Chapter 22: The Devil King, Taka

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Chapter 22: The Devil King, Taka.

"What happened?" demanded Reborn. "Heh. In the end, he protected you to death." said Taka. "What?" all eyes was on the devil king. "Shut up, or I'll kill you." said Gokudera. "You think you can?" smirked Taka. "You can never raise a finger against me. You know that very well."

"Taking in the curse into his own body, he became one of us, the devils." said Taka. "His body changed. He is no longer human. You think it was the curse that caused it all? Heh." Ienari clenched his fists. "Tell me everything. Now."

"The curse had entered his body. His body, unlike other cursed beings, is more unique. Because he was the Vongola Decimo, he became not only my brethren, but also being that lust after blood. A monster."

Tsuna turned away. "My curse caused that?" Ienari quivered. " could you...?" "He protected his brother to the very end." laughed Taka. "Now then, come here, Tsunayoshi." Tsuna glared at the Devil King. "I won't."

"Come, Tsunayoshi." Taka cut himself. Blood dripped from his palm. Tsuna's eyes turned red. "Come to me, Tsunayoshi." "Ah..."Tsuna choked. "I won't...!" "Tsunayoshi!" Hibari watched Tsuna struggled in fear. "You promised me you won't do anything to him!"

"Because he broke the promise." replied Taka. "It's about time he has to go through the ceremony." "What ceremony?" asked Colonello. "Tsunayoshi's body is at its limit. Turned into a vampire, he has to live the way of monsters. You are not allowed to interfere. He will become my brethren, my successor, my partner."

"And whose fault is that?!" yelled Ienari. "Even if he didn't absorb your curse, I would have bitten him, and he would have been reborn." smirked Taka. "Now come, Tsunayoshi." Tsunayoshi reluctantly approached his Master. "Yes, Tsunayoshi. You must complete it."

Taka grasped onto Tsunayoshi and disappeared. "Ace, escort the cursed to their respective rooms." "Yes, sir." Ace smirked. "You're going to let them go?" Ienari stared at them in disbelief. "Tsunayoshi knew this would happen. That's why he invoked the Trials." said Hibari. "You must defeat his armies. He had planned to annihilate the Vongola first. Italy will be in danger."

"Wait!" Ienari yelled. The remaining Cursed Seven vanished, as Ace commanded it. "They're gone." sighed Lal Mirch. "What are we going to tell Iemitsu. "You don't have to," Iemitsu and Basil approached them. "Dino contacted me."

" the end, no one knows the truth. Only the Cursed Seven know. And they're gone." sighed Iemitsu. "We must return to Italy." said Ienari. Iemitsu blinked. "Why?" asked Iemitsu.

"They're probably going to attack the Headquarters in Italy. The Ninth will be in trouble." said Ilario. "We should go. But what if it's a trap? If Japan get attacked, what do we do?" said Dino. "Someone has to stay here." said Lal Mirch. "We must split into two teams."

The Devil King arrived in his throne room. Tsunayoshi was unconscious, in his arms. "Prepare the ceremony." he ordered his men. "Yes, sir." "The time has come. His body has suffered for twenty years. He's at his limit, yet he refuses."sighed Taka.

"The preparation will be done soon," Ace bowed before him. "Good." nodded Taka. "What about the cursed?" "They being locked up. In here, they cannot go against anyone." answered Ace. "Be sure to lock them up, at least until the ceremony is over." said Taka.

Tsunayoshi was barely conscious. Taka sighed. "You need to go into the ceremony soon." "'t..." Tsuna mumbled. "You're in no state to protest. You promised me you'll give me your life, for eternity." smirked Taka.

"Sir, it's ready." on of the servants appeared. "Okay." Taka nodded. He picked up Tsuna and vanished. The both of them reappeared in the ceremony room. A bath was prepared surrounded by lights and flowers. Taka lay Tsuna in the water.

"Let's get started." Taka spoke the ceremonial words. The water and Tsuna started to glow. "Child, we shall grant you eternity. Forever, become an nonexistent being. Become our partner, our brethren, and live. You will live the life of a monster. You are a vampire."

