Chapter 4: Sasagawa Ryohei

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Chapter 4: Sasagawa Ryohei

Just as Ienari said, to Nezu-sensei's dismay, he got a perfect score on a math test which Nezu-sensei tried so hard to make Ienari's life miserable. Nezu-sensei shook in fury. He cannot believe there was someone so talented that skipping classes does not matter.

Three floors below, in the courtyard, stood Hibari Kyouya, the Head of Disciplinary. Reborn observed from his hiding spot. Something was bothering him. Sawada Tsunayoshi...what could it be that you're hiding? What is it that is so important to protect even from Vongola? He sipped his coffee.

Reborn smirked. He would investigate. He is the world's greatest hitman. He would take this matter into his own hands. He pulled out his cellphone. "Hey, I need you to investigate something." "Oh, Reborn. Finally came crying to me, kora?" said the voice on the other end. "I'll kill you." said Reborn. The other man sighed. "What is it, kora?" "I need you to investigate Sawada Ienari's twin brother, Sawada Tsunayoshi." said Reborn. "Make sure that Iemitsu doesn't finds out." "Gotcha, kora." he replied.

Ienari sighed as he snapped awake by his English teacher. "Sawada!" the teacher yelled yet again. "If you fail this paper, you're going to have detention!" Ienari sighed. What is wrong with this school? There's no way he'd fail an English paper too. He scowled. His classmates laughed.

Keiichi knew Ienari was bothered. "Is something wrong?" he said when lunch time pulled over. Ienari shook his head. "Then why are you sighing the whole day?" Keiichi raised an eyebrow. "I wonder who Tsunayoshi really is." "Huh? That's it?" Keiichi blinked. "You expected something else?" said Ienari. "I at least expected you to ask how the scary Head of Disciplinary could be controlled by Sawada Tsunayoshi." said Keiichi. "After all, it's the school greatest gossip."

"Hey, did you see that?" a group of students seated behind them said. "About what?" asked another. "Hibari-san bit a group of third- years gangsters!" replied the first voice. "Eh? Again?" said a third voice. "If Tsunayoshi had not interfered, I doubt they'll ended up in the hospital." added the first voice.

Ienari and Keiichi paled. "Again." mouthed Keiichi. "Does this always happens?" asked Ienari. Keiichi nodded. "What is Tsuna's occupation?" asked Ienari after awhile. "Eh?" Keiichi blinked. "Isn't he a student?" "He is?" said Ienari in surprise. "We assumed. Well, he looked like a student, didn't he?" said Keiichi.

"No one knows?" said Ienari.

Keiichi shook his head. "No. Maybe Hibari knows." Ienari shuddered. Thinking of him made shivers down his spine. "No, I think I rather not." "I see." replied Keiichi. "A wise choice. If you did, you'd probably be bitten to death."

"What are you doing, Kyouya? It's already evening." Tsuna sighed as he approached Kyouya. He finally found him, and he was on the rooftop again. "Tsunayoshi." Kyouya reached out and pulled him into his embrace. Tsuna blushed. "What are you doing?!" "Just be quiet." Kyouya grunted. He leaned in and kissed Tsuna. "What would have happened if you had become the next Vongola Boss?"

Tsuna caressed Kyouya's raven black hair. "I...don't know. Maybe I would become the boss, then what?" Kyouya smirked. "I'm not letting you go. Not even your brother." Tsuna pouted. "Ienari got nothing to do with this." "Not now. But it won't be long. You can feel it, don't you?" Tsuna nodded. "The day which I wanted to avoid as long as possible. Soon, we'll be out of time."

"And when the time come, all will work together, like old times, just as you would expect, Tsunayoshi." said Kyouya. "They must. The enemy they are up against is something they alone would not be able to defeat. An enemy much feared than the Millefiore." said Tsuna. "And we will guide them."

The last bell rang as the students filed out of the classrooms. Students from various divisions chattered as they exited the campus. "Oh, so there you are." Dino smiled. "Admiring the evening sun?" Tsuna blushed. "Dino!"

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