Chapter 7: Byakuran and Irie Shoichi

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Chapter 7: Byakuran and Irie Shoichi.

Tsuna's Guardians were speechless. "How....did you know?" stuttered Ienari. "I was there when Tsunayoshi ruled Vongola." replied Reborn. "And what are you gonna do about it?" said Gokudera. "If Tsuna won't go back, we won't either."

"I'm not telling you to return. I'm just saying." smirked Reborn. "Hmph." scoffed Gokudera as he munched on his dinner. Nana just sat there, happily eating her dinner, oblivious to everything. For once, it was a good thing. Yamamoto and Gokudera sighed.

Gokudera glanced at Ilario. "What have you come for?" "I came, under Nono's orders. He seemed worried about something." replied Ilario. Yamamoto and Gokudera were silent. Is this what you saw, Tsuna? They glanced at each other.

After dinner, the staff went home. Yamamoto and Gokudera stayed at the Sawada Household. They shared a room, opposite Tsuna's room. Ilario was given his own room, as there were many vacant rooms in the large house. "Well then, goodnight, Ilario." waved Ienari. "Goodnight, Decimo." replied Ilario.

They were awfully tired. After all, they had a very long day.

The next morning, it was a normal routine in the morning. Ilario enrolled in Namimori Academy too. The both of them set out after their breakfast. "Why is everyone crowding in front of the entrance? I bet Hibari is going to bite them to death." Ienari paled. "Bite them to death? How?" Ilario blinked. "And why Hibari?" "You'll know soon." replied Ienari.

True enough, Hibari came out with his tonfas in hands. "How dare you crowd on Namimori property? I'll bite you all to death!" he grunted. In mere seconds, the crowd paled and backed off. They ran to their classes, leaving the land empty.

"Kyouya, that was unnecessary." sighed Tsuna. "What's happening?" said Ienari, approaching Tsuna. "We have five new transfer students." said a man with a very weird hairdo. "Kusakabe." Hibari grunted. "Where are they?" "They were already on the way to class." replied the man called Kusakabe.

Ienari settled in his seat and stared at the sky, like usual. Ilario was held back by Kusakabe as he needed to deal with the papers. The bell rang and Dino walked in. "Good morning, my dear students~" Dino smiled. "We have transfer students today!"

"Eh~ the last time was Baka-Nari." laughed Sayaka. Ienari scowled. "I am not stupid." "Hmph. But you always got picked by Nezu-sensei." retorted Sayaka. "Now, now, students, please don't fight." smiled Dino. "Alright, come in, guys!"

Ienari only expected Ilario, but to his surprise there were five extra transfer students. So that was what the Vice Disciplinary meant. Ilario, being the one with long golden hair stepped forward. "Ilario Decci." was his only introduction. Ienari sweat dropped.

The next one stood next to Ilario stepped forward. He had spiky black hair, with an ear pierce on his right ear. "Zarai Zen." Ienari was far from stunned. Ilario never said anything!

"My name is Murasaki Jin."

The third one continued. "Seira Evans." she had long brown hair that reached her back. She was tall too.

"I am Lexi Darius." continued the next transfer student.

And finally, the last one right at the corner stood forward. "Reiya Keichirou." He by far, looked the youngest, although all of them were the same age.

Ienari paled. All of them were his Guardians!Ilario should have told him sooner! Dino smiled. " we should find places for six students..." Dino scanned the classroom. Ilario walked towards the boy behind Ienari. He glared at him. "This is now mine. Get lost." Ienari paled. Keiichi paled. "What the heck?"

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