Chapter 13: Invocation

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Chapter 13: Invocation.

"Protect them!" Ienari ordered his Guardians. "Yes, sir!" the Guardians split up, stationed to a few places. Ienari entered HYPER DYING WILL MODE. "We must not fail!" Ienari's Sky Flames flared brightly. He flew across the courtyard, defeating the intruders as he made way for the classrooms.

"Dino!" Ienari was hovering outside the window. "We must take out the boss." "Ienari! You're safe!" Dino was relieved. "Ie...Ie...Ienari?!" Keiichi was stunned. "Sure," said Dino. "Tsuna and Kyouya probably would have made quite a show."

"Hey! Are you trying to get us killed?" said Osamu. "Hey, why don't you use your head for once, Osamu?" said Keiichi. "We'll be in more danger if we stay here." Keiichi walked down the hallway, leading to the main entrance.

At the main entrance, they saw Tsunayoshi and Hibari fighting off men ten times than Ienari. Ienari was the Boss, but Tsunayoshi and Hibari were more skilled and experienced. "That man said Tsunayoshi was the former Vongola Decimo, didn't he?" said Osamu. "That's why he's the first candidate," smiled Dino.

"The same color as Ienari...Sky Flames." said Keiichi. "Of course," said Dino. Only those who possess Sky Flames have the ability to become the Boss."

"Tsunayoshi." said Hibari. "I know." said Tsuna. He propelled upwards into the sky, and sent the men down by a wall of Sky Flames. "Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition!" The men were immobilized. "What the heck is this?!" they paled. "It cannot be! Only Vongola Primo was able to perform this!"

Tsuna landed on the ice of deathperation flames. "You cannot win against me, as long as you have deathperation flames." said Tsuna. "Even if a hundred of you come against me, it will not work." Tsuna's deathperation flames on his forehead disappeared.

"Ienari." called Tsuna. "Yes?" Ienari was startled. "Go to the high secondary second level section." said Tsuna. "The Boss is there." "But..." began Ienari. "Leave this place to Lambo and I-pin." said Tsuna. "And Dino is here. Don't worry."

One of the men who was knocked out, stood with wobbly feet, and tried to attack Tsuna and Hibari again. Hibari swung his tonfas, sent the enemy flying.

"That's right, Baka-Nari. Leave this to them. They will handle it." Reborn appeared out of the 'wall'. Ienari and Dino flinched. "Uwah, I haven't seen Reborn for quite a while. Though that still creeps me out." thought Dino.

"Don't think Tsuna will be helping you. This is your battle." said Gokudera, a tornado of Storm Flames hurling the intruders a hundred miles into the air. The mafia men screamed and yelled. The dissemble factor of the Storm Flames.

"Let's go, Kyouya." Tsuna reactivated his HYPER DYING WILL MODE. They rose into the sky and flew off. "I won't let you have your way, Kasane!" Tsuna gritted his teeth. They flew past the windows, and hovered. "What are they doing there?" said Keiichi.

"Go, Ienari!" said Dino. "Tsuna will handle it." "Okay," Ienari flew off, heading for the Boss. Before he could set off, a tremendous large amount of Sky Flames burst out of nowhere. Ienari knew it was Tsuna.

"Operation X." said Tsuna. "X Burner." Tsuna launched the pure Sky Flames towards the swarm of mafia men. Hundreds of men were taken out in one shot. "What power!" Even Dino was stunned, even after seeing that technique a few times.

"Is this the power of Sawada Tsunayoshi? It's certainly something." said Keiichi. "Are you going after them, Boss?" said Romario. "No. I don't think it's necessary. Ienari will pull it through."

Ienari arrived at the scene, to find his own Guardians battling him. "Decimo!" they smiled. "Call this off! Right now!" demanded Ienari. "No can do. Only Tsunayoshi can activate it." smirked the boss. "Accenti Family. Do it, before you regret it." threatened Reiya.

"I'm afraid not." said the boss coolly. "Curse you!" Ilario had pulled out his arrows, aimed at the boss. "Come, Sky Tiger!" the Accenti Boss pulled out his box weapon. "Another box weapon?!" said Ienari. "Oh, you knew about it?" said the boss. "Tsuna told me about it." replied Ienari.

"Hmph. But you have no knowledge on how to counter it." smirked the boss. "You will lose, and the invocation will be activated." "You lose, Accenti." Tsunayoshi and his Guardians hovered in the air, above the boss. "Tsuna!" Ienari was surprised. "All your men were taken care of. They won't be waking up for the next seventy-two hours."

"Hmph. As expected of the Cursed Seven." scoffed the Accenti Boss. "Get them, Vongola Guardians." said Ryohei. "Give him a good punch." "Of course," Murasaki unsheathed his sword. Ilario was the first to strike. His arrows whizzed and hit the boss in several places. Ienari charged forward and punched him. The impact had high amount of deathperation flames.

"Ahahahaha!" Kasane cackled as he appeared. "Very well. You pass." "Kasane!" growled Tsuna. "How could you?" "How could you not? You're not human." said Kasane. Tsuna and the Guardians flinched. "You're just imitating them."

Mukuro and Chrome appeared, with their tridents in their hands. "Kufufufu, this is a massacre. Even demons have feelings." said Mukuro. "Invoke the Trials, Tsunayoshi." said Kasane. "You cannot escape." "Do you think we'll let you do as you please?!" growled Gokudera.

"Yes. If you invoke, you have to return to 'him'. But, what can you do about it?" sneered Kasane. "Do it." Hesitantly, Tsuna spoke the words of invocation. "I, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Boss of Cursed Seven, command the commence of Trials. By my words, Invocation shall embed into its meaningful words. I command, Invoke!"

The brand on their skin and the rings glowed. The invocation was done. "Tsuna..." Ienari watched with fear. "No!" "This is for the best, Ienari." smiled Tsuna. "Good luck."The Cursed Seven disappeared.

"Hey, Dino." said Reborn. "Did you know this would happen?" "No, Tsuna didn't tell me anything." replied Dino. "He probably didn't want anyone to know." "The fact that he was supposed to be the Vongola Decimo, was the truth." said Colonello, appearing on the window sill. "He was skilled, and those who wanted to take down the Vongola, he becoming a Cursed Seven, was a gift from God." "This is unsettling." said Lal Mirch.

The Trials had begun. Ienari and the Guardians were unsettled too. Things were happening too fast, even Tsuna wasn't expecting it coming so early.

"He must become stronger, if he is to succeed the Vongola Family." said Tsuna. "Aren't you angry?" said Yamamoto. "What for?" said Tsuna. "I hate fights. I hate deaths. I don't think I'll be a better successor than Ienari." Ryohei, Gokudera, Ryohei and Lambo sweat dropped. "He didn't think that he was actually much skilled than his own brother," they thought.

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