you can leave," Dr. Clyde allowed.
  I shot around and was about to bolt out of the room but then there was another voice, "Sam?" Tony called. From the tone of his voice, I could tell that he had no idea what was going on. I felt like I was frozen but I forced myself to turn around as I looked at Dr. Clyde. He smirked but he didn't look very surprised. So, my eyes widened and I wondered what was going to happen next.

(Updates have been a little slower because I have only been able to write on the weekends, but I will try my best! I hope you guys are liking the story, and if you are then please comment and vote, that would help a lot! Thank you guys for keeping up with the story and I hope you guys are exciting because it's getting interesting. So, stay tuned!
~~~~~ LL2z) 

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