Chapter 10: Cursed Seven

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Chapter 10: Cursed Seven

"Cursed Seven?" Reiya spoke up. 'It was what the Devil King himself called us. Humans contracted through blood and flesh, the Cursed Seven." said Lambo. Lambo had been seated in a corner throughout the conversation.

"Who are you?" asked Seira. "Bovino Lambo. Bearer of Lightning." replied Lambo. "He's in your school, didn't you realize?" said Yamamoto. Ienari and the Guardians shook their heads. "Oh well. You must have missed each other. Ahahaha..." laughed Yamamoto.

"Well, now you know." Tsuna smiled. "How can you still smile after all that?" Ienari's voice quivered. "Argent Ace isn't someone you can defeat, but he is also someone you can forgive." said Tsuna. "He'll be back. And this time, I might not be able to hold him back. Call me monster, demon, whatever you want. I'll protect it, no matter what."

Tsuna stood, glaring at his father. "Let's go, Kyouya. I'm sleepy." "Hn." Hibari just complied and followed him up the stairs. "If you regret your decisions, make it right." he said before turning his back.

"Become the next Boss, Ienari. That's what Tsuna wants. He won't become the next Vongola." said Ryohei. "He will never. That is his payback against Vongola."

"Well, it makes sense." sighed Basil. "We ignored him for almost ten years. He had been protecting Ienari all these times." "If only he could've told me." sighed Iemitsu. "You just shot off and called him a monster!" Nana striked. "You didn't know anything, yet you accused your own son!"

"How in the world could anyone knew?!" said Iemitsu. "He still protected all of you! Did you think he did this because he was hired?" said Nana. "His time froze. He can't even die!"

"Do you wish to take it?" said Gokudera. "The way to seek Argent Ace?"

"We can find him?" said Iemitsu, surprised. "How?"

"There's only one way." said Lambo. "But, can you do it?" "You'll risk your life!" I-pin high-pitched voice interrupted. "We don't care." said Ienari. "Brother Tsuna has done too much for me. I haven't done anything for him, I can't just sit back and watch him suffer!"

"You must invoke the Trials." said Chrome. "If you lose, Argent Ace will not come. Even if one of you ended losing your lives."

"When is the Trials?" said Reborn. "In two weeks time." replied Lambo. "Tsuna will commence the Trials." "Isn't that...just like the Acrobaleno Trials?" said Murasaki. "Oh, so you've gone through the Acrobaleno Trials. Then you should have a general idea of the Trials." said Gokudera.

"The Cursed Seven is part of the TriNiSette?" said Basil. "Impossible." said Lal Mirch. "We are a medium between humans and devils." said Gokudera. "In a sense, yes." "If you understand that, make it right this time. We won't forgive anyone who hurts Tsuna. Even if it's his own brother." said Yamamoto.

Tsuna's Guardians just turned and left. It was already late anyway.

"Cursed to become his pawns, everything we have was lost in that instant. Chosen to become bearers of those curses, bound by invisible chains, not knowing when the devil king would come, endlessly protecting the path in his that our duty?" said Ryohei.

"It unavoidable." said Yamamoto.

"Kyouya, the Trials will come soon.' said Tsuna. The both of them lay on a single twin-sized bed. "Our time have been stopped, but the present moves. It's scary, Kyouya. I'm afraid everyone will die one day and leave me all alone."

"I'm am here, Tsunayoshi. No matter where you go." said Kyouya. "The Trials will be invoked soon," said Tsuna. "Tsunayoshi..." Hibari frowned. "I'll be fine, Kyouya." smiled Tsuna. "Nothing bad will happen." "Did you even know the consequences of invoking the Trials?" said Hibari. "I know." said Tsuna. "That's why I'm invoking it. The Vongola Guardians need to be in their best in order to fight them."

Hibari leaned in and kissed Tsuna. They were panting when they released for air. "Kyouya..." Tsuna leaned against Hibari. "I won't let you go through that, ever again. Never."