The audience was silent. Their goal was finally in their hands. They turned the Vongola Decimo into a monster. The glow vanished and Tsuna suddenly screamed. "Hold him down!" ordered Taka. "Yes, sir!" the servant immediately pulled down Tsunayoshi back into the water. Once he was back in the water, Tsuna calmed down.

"Tsunayoshi, there is no turning back. Come." said Taka. Tsuna stood in the water. The water flowed around his feet. Tsuna leaned onto Taka. "Yes. That's it, my little one." Tsuna's canine teeth extended. Tsuna drank blood from his own Master. "Drink. That's the way."

Once Tsuna had drunk, he passed out. The ceremony was complete. Taka carried Tsuna out of the water. "He is now one of us. Reborn, as a vampire." announced Taka. Ace smirked. "Our goal has been accomplished. Vongola will go down."

Taka carried Tsuna and vanished. Taka reappeared in his bedroom. He lay Tsuna on the bed. Tsuna's eyes had changed color. When he stirred, Taka was staring at him. "You!" he jumped up and ran against the wall. "What do you want now? My life? I don't care. Kill me then."

"Your life, it has been given to me." smirked Taka. "You're mine." "Kyouya will kill you." "He cannot be compared, to me. He can't live forever, unlike you." said Taka. "What do you mean?" Tsuna blinked. "Just rest. Your body just went through the ceremony." said Taka.

"WHAT?!" Tsuna yelled. "I told you I won't!" "Too bad." Taka smirked. "You were dying already. Your body was at its limits. You should know it." "You should've let me die." Tsuna punched the wall.

Taka took out a glass of blood from the refrigerator. "Drink." "No." said Tsuna defiantly. "I won't. Never." "You have already drank once. What difference does it make?" sighed Taka. "You were sacrificed, in order for them to live." "Sacrifice means death. Why am I still here?" said Tsuna.

"Come." commanded Taka. Tsuna, unconsciously, unwillingly, stepped towards his master. Taka held him in his arms. "Drink." he ordered. Tsuna took the glass with shaking hands. "You are a vampire." he told Tsuna. Tsuna tipped the contents into his mouth. Unlike before, he was unable to defy his master. His body accepted the blood.

"From now on, you should forget Hibari Kyouya. You will only get hurt in the end." sighed Taka. "He's my life partner. You can't take him away!" protested Tsuna. "You are reborn. You will forget it." Taka put his hands over Tsuna's eyes. "Forget everything. Become solely mine."

"What did you do to Tsuna?" Hibari demanded, glaring at Argent Ace. The six Cursed Seven were furious. "You agreed you won't drag us back here!" said Gokudera. "You contract has ended." said Ace. "And it's time for Tsunayoshi to return to his Master."

"What?" said the six Cursed Seven.

"Explain. Now." they demanded.

Argent Ace sighed. "You didn't know? Oh my. When Tsuna covered for his brother, he didn't know the curse was a different one. Curses are similar to viruses. When there are two energies in one body, they tend to fight for dominant."

"So, when they fight, Ienari's won over." said Gokudera. "And that transformed Tsuna body structure." Ace nodded. "And today, was the day he is supposed to go through the ceremony. Tsuna would have died, if the Master didn't do it."

"Died?!" they yelled.

"Tsuna's body cannot take it anymore. He is a vampire." said Ace. "The Master probably erased his memories. He'll forget every one of you. He will become the Master's lifelong partner, living forever."

Tsuna's Guardians were stunned. "How..could you?! Did you know this would happen?!" yelled Ryohei. "Why did Tsuna had to bear it alone!"

"We had planned this since hundred years ago. Vongola had always blocked our way to success. The best way to make Vongola fall, is to turn their heir into one of us. And when he forgets everything, he will destroy Vongola, just like when he led the Vongola."

"This is too cruel!" Lambo wept. "How could you! Tsuna is my brother!"

"He has already fallen into the Master arms. He cannot escape anymore. He has no reason to." smirked Ace. "Adios."

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