Chapter 20: Trial of Cloud

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Chapter 20: Trial of Cloud.

"Gather around, all of you." said Tsuna. "Step forward, Lexi Darius." "Yes, sir." Lexi stepped forward. Nezu stared at the events rolling out in front of his eyes. "What are they doing?" whispered Nezu. "Just watch," said Murasaki.

"And why is this Nezu here?" scowled Gokudera. "So you knew...because you knew, you stirred problems?" said Nezu. "Ah, he found out everything." said Tsuna. "But he refused to believe and called me a liar." "So you dragged him here to prove his eyes." said Ryohei.

"Tch. He better not create more excuses." Gokudera clicked his tongue. "Are you ready?" Tsuna asked Lexi. Lexi nervously nodded. "What are the rules?" "Hibari doesn't intend to have any rules. If you insist, isn't there common rules that has always existed?" said Tsuna. "Do not kill. Isn't it?"

"Are you strong? Or are you weak?" said Hibari. "Which is it?" "I am strong enough to protect the Family." replied Lexi. Lexi took out his twin swords. Cloud Flames enveloped them. "Cloud Gear, activate."

The twin swords changed its formed. It became sharper, and its flames became stronger. "Come, like a Bearer of the Cloud, fight with dignity." said Hibari, raising his tonfas. "Realize what we looking for, and why we are here."

"What?" Lexi blinked. "Isn't the Trial a fight?" "Do you think so?" said Hibari. "It wasn't?" said Ienari. "Of course not. A true Bearer would never use a Trial for a fight. Never." said Tsuna. "And Kyouya of all people, one hit, could've killed thousands of people."

"Look around you, and take action." said Hibari. "Think. Why were you chosen as the Cloud Guardian?" "I will not be tied down like this." said Lexi. "I will protect the Vongola Decimo, in my own way. And no one questions it." "Correct, spoken like a true Cloud Guardian." smirked Hibari. "Now, raise your weapon, and observe carefully."

Hibari stepped forward. He swung his tonfa. "What?" Lexi blinked. He blocked Hibari's attack just in time. "You pass." "What?" The Vongola Guardians blinked. "If you don't mind, please explain." said Murasaki.

"This Trial consist of two parts." said Tsuna. "A test of determination, and resolution. The second part is a test of strength." "All those questions, was a test?" Ienari sighed. "I'm surprised Kyouya didn't just fight head on." said Gokudera. "Well, he must have his reasons." said Ryohei. "Yeah, you're right, sempai." Yamamoto agreed.

"The Trial of Cloud has now official ended." said Lambo. "That means..." "The only one left, the Trial of Sky." All eyes turned to Tsuna, as Tsuna's ring glowed brightly. "It's orange," said Nezu. "Every element has its own color," said I-pin.

"Do you get it now?" Hana eyed Nezu. "I can't believe you. After all these years, are you feeling guilt?" "Why are you here?" Nezu ignored her question. "Are you sure you can interrogate me like this?" said Hana. "Ryohei is my fiance, even that has got nothing to do with you."

"Now that you understand, keep your mouth shut." said Lambo."Tsuna won't forgive you, if you helped the enemies. It'll cost your life, literally." Ienari yawned. "It's getting late. Let's go home." "All of you live together?" Nezu blinked. "Is that a problem?" asked Yamamoto. "Except Ryohei, Kyoko and Hana." said Gokudera.

"Tsunayoshi, let's go." said Hibari. "Yeah..." Hibari dragged Tsuna away. They hopped into the car, and in seconds, the car was out of sight. "I'll let you off this time, Sawada Ienari, but your brother...I'll never forgive him." said Nezu.

Gokudera pulled Nezu by the collar. "Look here, you bastard! Tsuna became like that, whose fault do you think it was? Did you actually think his father and the mafia are the only sources?" "Hayato, stop." warned Yamamoto. "What do you mean?" said Reborn.

"Three days before that day, they have been around Namimori." said Gokudera. "Why were they here? Did you ever think?" "What?" Nezu stared. "You don't remember, but I do. I even have evidence. It was you, who sold out Sawada Tsunayoshi."

All eyes turned to Gokudera. "What did you say?!" said Lal Mirch. "But he didn't know." said Gokudera. "Men dressed in black suits, that day, was the day the school had a carnival, did you forget?" Nezu paled. "Now I think about it...there was. They kept asking weird questions."

