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  The new robot was huge but it was slow and still pretty far away. Just watching it get closer made my stomach tighten up. The robot had thick metal as it's limbs and it seemed to be built with weapons. This was definitely not going to be easy...
  "Sam, I think you need to set this one out now," Tony ordered, not taking his eyes off of the threat.
  I narrowed my eyebrows and shot my glance towards my uncle, "No way!"
  "This is not debatable," Tony snapped.
  My teeth clenched together but I sighed and slowly backed away to show I was backing off. Why was he putting me on the sidelines?! I was doing great earlier!
  The tank of a robot lifted a large piece of metal on its face to show a person underneath, "You know why? Because you're not strong enough, Samantha," it was Clyde, like he was inside my head. 
  Tony and Rhodey seemed surprised when he showed his face, but I quickly got over the shock stage and glared at the man. I clenched my fists harder and inched forward towards him. I wanted to prove that I was stronger than him! He was a coward and I wanted to show that. Especially since he ruined my summer! Thinking about this, rage built inside of me.
  Before I could get any closer Tony turned back toward me and gave me a look that said, "stop it, he's only baiting you". 
  Dr. Clyde seemed to notice the demanding look Tony gave me because then the evil mastermind continued towards Tony, "What are you worried about? You're only prolonging it, Stark. I'm getting my revenge on you and I don't need any witnesses either. Sorry kid, but she's not getting out of this alive either."
  Well, that was something to say, especially to an already poked bear - a.k.a Tony Stark. "You're not touching her!" he screamed as he launched toward the man in the suit tank. 
  "Tony, no!" Rhodey shouted and tried to grab Stark but he was too quick.
  So, Tony shot towards the man in the giant suit but was too blind of rage to see the metal hand swat him away. Tony slid against the hard ground but quickly got back on his feet and flew back towards the suit. He managed to duck under another attack then he clenched his fist and slammed it against the metal. Alas, it only made a clink noise but it didn't seem to affect the suit anymore. Clyde shot a blast at Tony which launched him backwards. Stark managed to stay in the air but it was pointless to throw uncoordinated attacks. 
  "Tony, calm down! We need to work together on this!" Rhodey pointed out. 
  "Yeah, Tony," I crossed my arms which made a clank sound because of the metal armor. 
  Rhodey glanced back towards me and shot me a look, "Not you."
  I glared at the man but sighed, "Fine, yell if ya need me." 
  Finally, Rhodey turned his head to look at Stark, "Hey, Tony. You remember that time in Cuba?"
  Tony smirked, "As a matter of fact, I do remember."
  The two mischevious friends exchanged looks then instantly had a plan. Tony took off first towards the giant suit but Rhodey was right behind him. Tony swooped under an attack made by Clyde then he flew behind the humanoid metal tank, while Rhodey hovered in front of Clyde's creation. Then, Rhodey fired the first shot which slammed into the tank but it only scuffed up the metal and didn't seem to do any damage. So, Tony took his turn and used both of his palms fire at the large suit but Clyde's tank only tilted slightly. Next, Rhodey was losing patience so he charged Clyde and slammed his metal fist into the tank's chest. However, this attack was insufficient because it didn't even dent the hardware.
  Clyde seemed to have had enough of the child's play as he swatted Rhodey away with his massive hand. This move launched Rhodey miles away and onto his back. I noticed Tony's fist clench in anger as he fired a long blast from both of his palms.
  Dr. Clyde only turned the suit's head and closed the metal fingers around Tony and snatched him up. Tony's arms were squeezed to his side so he couldn't fire with his palms, but Stark lowered his chin in a glare then I noticed the light that seeped out of the cracks in the openings of the tank's fingers. A light sprang out of Tony's chest and against the metal humanoid, which freed Tony in the process. 
  Unfortunately, this only distracted Clyde for a heartbeat as the scientist threw a punch at Tony's suit. So, Stark flew back and smashed into an iron pole that was drilled into the ground from the construction work. 
  Still floating, I gasped at the painful looking attack and moved forward towards Clyde a few inches but then I noticed Rhodey fly back up. Now Rhodey launched toward Clyde and the giant tank. Then, War Machine started slamming his fists into the metal of Clyde's suit, alas it wasn't doing any damage. Even Dr. Clyde was allowing Rhodey to continue punching the tank just to prove how tough his creation was. 
  Finally, Clyde had enough so he shot a blast from his chest. Rhodey was shoved back but War Machine kicked his rockets on to stop the force. In that event, Rhodey was about to throw another attack but was unsuccessful because Clyde lifted a patch of metal in his suit's shoulders and sent a blast of rockets. Rhodey tried to maneuver away from the missiles, sadly one caught him which in turn unbalanced Rhodey's suit and forced him back to the ground. 
  Luckily, Tony was back on his feet from the earlier blow and charged towards the scientist. Not so lucky, Clyde fired a shot at Tony. This knocked my uncle back slightly, but he didn't give up as he rushed Dr. Clyde again. This sequence happened repeatedly of Tony trying to get an attack on the tank but the suit was too strong so Clyde would just knock him away. It was getting painful to watch and I'd been waiting to jump in anytime now. 
  Eventually, one blow dazed Tony hard so Clyde took the chance to slam Stark against the ground like a football.
  Stark groaned as he hit the ground, "Cuba was not this painful."
  Even Rhodey commented, while still trying to get up, "Tell me about it..." 

