Chapter 2: Transfer Student

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Chapter 2: Transfer student

Ienari and Reborn sat at the back of the car as Kyouya drove them to the Sawada Residence. Tsuna was quietly reading some papers. "We're here." said Kyouya. Everyone looked up. "Ah..." Tsuna stretched. "That was a long journey." "You owe me one, Tsunayoshi." said Kyouya. "Yes, yes." Tsuna smiled. "Come on in, Ienari."

"This is our house." said Tsuna. The house was big. "Where's your Mother?" said Ienari. "Ah, she's working." replied Tsuna. Kyouya went into the kitchen and poured some tea. "Ah, thanks, Kyouya." Tsuna smiled as Kyouya handed him a cup. He placed Ienari and Reborn's share on the table.

"Such a big house but no one is in?" said Ienari. "They're working, next door." said Tsuna. "Huh?!" Ienari glanced next door. "Don't be surprised, Baka-Nari. This is Japan." said Reborn. 'Actually, the house next door also belong to us." said Tsuna. "It's a three star restaurant."

"Huh..." Ienari was speechless. "Do you want to take a look?" said Tsuna. Ienari nodded. "Come this way." Tsuna walked into the kitchen. "Err...the entrance is that way." Ienari pointed to the door. "Oh no, you can't enter from the entrance. That is for customers." said Tsuna. "We have a another entrance for staff."

True enough, there was a tunnel leading to the restaurant. Tsuna and Kyouya took Ienari and Reborn to the restaurant. "Ah, Tsuna!" Nana smiled. "You two not going to work?" "Ah...about that...we got an emergency call." said Tsuna. "Ma, this is Ienari from Italy."

Nana stared at Ienari. "Impossible...!" she whispered. "You've come back, Ienari." she hugged Ienari. "Huh?" Ienari blinked. He was confused. "Ienari, have you forgotten your own mother?" said Tsuna.

"My mother?" Ienari glanced at Nana wiping away her tears. "Haven't I said, my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi.: said Tsuna. "You're my twin brother, Ienari." "Eh?!" Ienari was totally speechless.

"Didn't Iemitsu said anything?" said Nana. Ienari shook his head. "He wouldn't speak when I asked. He wouldn't even tell me where was my mother." Tsuna sighed. What is Iemitsu thinking? "Oh well." "Hey, Tsuna!" Ienari saw a chef walking out of the kitchen. He had a huge grin on his face. "He's so much like Murasaki." he muttered.

"Oh? Who's that?" the chef blinked. "Oh, that's my brother. He arrived with Reborn from Italy today." said Tsuna. "Brother? He's here already? Another chef walked out of the kitchen. This one had silver hair.

The chef with black hair grinned. " 'Sup! My name is Yamamoto Takeshi. This is my partner, Gokudera Hayato!" Hayato glared at Takeshi. "Stop pulling!" "Ahahaha! Sorry!" Takeshi laughed.

"And oh, Baka-Nari. You going to school. Nono enrolled you in Namimori Academy." said Reborn. "Eh?! Why didn't you say earlier, you sadistic tutor!" Ienari shrieked. "Oh, Namimori Academy? That's very near." said Takeshi.

"Huh?" Ienari glanced at the chef. "Of course. It's only a fifteen minute walk from here." said Takeshi. "In fact, Kyouya and Tsuna works there." "What?!" Ienari was ready to pass out. "I'm so done with this place..." he muttered.

"I'm assigned to Namimori Academy. I don't work there, Takeshi." said Tsuna. "Kyouya does." "Umm...may i know what is your occupation?" Ienari glanced at Kyouya and Tsuna. "You'll know soon." smiled Tsuna.

"Now, get changed. You're going to be late." said Reborn. "What? It's already eight thirty! You telling me this now?" whined Ienari as he rushed to the bathroom to change. Within seconds, he was done. "Umm..where's the school? I don't know the way."

"We'll give you a ride." smiled Tsuna. "Only today though." "Hn." Kyouya grunted. "Come on!" Tsuna pulled Ienari into the car. Kyouya hopped into the driver's seat and started the engine. "Have a safe trip!" Nana smiled.

In a corner, a pair of mismatched eyes watched the whole scene. "Kufufufu. It seems he has come to Japan."

When the three of the approached Namimori Academy, Ienari noticed that a discipline committee who looked like a delinquent was checking the students. "Good work, Kusakabe." said Kyouya. "Yes, sir." Kusakabe saluted. "Who is that?" he blinked. "Oh, new student." said Tsuna.

"Follow me, herbivore." said Kyouya. "Go, Ienari." said Tsuna. "He'll give you the documents." Ienari picked up his pace and followed Kyouya into the reception room. "Sawada-san, is he your relative?" said Kusakabe. "He's my twin brother." said Tsuna. "Isn't he cute?"

"Eh? Twin? He looked so young!" said Kusakabe. "Because he had circumstances." replied Tsuna. "I see...I just hope Kyo-san doesn't disturb him." said Kusakabe. Tsuna laughed. "That is Kyouya after all,"

Ienari got the papers from Kyouya and headed towards his classroom. "2-A...2-A..." he muttered as he searched for the classroom. "Oh?" Dino glanced at the door. Ienari blinked. "Dino?!"

"Is he a new student?" Keiichi wondered. "Umm..I got held back by Hibari Kyouya..." began Ienari. "Oh...okay. Come in, Ienari." said Dino. "I wasn't informed of any transfer students."

"Class, this is Sawada Ienari." announced Dino. "Please take good care of him, okay?" Ienari bowed. "Hello, my name is Sawada Ienari. Please take care of me." "Ah, Ienari, you can sit there. Keiichi, raise your hand." A hand by the window was raised. Ienari picked up his steps and made it to the empty seat beside the boy who raised his hand.

"Hello, my name is Keiichi." he smiled. Ienari smiled too. "Nice to meet you, Keiichi." Dino continued his lesson as Ienari opened his own textbooks. "Hey! That's not the school textbook!" said a girl to his right. She picked up Ienari's textbook. "It's not even Japanese.

"Um, Sayaka-san, please do not take other people's belongings." said Dino. "It is a textbook for social studies." Dino glanced at the textbook. "It's just that it's in another Italian." Ienari blushed. "I just haven't bought my textbooks yet, so I thought I'd use my old textbooks first." Dino smiled. "It's fine, Ienari."

His classmates suddenly became very interested in Ienari. "You're from Italy?" said Keiichi. Ienari nodded. "I just arrived in Japan today." "Where's Tsuna?" asked Dino. "He brought you here, didn't he?" Again, Ienari nodded. "I don't know. We separated ways at the entrance."

The bell then rang. "We'll continue the lesson tomorrow then." sighed Dino. The class monitor then stood. "Stand!" everyone stood. Ienari was confused. Why are we standing? "Bow!" said the class monitor. Everyone bowed. Ienari followed. Dino waved, then left the classroom.

" you stand and bow after every class?" Ienari asked Keiichi. "Oh yes, we do. It's customary of respect." "I see..." Ienari nodded. In Italy, there wasn't such things.

Once Dino left the classroom, he went to search for Tsuna, which he probably is in the reception room. "Tsuna!" Dino called. "Ah, Dino. Finished your lesson?" "Why didn't you tell me Ienari is already in Japan?!" said Dino. "He even used the textbooks he used in Italy!"

"Oh my, did he cause trouble?" said Tsuna. "Not much." replied Dino. " do you think, Dino-sensei? Interesting student, isn't he, Sawada Ienari?" "Very interesting, indeed." replied Dino.

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