Dawn arrived as soon as night was gone. Ienari was butchered by Reborn before he could crawl out of bed. "What the heck, Reborn?!" "You'll be late, Baka-Nari." Reborn sipped his espresso. Colonello and Lal Mirch, who were sparring each other, broke into the room and both hit Ienari and used him as a jump-off platform. "Don't kick me!" Ienari yelled.

Ienari sat at the table and started his breakfast. "You're slow." said Lal Mirch. "Whose fault was that? Kicked me not once, but thrice." said Ienari, grabbing a toast. "That's no excuse." said Colonello, digging into his breakfast.

"I'll be going first," Hibari rose from the couch. "Have a nice day, Kyouya." Nana smiled. "Yes, Nana." Hibari bowed. He grabbed onto the doorknob, before he turned, he said, "Oh, I forgot something."

He went and kissed Tsuna. "I forgot that." Tsuna blushed. "KYOUYA!" Hibari smirked as he closed the door behind him. Starting his car, the engine roared, and in mere seconds, he was gone.

Ienari flustered. "EHHH?!" "Are you really twenty-five?" Reborn calmly sipped his espresso. "Are you really a baby?" frowned Ienari. "Get to school, Baka-Nari!" Reborn refused to answer, of course.

Few minutes later, Ienari and his Guardians were on their way to Namimori Academy. Hibari was glaring at them at the front entrance. "Er...we're not late?" started Ienari. "Get to class." said Hibari.

"Who the heck does he think he is?" grumbled Ilario. "I'll kill him, one day." Ienari paled. "I'll appreciate if you don't, Ilario. He'll kill you before you do." "If Tsuna was supposed to be the Vongola X, it must mean he was better, way better than me."

"He's a nice boy, isn't he?" grinned Iemitsu. "If you returned, something bad must have happened." said Reborn. Iemitsu's grin disappeared. "Nono." "What happened?" Reborn frowned. "Nono is missing, my dear friend." said Iemitsu. Reborn sighed. "Things are getting bad,"

"I didn't even know Ienari was frozen in time." said Iemitsu. "I failed, as a father." "Sawada Tsunayoshi, your first son, he is very skilled." said Reborn "It was one of the reason why Vongola wanted him to succeed."

"We must help them to pass the Trials." Lambo graced down the stairs together with I-pin. "The Trials are nothing compared to those ordeals they have ever gone through." "Or they will lose everything." said I-pin.

"As I thought, you do know about the Trials." said Reborn. "I cannot tell you anything. I am the Bearer of Lightning, one of the Cursed Seven." replied Lambo. "Let's go, Lambo." I-pin pulled Lambo's arm. "Yeah," Lambo nodded.

When Ienari and the Guardians were about to enter their classroom, they saw Gokudera and Yamamoto in a dark coner. "What are they doing here?" thought Ienari. They seemed close.

Yamamoto then kissed Gokudera, freezing all of them in their tracks. Gokudera blushed, as red as a beet root. "What the heck are you doing here?" grumbled Gokudera. "What do you think? Grinned Yamamoto.

He turned and saw Ienari and the Guardians staring at them. "Oh, hey," Yamamoto laughed. "It's not a laughing matter, you jerk!" Gokudera growled. "If you tell anyone, I'll kill you." he threatened Ienari and the Guardians.

"Yes, sir." said Murasaki. "No one believes it anyway." Ilario pushed Ienari into the classroom. "Well, get going." said Zen. Gokudera sighed. "Next time, don't. Do. It. Here," Yamamoto laughed "Fine,"

Dino entered Ienari's class. "Good morning, peeps!" he grinned brightly. "Should we get started?" Books began flipping and Dino started his lecture.

Everyone jumped when they heard a loud shriek, followed by a scream, "WHERE IS THE VONGOLA X?!"

Ienari eyed Dino.




Dino and the Guardians were gone.

Hibari glared at the intruder. "Who are you? Get lost, before I bite you to death." "Call Tsuna, Kyouya." said Dino. "I already did. He's coming." replied Hibari.

"I have come for the Vongola X." the man smirked. "That mark, you're from the Accenti Family." Tsuna got out from the car.

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