  Clyde scoffed like he was enjoying the little show, "Look how weak you are. My creations are so much more powerful than your own. I will take pride in ending you, but I thank you for the ideas you've bestowed on me." Then he lifted his giant suit's metal foot and raised his over Tony's armored body.

  This was not good. There was a flash of fear inside me at the thought of Clyde crushing my uncle so I panicked. I bolted to where Tony was laying on the ground and stood over him. As I had predicted, Clyde's foot came down so I raised my hands and stopped the foot. The good news was that it stopped it from potentially crushing Stark. The bad news was the foot was heavier than it looked. My body was shaking from the weight of the metal and I could feel my muscles screaming at me, begging me to stop. Fortunately, the suit helped me carry the weight but I could still feel the presser the foot was causing against me. It seemed like it was only getting heavier and I didn't know how long I could hold it up before the presser snapped me into two.

  It felt like an eternity of holding the sky over my head and every part of my body was screaming at me, but Tony snapped into action then wrapped his arm around my waist. He yanked me by my waist and out from under the tank so I collapsed to Tony's feet, still panting in exhaustion. The ground shook as the foot of the suit slammed beside up but, luckily, not on top of us.
  Quickly, Tony bent down toward me, "Are you okay?"
  "Just n-need a... breather," I exhaled.
  Stark paused then added, "Thanks, kid. For the help." Before he shot back up towards the giant suit. What I hadn't noticed before was that Rhodey was back up and about to launch another attack against the enormous hunk of metal.
  Clyde was obviously upset about me saving Tony as he snarled, "Why can't you people just die?!" In the heat of the moment, Clyde launched one of his biggest attacks that Rhodey did not see coming.
  "Rhodey!" Tony gasped as he watched his friend get knocked harder back. Tony clenched his fist in anger but Clyde took the distraction and fired a shot at Tony too.
  Now, both heroes were down and pretty dazed. Alas, my body felt like it was on fire from the earlier attention of trying to hold up tons of metal. However, I was the only free one to stop Clyde now.
  The scientist did not see much threat in me as he smirked toward the other two heroes, "Face it, you can't stop me. I'll end you quick," he threatened as he stepped towards them.
  I got back on my feet then flicked my heels so I was no longer touching the ground as I floated up to block Clyde. "Enough! Leave them alone," I demanded.
  "Aw, cute. A child trying to stick up for her pathetic friends," Clyde grinned. He didn't take my warning in advance as he continued to get closer to the two.
  I stood my ground -... well air - and wouldn't let the scientist by.

  "Girl, I can swat you like a fly," as Clyde spoke it, he took it into consideration, "Maybe destroying you first will weaken Stark."
  "You're not hurting anybody!" I shouted, clenching my fists.
  Clyde didn't give up as he gave a menacing glance toward Tony, "You can't stop this," signalling he was going to hurt my uncle.
  That was not happening on my watch, "I warned you."
  I used both my palms to throw a blast at Clyde's tank but the scientist smirked as it didn't do any damage. Then, I felt pressure in my chest so I knew it was ready. I ceased fire from my palms then flicked my arms back to allow a blast from the hole in my chest to shoot at Clyde. At first, the blow didn't seem to be doing anything. But then I noticed that the suit was slowly getting pushed back from the blow. I knew the blast was strong because it was pushing a thousand ton giant, metal suit back a few feet at a time.
  Dr. Clyde seemed to notice that he was being pushed back but he was stubborn as he stood his ground. So I knew I had to make the blast strong. I pressed harder into the blast and tried to put even more force into it. Unfortunately, I could feel not only my suit draining out but my body could feel the effects of the power too. Then, I remembered Tony telling me that using the power from my chest would degrade the energy in the suit. So, in my suit, I peered over at the energy percentage and noticed it going down rapidly. It wasn't going to be long before-.
  Then the pressure ceased and my suit went completely black. I couldn't move, couldn't see. I could only feel my head tilt back then my body fall through the air. The power move was draining and had used so much energy that my suit just shut down. Not only was the blast hard on my suit but my physical body started to feel sore and numb at the same time. I couldn't see where I was falling toward because my suit had gone to complete darkness, so whatever was happening around me I couldn't see as I slammed into the earth beneath me.

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