Chapter 5: The sudden arrival of the Storm Guardian

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Chapter 5: The sudden arrival of the Storm Guardian

Reborn fished out an envelope stamped in Vongola Seal. The handwriting was definitely Nono's, that confident, cursive, boss-like handwriting. It was written in Italian. Reborn smirked. Nono must have planned something. Reborn opened the envelope. The dying will was sealed onto the parchment, blazing brightly as ever.

Ienari yawned as he descended down the stairs. "Where is Tsuna and that scary guy- Hibari Kyouya?" said Ienari. "They already went." said Hayato, setting the breakfast on the table. "So early?" Ienari blinked. "They always are." said Takeshi, grinning. "After all, Kyouya is the Head of Disciplinary."

"Hurry up, Baka-Nari! You're going to be late." Reborn stole Ienari's egg. "Hey!" Ienari complained. "You stole my food again!" "The strongest and the fittest wins. You're too slow, Baka-Nari." said Reborn. Ienari stared at Reborn. "What the heck..?" Then he glanced at the table. "Oh crap, I'm going to be late!" he grabbed his toast and bag, and rushed out. He feared that he would be bitten to death.

Upon reaching Namimori Academy, the bell rang. Ienari heaved a sigh in relief. "Just in time..." Hibari approached Ienari, tonfas in hands. "What are you still doing here, Sawada Ienari?" he glared. Ienari paled. "C..calm down! I was just about to get to class!" Ienari scrambled towards his classroom.

Behind a bush, two beads of turquoise lenses stared at Ienari. " dare he threatened Decimo..." Ienari sighed as he plopped into his seat. "Nezu-sensei again...and first thing in the morning..." he grumbled. His neighbor seat-mate, sighed too. "Mathematics is the most hideous subject," said Keiichi.

Reborn stood perched on a tree outside the classroom. He had a pair of binoculars over his large sea-black eyes. "Ienari isn't any useful when he isn't in action." he sighed. But no matter. They will be arriving, under Nono's direct orders. You better buck up, Ienari. Ienari daydreamed again as he stared into the sky outside the windows. Nezu stopped his lecture and glared at Ienari. "Sawada!" Ienari didn't hear the first time. Jocks sniggered at the back in a corner. "Sawada!" roared Nezu again. This time, Ienari turned around. "Ah, Nezu-sensei." Ienari paled.

Nezu-sensei frowned. "Detention, Sawada Ienari. And I believe you have an elder brother? I need to see him. If not, your mother will do." "Eh? Why my mother?" questioned Ienari. "Because you're constantly not listening to my fabulous lecture, who graduated through an elite course!" scoffed Nezu. Keiichi scowled. "Here we go again." "He's just a dunbass trying to impress himself." said Sayaka. "Indeed." agreed Keiichi.

"I'll just bring my brother." Ienari paled. He didn't want to bring his dear mother just to be embarrassed by his stupid mathematics teacher. "Good. What is your brother's name? I bet it's a useless name, just like yours." said Nezu. The class paled. Calling people's names useless was just too much. Ienari scowled. "Sawada Tsunayoshi."

The temperature in the classroom suddenly dropped. "S..Sawada Tsunayoshi?" repeated Nezu. "Are you sure?" "Why would I lie?" scowled Ienari. "I don't earn any money by lying." "He's someone to be respected in Namimori." said Hyari, a student who sat in the front row. "And he's your brother?" Ienari could only nod.

The bell rang. Dino walked in. "Oh, Nezu-sensei." smiled Dino. "I'll be borrowing this student." said Nezu, pointing to Ienari. He dragged Ienari out as he exited the classroom. Dino just stared. "Did something happen?" "Oh yes, Dino-sensei. Big time." said Sayaka. "He said his brother was Sawada Tsunayoshi!" "Isn't hilarious?" sniggered one of the jocks at the back.

