Chapter 27: Seek Byakuran's help

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Chapter 26: Seek Byakuran's help

"It's a surprise you come to me, out of all people."Byakuran munched on a marshmallow. "You knew, didn't you?" said Ienari. "Ienari, did you just returned from Japan?" asked Shoichi. "We just arrived." replied Zen.

"It must be serious, for the Guardians to return." said Shoichi. "Byakuran, what should we do?" "Isn't it obvious? Kill the Devil King. I've been searching for them for twenty years." said Byakuran. "Huh?" the Guardians blinked.

"You knew?" said Ienari. "Of course. I was the first he asked for help." replied Byakuran. "But you tried to kill him!" said Ilario. "Oh?" Byakuran looked up, amused. "But I can't. Nothing can kill Tsunayoshi. Not in that state."

"So, do you know where he is?" said Lexi. "We cannot reach them, even if we knew." said Shoichi. "It's impossible for humans to walk in and be fine." "Where is that place?" demanded Ienari.

"The vampire realm." said Byakuran. The Guardians flinched. "Isn't that...just a myth?" Reiya raised an eyebrow. "It exists. But we cannot enter." said Shoichi. "Even if you go after him now, it'll be too late." said Byakuran. "It has already started. Tsuna is now in his hands."

Ienari sighed. "We have to protect Italy, don't we?" Byakuran munched on a marshmallow. "Of course. They'll be attacking Italy. Tsuna warned about that." "How do we stop them?" said Murasaki.

"You have it, don't you?" Shoichi glanced at Ienari. "Tsuna entrusted you the weapon. It's to kill his men." "You mean..." the Guardians were speechless. "Yes. And only Ienari can use it." said Shoichi. "And they'll attack probably at most tomorrow." said Byakuran. "Be prepared."

After that, the Guardians went to meet Iemitsu and the CEDEF. "What happened?" said Lal Mirch. "Attacked. The enemies are monsters. Nothing work on them." said Oregano. "Now I know why." said Ienari. "Our enemies are not humans. They're the Devil King's men."

"When is the next attack?" said Colonello. "They're vampires, aren't they? Silver bullets should do the job, ain't it? Kora!" "In a few hours." said Iemitsu. "You got shot, Father?" said Ienari. "Where's the Ninth?" "He's missing." said Basil. "We couldn't find him."

"What?!" the Guardians were shocked. "They took him, didn't they?" said Zen. "We don't know. When we arrived, Vongola was already completely raided." "The final battle is about to start." said Lal Mirch. They glanced at the sun rising.

Just as Lal said, an explosion in the west wing erupted. "They've begun." said Iemitsu, trying to sit. "Don't strain yourself. Leave this to us." said Reborn. Iemitsu smiled. "And I never got to know my own son." "You don't know anything, just like Tsuna said." Tears dripped from Ienari's eyes. "How could you be so cruel?"

"What do you mean, Ienari? Why are you crying?" said Iemitsu. "Tsunayoshi was taken away by the Devil King, Taka. It seems the Devil King wanted him to bear his child." said Reborn. "Huh? Why? Tsunayoshi is a man." said Iemitsu. "There's must be something special about Tsunayoshi." said Reborn.

"Of course. Tsunayoshi promised us himself." the Devil King appeared before them. Ienari glared furiously. "Why?" "Because he is now mine. His own father abandoned him." said the Devil King. "Who do you think raised him and taught him?"

"Impossible!" said Ienari. "It can't be!" "No wonder a curse could turn him into a vampire." said Reborn. "Tsunayoshi was raised in the vampire realm." said Lal Mirch. "The environment there is different. At some point, you must have injected vampire blood into him."

The Devil King grinned. "You've finally figured it out?" "Vongola is still mafia after all." cackled Ace. "You!" Iemitsu growled. "You raided the Vongola twenty five years ago." Argent Ace smirked. "Precisely." "You're a demon." said Colonello. "How could you do that to Tsunayoshi?"

"Now, I shall kill the very person that caused Tsunayoshi's depression." said Taka. "It's you , isn't it, Sawada Iemitsu." "You kidnapped the Ninth, and caused this, just to kill me?" said Iemitsu. "That's some impressive work."

"Kidnap? What are you talking about?" said Taka.

