The Babysitter

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  My phone silently began to screech, so I opened my eyes and turned off my alarm that I had set. I glanced at the clock and smiled at the time; it was five o'clock in the morning. My legs slid over my bed and my bare feet touched the carpet beneath me. At first, I paused to go over the plan in my head so I could let my body wake up. When I was ready, I scurried through the hall and into Tony's bedroom as quietly as I could. Fortunately, I noticed his dark, sleeping figure huddled up under the covers. So I took the opportunity to tiptoe to his alarm clock. Since Tony had a fancy, high-quality, technological alarm clock, it took me a few drastic minutes to figure it out.
  Eventually, I was able to figure out which button to press so I canceled one of Tony's alarms set for a certain time earlier that morning. This got a smirk from me when I remembered that the alarm clock was supposed to go off in the morning and wake him up for a meeting. Although, since it was turned off, it was going to be able to wake him up now.
  With a yawn, I paced quietly out of his bedroom and back through the hall. When I laid back in my bed, I smiled in accomplishment that I was going to get him back for his pranks. Now I could rest easy as I set my head gently into my pillow and closed my eyes.


  The sun started peeking through the blinds which woke me up. With a stretch and a yawn, I hopped off of my bed and strolled through the hall into the living room. Tony's door was open but I noticed Tony was still just a bundle in the bed - fast asleep. A sigh slipped from my lips as I marched to his room, but a smirk formed on my face when my plan had worked and the man didn't wake up in time. 
  "Uh... Tony?" I stepped up to the edge of his bed and shook his shoulder.
  Although, Tony let out a groan as he clenched his eyes shut and rubbed his temples. Finally, he leaned up on the bed and peeked his eyes open, "What time is it?"
  After remembering the time on the clock in the living room, I replied, "Almost ten o'clock."
  "What?!" Tony grabbed his alarm clock and glanced at the time. "I set an alarm for this morning. I have a meeting!" he leaped out of bed and ran toward his closet, then glanced at me curiously.
  Innocently, I gazed off, "Oops."
  Quickly catching on, Tony sighed and rolled his eyes in frustration when he realized that I had something to do with his alarm not going off, "I'm gonna be late."
  However, I pointed out, "You're always late anyway."
  Again Tony rubbed his forehead to ease the stress, "Alright, whatever. Can you leave so I can change?"
  So I smiled wryly then left the room and trekked through the living room. Tony closed the door behind me so I walked into the kitchen and glanced through the cabinets for something to eat while he got ready. Deciding to make some cereal, I grabbed all of the ingredients and began to prepare the morning dish. 
  Eventually, Stark came out in a light blue dress shirt that was tucked into his black dress pants. As he fixed his hair to make it look perfect, the busy man paced towards the elevator and ended our conversation with, "Alright, I gotta go."
  Except, I quickly turned toward him, "Wait, you're just gonna leave me here by myself?"
  "What? Of course not... You'll have Jarvis," Tony smirked like he wasn't joking.
  "But then I'll be bored," I pouted.
  "Well, if I would've woke up at the right time then maybe I would have time to find someone to watch you," he pointed out.
  In protest, I crossed my arms and sneered, "Miss. Potts said that you couldn't leave me by myself."
  This caused Tony to stop before he got into the elevator as he took a deep breath in defeat, "Alright, fine. I'll call someone, but I really have to leave."
  Content with the response, I nodded which gave him the opportunity to rush into the elevator and press a button to go down.
  The elevator went down which left me by myself so I went back to the kitchen table and sat down with my bowl of cereal. When I was finished with my sugary meal, I wandered around until I found his movie room and began to watch some shows or movies. 


  Not very long into one of the shows, there was a crash in Tony's office. Without evening thinking about it, I stood up and ran into the room. When I opened the door, there was an iron suit that looked like it came to life. It appeared to look like Tony's metal suit but it seemed different and I didn't really think it was his.
  The mask lifted and showed an unfamiliar face, "Tony said there was an emergency here..."
  If the man hadn't mentioned Tony, I would've assumed that he had the wrong place. However, I was still hopelessly lost as I admitted, "Uh... not really... I mean we're almost out of toilet paper in one of his bathrooms but I'm pretty sure he has a stockpile in one of his many closets."
  "Okay, who are you?" the man questioned with narrowed eyebrows as he expressed confusion.
  Although, I quickly became defensive as I snapped, "I should be asking you that since you're the one barging in here when I'm just trying to watch tv." 
  "My name's Rhodey. I'm a good friend of Tony's," he answered. "And who might you be?"
  Reluctantly, I decided to answer since it was only fair, "I'm Sam. I'm staying with Tony for a little bit."
  The man seemed like he wanted to question me more, however, he just noted, "You don't look like you really need help..."
  So I slowly shook my head which got a sigh from him as he pressed a button on his suit. This made the pieces of the iron suit to come off which was probably how he got in and out of the suit. When the suit of iron was completely off of him and rolled off to storage, he reached into his pocket then pulled out his cell phone and started dialing on it.
  After a few seconds he put it up to his ear and waited until a reply came so he repsonded, "Hey, yeah, Tony... There's nothing urgent here." A few pauses later he replied, "Wait, what? You want me to do what now?! ... Well, yeah but that's not what I signed up for.... Tony? Wait-," a few seconds later he hung up and appeared pretty upset.
  Awkwardly, I rocked on my feet while I asked, "Uh... So, you're friends with Stark?" 
  Rhodey sighed, "I was friends with him, but now-," he rolled his eyes, but I could tell he really wasn't mad.
  With a huff and a shrug of my shoulders, I commented, "Yeah, sorry."
  "It can't be too bad, right?" The man started walking towards the living room and out of the room. I started following him but then I glanced at the shattered window. Although, I figured there was nothing we could do now so I just shrugged and continued after the man.
  Rhodey went to the couch and fell down, so I sat down on the couch too. It was pretty quiet between us which made it feel like it was my job to start up a conversation, "So... What kind of meeting is Tony in?"
  "Some interview about his suit. I believe it's with some Dr. Clyde," Rhodey mentioned.
  My forehead creased, "Why would he be in a meeting with that guy?" I asked, remembering Tony saying that he didn't much like Dr. Clyde.
  Except Rhodey just shrugged, "I'm sure they're working something out."
  "How long will he be?" I leaned back into the couch.
  "A couple hours... Why?" He turned his head toward me. "Are you bored already?"
  A grin formed on my lips as I admitted, "Well yeah, he would show me what his suits can do, you know? Like cool tricks," that might've been a fib but I was trying to bait him into showing me what his suit could do. I assumed it was like Tony's. "Is your suit even real?" I teased.
  Rhodey looked appalled, "Of course it's real! And Tony might've created them but I'm the one that adds style to it."
  As I lifted my eyebrow, I pressed, "Oh, really? Why don't you show me?" 

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