"Oh, Tsuna?" brightened Dino. "I know him well!" "Eh?" the students stared at Dino. "Whoops." Dino pursed his lips. "Enough of that. Take out your textbooks. Turn to page seventy." Reborn sighed. Sawada Tsunayoshi was a mystery. He learnt one thing: He was respected in Namimori.

Nezu dragged Ienari as he marched into the reception office. Hibari sat at the desk, signing paperworks, and just as he expected, Sawada Tsunayoshi was holding a pile of papers in one hand, a cup of warm tea in another, seated comfortably on the couch. The both of them looked up as the door opened with a loud bang. "Nezu-sensei." grunted Hibari.

"Why are you here, Ienari?" said Tsuna. "I was dragged by him!" complained Ienari. "And he's being unreasonable!" "We can see that." said Tsuna. "Are you Sawada Ienari's brother?" said Nezu. Tsuna smiled. "Isn't obvious? We have the same family name." Nezu was stunned for a moment.

"He's not listening to his lessons!" said Nezu. "He's your younger brother, isn't he? Can't you teach him better?" "Does it matter? After all, he scored all his papers with flying colors." said Tsuna. Nezu was red with furry. "A student's responsibility is to listen-"

"Stop." said Tsuna. "You don't understand your students at all." "What?" said Nezu. He was furious that Tsuna interrupted his fabulous speech. "Ienari is a transfer student from Italy. You don't know what Ienari is capable of. As a student from Italy, you, as a teacher should be well-aware of their education system." said Tsuna.

Hibari just grunted. "Hn." "Now, go back to class, Ienari. Dino-sensei is going to be sad if you stay any longer." said Tsuna. "Y...yes!" Ienari exited the reception office and raced back to class. It was the first time his brother had praised him.

Dino just smiled as Ienari returned. "Did you have a nice trip?" "A very interesting one, Dino-sensei." Ienari grumbled as he walked to his seat. His classmates sniggered. "Baka-Nari got bitten to death by Hibari!" one whispered.

Ienari sighed. He took out his books. Ienari forgot to buy his foreign language book again. He took out his Italian version textbook. Dino is a social studies teacher. In social studies, separated into many different categories. And one of them was foreign languages. Italian was very uncommon in Japan, but Namimori Academy hired Dino to teach, mainly because of a certain spartan tutor.

Sayaka glanced at Ienari's textbooks. "You're not buying your textbooks, are you?" "I am very proficient in Italian." scowled Ienari. "I don't need those textbooks." "Your brother is also very proficient in foreign languages. Are you even Japanese?" smirked Saika, a student seated behind Sayaka.

"I have not seen my brother for fifteen years." said Ienari. "We were raised separately." Dino smiled. "But you are back, Ienari. That is all it matters." Dino continued the lecture until the bell rang. Dino's lesson was the last class. Ienari gathered his things and left. "It must be hard, having to live with a family so foreign," said Keiichi. "Hmph. An Italian transfer student, so what?" Mochida was at the doorway.

"Mochida-sempai!" Keiichi and his fellow students smiled. "What makes you come by?" said Sayaka. "I heard that Sawada Ienari has come to Japan." said Mochida. "Why don't you just drop by his house?" said Keiichi. "He lives together with Sawada Tsunayoshi."

Walking along the road at his pace, Ienari slowly made his way home. At times, he felt like he was being followed. But every time, he turned behind, there was nothing. Strange. I swear something was following me. Ienari's rather weak hyper intuition was acting up. He couldn't help but wonder. When he finally reached home at last, he raced into the house and bolted the door.

"What are you doing there, Guardians of Vongola?" Ienari heard Tsuna. Ienari opened the door. "Eh?" Clearly enough, his Guardians who were supposed to be in Italy were right in front of his eyes.

"Guardian of Storm, Ilario Decci." said Tsuna. "Hn." grunted Hibari. "Impressive, Sawada Tsunayoshi. As expected of the ex-Boss of Vongola." said Ilario. "Ex-boss?" Ienari blinked. "It seems you have arrived," Reborn perched on Ienari's shoulder. "We have a lot to talk about."

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