"What? Like what?" said Ilario. "Things about Sawada Tsunayoshi." replied Nezu. "It was so long ago, but I don't remember." "At that time, Tsuna was the acting Vongola Decimo. Vongola was at its best."

"If he was, why was he in Japan?" said Nezu. "Isn't he supposed to be in Italy?" "Because Japan is his hometown, even though Italy was his family history." "Doesn't Tsuna knows about this?" said Ienari. "He never mentioned about it."

"Of course he doesn't. I researched on it for a long time." said Gokudera. "Tsuna must never know." Yamamoto patted his shoulder. "We should go, Hayato. It's cold." "Yeah.." agreed Gokudera.

"We're home, Mother." Tsuna entered the restaurant. "My, you're back." smiled Nana. "Can you take over for a while? I need to check something in the kitchen." "Sure," replied Tsuna. He took his seat at the counter. "You go ahead first, Kyouya." Hibari nodded. "See you later."

About twenty minutes later, the Vongola Guardians, along with Gokudera, Yamamoto, Lambo, I-pin, Ryohei, Hana and Kyoko entered. "Basil, you're helping?" Yamamoto blinked. "Yes. I can't just sit here and do nothing." "Oh, you're back." Iemitsu was drinking a can of beer.

"Hurry up, both of you. I think the kitchen is in chaos." said Tsuna. Gokuder and Yamamoto nodded. They quickly got changed and went into the kitchen. A customer walked up to the counter. The gang had to make way for her. After receiving the orders and paid, she left. "You're quite skilled, aren't you?" said Reborn.

"Of course. When we've been doing this for more than ten years, we get used to it." said Tsuna. "Go to sleep, all of you. You have school." "Speak for yourself. You have cases everyday, don't you?" said Ienari. "You're having it tougher than I am." "Shut up. Go to sleep, Baka-Nari." said Tsuna. "Don't call me that! Only stupid Reborn would make such a stupid name." whined Ienari.

"Ryohei, aren't you heading home?" said Tsuna, after Ienari and his Guardians went upstairs. "The truth is, Sawada, we haven't eaten since lunch." smiled Hana. Tsuna smiled. "Okay, what do you want?" "Meatball dish, potato stew and fish ball soup." said Ryohei. "With rice, I guess?" smiled Tsuna. "Of course," smiled Kyoko.

Tsuna wrote down the order. "Okay. Have a seat first." Tsuna handed the order to the kitchen staff. "Tsuna...are you still not looking for a partner?" asked Kyoko. "I cannot, Kyoko. Not when my body is like this." sighed Tsuna. "I'm sorry, Kyoko." "Onii-chan was able to, didn't he?" said Kyoko. "Hana is already pregnant."

Tsuna blinked. "Eh?" Ryohei and Hana blushed. "Heh. Not bad, Ryohei." "Stop talking about me!" said Ryohei. "How's things going with Hibari?" Tsuna blushed. "Huh?" "We know, Tsuna." smiled Kyoko. "It's fine. I know you don't want your children to bear the same fate, I understand."

Tsuna smiled. "Who knows? Maybe one day God might give me the gift to give birth." Hana snickered. "Are you sure you want that? It'll be painful, you know?" "I'm aware of it, Hana. It's just my wishful thinking." replied Tsuna.

"Here you are, sempai." Yamamoto brought their orders from the kitchen. "Having a child, is not a bad thing." "Because all of us share the same fate." said Tsuna. "If we didn't have this, we might have lived a different life." Tsuna gripped his ring hanging around his neck.

"Speaking of it, it's not surprising if Chrome and Mukuro suddenly expecting a baby." smirked Gokudera. "Is Yamamoto going to give you one?" said Hana. Gokudera blushed. "Shut up, you old hag!" 'Hmph." Hana picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

"That woman...I'll get her one day..." growled Gokudera. "Mukuro and Chrome aren't here today," noticed Tsuna. "Oh, they said they had a rare case. They're in Kokuyo right now." said Yamamoto. "They'll return by tomorrow." "Sure," nodded Tsuna.

"Tomorrow is going to be the last Trial. Are you ready what is going to happen after that?" said Ryohei. "We have to, we must." said Tsuna. "This Trial is for the Vongola to oppose them." "Because we are unable to, they will." said Gokudera. "It's our last hope."

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