Chapter 25: Top-secret files.

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Chapter 25: Top- secret files.

"Chief Kuroyuri, please." Ienari and his Guardians bowed before Tsuna's boss. Chief Kuroyuri sighed. "I'm surprised you managed to stop them." "What do you want to know?" said Sil. "Tell us the truth. Tsunayoshi entrusted you something, didn't he?" said Murasaki. "Please."

"Tsunayoshi told me no one is to know. Ever." said Chief Kuroyuri. "Please, Chief Kuroyuri. This is an emergency!" pleaded Ienari. "My brother might be gone forever!" the office suddenly became very chilly. ""

"Yes!" the Guardians yelled. The Chief sighed. "I didn't know such things would happen. Come to my office." the staff in the office watched the seven of them entered the chief's office, amused. They even wondered what it was, that Tsuna entrusted to the Chief.

The Chief took out a file from the safe. "Why is it hidden away?" said Ienari. "Because it's top- secret. No one must know about it." replied Chief Kuroyuri. Ilaio sighed. He reached for the file and flipped the first page. "What is this?" The Guardians strained to take a glance from behind. They were utterly surprised.

"Tsunayoshi left this in my care, before the last Trial." said Chief Kuroyuri. "Eh?" the Guardians turned. "He knew this would eventually happen." said Chief Kuroyuri. "He probably left this here, for you especially. His brother, Ienari."

Ienari glanced at the papers.

It read:

To those who will eventually discover this, I sincerely apologize. If you are reading this, perhaps, I'm already long gone. And my dear brother, Ienari, I'm sorry, for hiding it. I absolutely will not let you become what I have become. Don't come. Live, Vongola Decimo.

You thought that incident had happened five years ago, didn't you? You don't remember anything, I know that. The truth is, Ienari, that incident happened twenty years ago. No one must suffer this. I will be the last one to stop him. That day, the Devil King kidnapped the current Vongola Decimo and the Guardians, as well you, Sawada Ienari. He brought all of us to his base, which was the Kokuyo Land at that time.

In order for you to live a normal life, I absorbed your curse. Yes, the curse of a vampire. Unable to age, the thirst for blood, the inhumane strength, the capabilities of a vampire, I inherited it all. At on point, I have become the Devil King's brethren. I froze your time, is to eliminate the curse in your body. And it worked.

If I ever become your enemy, you must kill me, Ienari. You must. The world must never fall into his hands. I'm sorry, Ienari. I cannot go against the Devil King. Oh, and be careful. The Italy Headquarters will be done for. His henchmen might be sent. You must win. Take care of Mother and the restaurant, okay?

Sawada Tsunayoshi.

The Guardians were speechless. "So that bastard was telling the truth?" said Zen. Tears dripped from Ienari's eyes. "Why...? You should have let me suffer! I'm such a horrible brother!" "Tsuna didn't think you are at all, Ienari. He loved his brother, even though his father abandoned him." said Chief Kuroyuri.

"But, if he become a true demon, we have to kill him!" said Ienari. "I cannot kill my own brother!" "If he had let you be, he would have to kill you." said the Chief. "Either way, the Devil King would have destroyed Vongola."

"He's been suffering for twenty years." sighed Ienari. "Why couldn't I remember anything?" "That's because..." the Chief stopped midway. "What? Spill it." said Ilario. "Tsuna erased your memories of him. He thought you're better off without him." muttered the Chief.

"Be proud. You brother saved your life." said Sil, walking in with reports. "Where can I find him?" asked Ienari. Chief Kuroyuri shook his head. "There's no way you'll find him. And if he had gone through the ceremony, he'll sleep for one year." "One year? Sleep?" scowled Seira. "What the heck?"

"This must be kept secret." said the chief. "If anyone is to know, not only him, but your family, and the Vongola will be in big trouble." "When the time comes, even Gesso and the Giglio Nero won't stay put either." said Murasaki. "Should we call him?" asked Reiya. "Who?" said the Chief.

"Boss of the Gesso Family, Byakuran." replied Reiya.

"The Italy Team is in danger." said Ienari. "We must help them." "So that's the bad feeling I've been having." Reborn hopped onto the window. "Reborn!" startled Ienari. "Tsunayoshi knew all this would happen? He is really something, compared to Baka-Nari." "Shut up." muttered Ienari.

"All of you, board the next flight back to Italy." said Reborn. "The next battle might take place there." "Yes, sir!" the Guardians nodded. "We have to prepare for the worst." said Sil. "This office was originally built for Tsunayoshi's sake." sighed the Chief. "Everyone here knows."

"There's something bothering me." said Reborn. "What is it?" smiled the Chief. "How did you know Tsunayoshi? You seem to know a big deal about him." "Do you really want to know? Things might get ugly." said the Chief.

"The Chief was almost killed," said Sil. "Back then, Tsuna didn't trust anyone." The Chief laughed. "Well, it's partially my fault for sneaking up on him." "You got curious, and tried to find out, and got found out, and almost killed?" the Guardians were stunned. "He's really something, your brother." said Reiya.

"What is this?!" Iemitsu and the CEDEF hid in a cave. "This isn't something we were expecting!" "Master, what should we do?" said Basil. "We must call the Guardians." panted Iemitsu. He was shot in the leg. "This isn't normal! We must bring in Tsunayoshi as well." "Master," said Oregano. " The Guardians are already on their way. It seemed they have found something." Iemitsu smiled. "As expected of the world greatest hitman, Reborn." "They'll be arriving in five hours. Till then, please rest, Master." said Oregano.

"I hope they're fine," muttered Ienari. "Calm down, Baka-Nari." said Reborn. "We'll be arriving in five hours." "Gah!" Ienari slumped into his seat. "Take a rest." said Reborn. "We'll be battling after we reach Italy. Besides, Dino is there too."

'I wonder what is it that caused Iemitsu to surrender." said Lal Mirch. "I hope it's nothing serious." "It's probably demons. They can't deal with the demons. It's impossible." said Reiya. The Guardians sighed. Things are getting more complicated than they expected.

"I hope they're fine..." said Keiichi. "It's saddening his brother was taken away." "What can we do? We are just bystanders. We have no power to do anything." said Sayaka. "But his brother seemed to be quite famous." "Of course. He's a High Investigator. Didn't you know?" said Keiichi. Sayaka paled. "Seriously? Oh dear." "I hope they safely arrive in Italy." said Sayuri. "Let's hope for the best." said Keiichi.

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