Chapter 18: Trial of Mist

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Chapter 18: Trial of Mist

"Kufufufu, this is going to be interesting." mused Mukuro. "Mukuro-sama?" Chrome looked up from her food. "We should test how strong the Vongola are. Isn't that interesting?" said Mukuro. "Yes, Mukuro-sama." nodded Chrome.

"You shouldn't do that." said Yamamoto, putting their newly ordered food on their table. "Why not?" Ken munched on his snack. "It's a once in a while trick, byon!" "Do as you please," sighed Tsuna. "After all, it's your Trial, Mukuro." "Oya? Tsunayoshi is being lenient. This isn't good." said Mukuro. "Did something happen?"

"Nothing," Tsuna put a biscuit into his mouth. "I'll be going first. See ya tomorrow." Tsuna got up from his seat and climbed the stairs. Hibari followed Tsuna. "Heh." Mukuro continued eating his dinner.

"What's the point of this Trial?" said Ienari. "It doesn't make sense." "They probably had a reason," said Reborn. "How am I supposed to fight two people at once?" said Seira. "Oh well. It's late. Go and sleep. We'll can't achieve anything by just thinking." said Ienari. "Good night." he headed for his room.

"Tsunayoshi." said Hibari. "Yes?" Tsuna turned. "Sleep." Hibari pulled Tsuna onto the bed. "Kyouya!" Tsuna protested. Hibari turned and kissed Tsuna. "Kyouya..." "Tsunayoshi...don't work too hard..." muttered Hibari. "Just sleep, for now." "Okay..." Tsuna put away the files. Hibari loomed over and kissed Tsuna again. "Ah! Kyouya! Stop it!" "I won't." smirked Hibari, When he released Tsuna, both of them were panting.

"Okay, okay!" Tsuna knew Hibari won't stop when he started it. It is going to be a long night. "I won't let anyone have you, Tsunayoshi. You're mine." muttered Hibari. "I'm not going anywhere, Kyouya." Tsuna smiled. The both of them embraced each other to sleep.

The next morning, Ienari and the Guardians got yelled by Nezu-sensei. Ienari blinked. "Huh?" "You're blaming us?" scowled Ilario. "We got proof!" "You snaked your way out, didn't you?" Nezu narrowed his eyes. "Hah! This is ridiculous." Lexi snickered. "Just ignore him."

Nezu walked to the teacher's desk fuming in anger. "Those who don't study have no future! They'll become trash in the society! Trash! Mark my words, you bastards." "Oya, oya, that's some harsh words you got there." Mukuro and Chrome materialized. "Who are you?!" yelled Nezu-sensei.

"Kufufufu, I'm an Investigator from Kokuyo." chuckled Mukuro. "So?" said Nezu. "You can't just walk on school grounds like this!" "The Mist Bearer?" said Ienari. "What?" Nezu blinked. "Vongola Guardians, your Mist Trial will be held in seven hours. I hope you are mentally prepared." Mukuro eyed Seira. "That's all. Bye." Chrome and Mukuro vanished.

"I knew it! The seven of you! Troublemakers!" accused Nezu. The Guardians just ignored Nezu. "Who cares." said Murasaki. In seven hours, the Mist Trial will be held. The Guardians sighed. Ienari wished Tsuna's Guardians would be a little more scheduled. It's too ambiguous.

"Hey!" Keiichi whispered. "Hmm?" Ienari turned. "Is that the next Trial?" asked Keiichi. "Yeah. More or less." replied Ienari. Keiichi sighed. "You had it rough, eh?" "My family is just complicated, and we had to clean the mess."

After Nezu's class ended, Nezu left the classroom still in anger. Furious that a stranger just intruded his lecture. Dino smirked as he entered the classroom. "Did something happen?" "Oh yes, very." laughed Murasaki. "Tsuna's Mist Bearers appeared in Nezu's class and interrupted the lecture twice."

Dino laughed. "Oh, really!" "I should've seen his face. It must be priceless." "The next Trial is in seven hours." said Seira. "That means it'll take place at four in the evening." "Okay, okay, take out your books, guys." Dino picked up the chalk. "Let's start the class, shall we?"

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