Chapter 16: Trial of Storm

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Chapter 16: Trial of Storm.

"The Trial will now begin." said Hayato. "Come to Namimori Academy's old building." Hayato and Takeshi ran off.

Ienari and the Guardians froze. "What?" Ienari blinked. "It's only eight in the morning!" "If you don't go now, Ilaio will be disqualified." said Takeshi. "He's a genius." "We won't let Ilario lose." Ienari glared. "He will win." "Then, go!" Ryohei kicked Ienari and the gang out of the house.

"It has started." said Ryohei. "We should go too." Takeshi nodded. "Where's Lambo?" Ryohei turned around. "Over here." Lambo and I-pin were at the table eating breakfast. "Come on, Lambo. This isn't time to be eating!" Ryohei pulled Lambo and I-pin from the table. "Let's go!" he yelled, charging down the streets at full speed. "Extreme running!"

Takeshi packed some of the food on the table and followed Ryohei. Kyouya and Tsuna had already left. "I see. The Trials has begun." Chief Kuroyuri and Sil were seated comfortably in a corner. Tsuna sighed. "What are you doing here, Chief?"

"You were acting very strange. Did you think I would not realize?" said Chief Kuroyuri. "So what are you planning to do?" "It is our job to commence the Trials. Nothing more, nothing less." said Tsuna.

"It seems we have audience today." Takeshi commented as he arrived. "Bah. You're late, Baseball idiot!" said Hayato, grabbing his breakfast from Takeshi. "You forgot your breakfast." replied Takeshi. "Whose fault it that?" "Heh." Hayato clicked his tongue.

"Don't do anything rush, Tsunayoshi. He must be very fearful, for all of you to seek him." said Kuroyuri. "Enough, Chief. This has nothing to do with what we do with our life." said Tsuna. Gokudera was chomping down the egg sandwiches.

"Is this a resort?" Ienari and the Guardians stared. Tsuna and his allies were not at all afraid what might happen. "Shouldn't we be starting the Trial?" "Calm down, Sawada Ienari." said Takeshi. "If the Trial is all you think, you've lost." Hayato finished his breakfast and stood up. "Bearer of the Storm, step forward."

Ilario stepped forward. "This is a Trial of Strength." "In this building, with endless hallways and turns, you must find me and defeat me." said Hayato. "Hmph. That's easy." "If you think you're alone, then you're mistaken. Who knows what might happen inside the battlefield."

Hayato smirked and jumped into the battlefield, shadows hovering him, invisible to the naked eyes. "I'm not going to lose!" Ilario jumped in too. "Certainly too impatient." sighed Lambo. 'I wonder if he'd be fine..." I-pin was leaning against Lambo.

"We cannot interfere." said Tsuna. "We can only wait patiently. Ienari fidgeted. He was nervous if Ilario was able to succeed. "Have faith in your Guardians!" Reborn kicked Ienari. "Gah! Why do you always kick me?!" Ienari whined.

Ilario jumped into the battlefield. He fould himself on the first floor. He heard slight screeching sound behind him. He turned. "Hmm?" The classroom door next to him burst open, the tables and chairs flying at him. Ilario ducked. "What the hell?"

"So that was what Hayato meant." mused Takeshi. "Isn't it like during the battle for the Half Vongola Rings?" said Murasaki. "Heh. Then the battle is golden." said Seira. "Don't jump to conclusions." said Takeshi. "Hayato has much more experience than all of you."

"He's right." said Reborn. "Don't jump to conclusions." Chief Kuroyuri and Sil just stared at the monitor. "This is something a Storm would do." said the Chief. "You're familiar with Storm Bearers?" said Sil. "Watch." said the Chief.

"But Ilario must pass the test." said Kyouya. "Yeah..." Tsuna glanced at Kyouya. "He will. Now we wait."

Ilario gritted his teeth. "You should have warned me earlier!" he yelled. "I did warn you that you're not the only one here." Hayato's voice boomed through the halls. "You bastard...!" Ilario stomped forward. "I'll find you, even if I'll die!"

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