"Don't lie!" Lal Mirch and Colonello raised their rifles. "Vongola Nono is nowhere to be found." "We may be demons, but we don't lie." said Taka.

"If you mean Vongola Nono, he's here." Byakuran and Shoichi arrived. "Byakuran?" Iemitsu scowled. "What did you do this time?" "Oh my. Seems like I'm not welcomed." said Byakuran.

"Tsunayoshi told us to protect Vongola Nono. He knew they would do this." said Shoichi. "What?" said the Vongola people. "How did he even know?!" said Iemitsu. "You looked down on your son too much." said Taka. "Tsunayoshi is a genius. But you abandoned him. Is that what a father should be doing?"

"You killed him, and you revived him, didn't you?" said Iemitsu. "There's no way a five year old child could've survived such a huge blast." "He was still alive, Iemitsu. And I took him in. He's now mine." said Taka. "Kill him."

The vampires had long claws, and fangs near visible. "We won't forgive you, Sawada Iemitsu." They lunged after him. "Master, run!" said Basil, activating his HYPER DYING WILL MODE. The CEDEF stood in front of Iemitsu. "Run!"

"So, it was out of revenge." said Murasaki. "And Tsunayoshi knew." "Stop it already," said Ienari. "Why?" said Taka. "Tsunayoshi won't like this. Even if father caused grieve, but no one should decide if he should die or not!"

A large blast hit the vampires from the sky. "Byakuran!" the Vongola people smiled. "What are you doing, Taka? This isn't like you." said Byakuran. "Don't you hate the Vongola? Why are you helping them?" said Taka.

"Return my brother!" said Ienari. "And stop all this!" "Do you think I'll give him to you? Tsuna did it for a reason. You will not see him ever." said Taka. "Become a good Boss, Sawada Ienari." Taka vanished.

"Where did he go?" said Seira. "Isn't it your job to find out, Mist Guardian?" said Ilario. The Devil King reappeared behind Iemitsu. "Ah! There he is!" exclaimed Seira, opening her eyes. "Too slow!" said Ilario. He raised his bow. "Don't touch him!" an arrow whizzed past Taka's ear.

"This is your retribution." said Taka. "I am not someone who just takes life for fun." a sword appeared in his hands. He raised the sword and plunge it into Iemitsu's heart. "Father!" Ienari yelled. The Vongola was too stunned. Blood splashed onto the ground.

"Remember this, Vongola. If you ever make another mistake, I just might reappear again. May it be hundred year, two hundred years, I will come." said Taka. "Tsunayoshi is going to live that long?" said Ienari, still shocked from his father's death. "He is a vampire." said Taka.

With that, the Devil King vanished.

"We have to take him to the hospital!" said Colonello. "Hurry, kora!" Murasaki carried Iemitsu and flew to the nearest hospital. "Everyone was annihilated?" the hospital was vacant. Only bodies lay around. "What should we do?! Father!" Ienari yelled.

Iemitsu smiled. "It's fine already. Ienari, I'm sorry..." Iemitsu breathed his last breathe. ", Father! Father!" Ienari screamed. "You can't! You still have to apologize to Tsuna!"

"Stop, Ienari." said Byakuran. "He's already gone."

"This is his revenge? It's so cruel!" said Reiya. "It's too unfortunate." said Reborn. "Enemies will come always after you. But he is unable to survive this time."

"The funeral will be held here." said Ienari. "I will go back to Japan with Dino. I will bring Mother here." "Will you be fine?" said Ilario. "Do you need us to accompany?" Ienari smiled. "I'll be fine. I will explain Mother."

"Be careful, Baka-Nari." said Reborn. "I think the Devil King's men has gone. It'll be fine." said Basil. Ienari nodded.

"We can open the door to the demon realm."said Byakuran. Shoichi sighed. "There he goes...again." The Vongola were shocked. "What?" they said.

"It's as you heard. I can open the vampire realm." said Byakuran. "" stuttered Ienari. "But, on one condition." said Byakuran.

"What is it?" said Lal Mirch. "Only the Guardians can go through, and you must not take revenge." said Byakuran. "But, if you get killed, I won't be held responsible." "Fine by us." said Ilario.

"What is your answer, Vongola Guardians?" said Shoichi.. Ienari clenched his fists. "We..we will visit Tsunayoshi."

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