The President's View on The Avengers

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  The next day came quickly, so I got up, took a shower - that stung because of my cuts -, changed into clean clothes and got ready. Finally, I stepped out of my bedroom fully awake. I was surprised to find Tony on the couch, watching TV. He had a meeting so many times lately that I thought he would have one every morning. I wasn't disappointed that he was here, just surprised.
  "Morning," I greeted him, which made his eyes peel from the screen toward me. "Another boring work day here, huh?"
  Tony seemed to know where I was getting out, "Hey, just a me-and-you day, today. Promise."
  I smiled slightly and walked in front of him. He titled his head a little to see the TV which made me giggle and shake my head but I stepped out of the way. Then, I sat down on the couch beside him. The couch sunk when I sat down and I leaned into Tony, unintentionally. I pushed against his shoulder to balance myself, and I pushed myself away from him. Tony was so focused on the TV that he didn't mind, or he didn't notice. I turned back to the television to see what he was watching and I sighed and rolled my eyes.
  "Yeah, you-me-and the TV!" I exclaimed.
  "This is important!" Tony claimed. 
  I narrowed my eyes, "The news cannot be more interesting than me..." I pouted but he just focused on the screen. So, I turned my attention back on what was happening.
  "President Prescott has ordered a press conference over the matter," the reporter's voice rang from the TV. I sighed and grabbed the remote, then I turned off the TV.
  "Hey!" Tony blinked. I smiled at him, innocently, so he glared at me and said, "That was about me!"
  I raised my eyebrow, "Oh, really? Then why did it say 'Prescott Discusses the Topic of The Avengers'?"
  "That includes me!" Tony pointed out. 
  "How come I can't do anything dangerous but you can jump into an alien portal?" I wondered, randomly.
  "Because I am an adult," Tony made the point. "Which means I get to watch the news!"
  I held onto the remote so he couldn't get it back, "So, when I'm eighteen I can jump into dangerous alien portals?"
  "No," Tony snapped, still trying to get the remote back.
  I pouted, "Why not?"
  Tony sighed, giving up on the remote, "Because only awesome people get to do dangerous stuff," Stark teased. I huffed and glared at the man but he smirked at me and ordered, "JARVIS, turn the TV on."
  "Yes sir," the voice rang, and the TV was back on.
  I crossed my arms and knit my eyebrows together in agitation, "JARVIS, turn the TV off."
  "Sorry, Miss Sam. Mr. Stark has a higher level access," JARVIS explained. 
  I pursed my lips, "Does he have the highest level access?" 
  The A.I. replied, "No, miss."
  Wow, I was having more of a conversation with a computer than I was with Tony, but by now I was curious so I asked, "Who has the highest level?"
  "That would be Miss. Pepper Potts," the computer answered. 
  I turned back to Tony, "When can I be a higher level than you?"
  Tony scoffed, his eyes still on the TV, "Good luck with that."
  "It will happen," I muttered under my breath, then I turned back to the TV.
  "Yes, I understand that there were casualties but we should not blame the people who stopped the attack," the president was explaining. He was standing at a podium with reporters in the front row and asking questions. The camera was focused on President Prescott so I couldn't see behind the reporters, but I guessed that there were a few citizens in the back, maybe even some politicians. 
  "Was it, or was it not, one of the Avengers's brother that caused the attack? I would say that the Avengers had something to do with the attack," a reporter pointed out. 
  The president's face wrinkled only slightly, almost unnoticeable to the audience, as if he was trying to suppress a frown that the reporter new that much information. There was a heartbeat of silence as the president had the pressure of choosing his words carefully, "They cleaned up their mess, did they not?"
  Tony scoffed, "Our mess?"
  There were a couple of moments of shouting reporters trying to get their questions in, but one question stood out above the rest, "What about yesterday, sir?"
  "Again, they cleaned the mess up. And they prevented any deaths," President Prescott pointed out, discussing the topic of what happened with Tim yesterday. I narrowed my eyebrows, because the Avengers weren't even technically in the fight. Were they going to blame every supernatural incident on the Avengers or SHIELD?
  I was getting into the TV then it turned to black so I shot my glance towards Tony who was holding the remote, then he stated, "Who needs TV anyway?"
  "And people are still on Clyde's side to make more suits?" I questioned, bewildered.
  "'Better to leave the earth in the hands of robots rather than people'," Tony quoted. 
  I raised my eyebrow, "What's their logic behind that?"
  Stark chuckled, finding it ridiculous too, but he answered with a serious expression, "'People mess up'."
  I pursed my lips, seeing how upset this was making Tony, "Yeah, they're messing up now if they think that robots are better." 
  Tony frowned, "Pepper emailed me. She might be home a few days earlier than expected... Maybe I should do this when she get's back. I was stupid to think that I could hide this from her." 
  "Two days," I urged.
  Tony turned toward me, confused, "What?"
  "We have today and tomorrow to prepare, because then we're going to bust Clyde. The plan hasn't changed," I proclaimed. 
  "Are you serious?" Stark tested.
  "Dead serious," I answered with a straight face. I was going to finish what was started one way or another. Nothing has changed, maybe our funeral dates has moved up a few days but I was not letting Clyde get away with this. 

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