Chapter 29: Kyouya's rage

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Chapter 29: Kyouya's rage

"You devil!" Hibari rampaged. "What did you do to him, you bastard?!" The hallways were destroyed. His fellow Guardians were speechless. "Who's gonna stop him?" Lambo pointed at Hibari.

"Kufufufu. The skylark is pissed." chuckled Mukuro. "This ain't funny, pineapple." said Gokudera. Mukuro scowled. "Fine."

The Devil King smirked. "You have no right to see him. You didn't even notice what he was experiencing." Hibari growled. "Tsunayoshi was ill?" said Mukuro.

"If he had stayed a second later in the mortal world, he would have died." said Taka. "Tsunayoshi didn't know it himself."

"Why?" said Hibari. "How is it possible? And how do YOU know?"

"Have you forgotten?" said the Devil King. "The seven of you grew up here, in the vampire realm. Those who bear the Sky Curse have a different condition. Their bodies mutated, and becomes the likes of a vampire, like us."

"Why him?" demanded Chrome. "You took us from Vongola wasn't enough?"

"It was Vongola who abandoned you." replied Taka. "You should remember it more accurately." "What?" said Ryohei. "Are you trying to say Tsuna belongs to you?" "In a way, yes." replied Taka.

"Let me see Tsunayoshi." demanded Hibari. "Then, I'll decide to kill you or not." Taka smirked. "Fine. But I think you'll be disappointed." The Guardians stared at the Devil King. "You did something, didn't you?"

Ace smirked as he led the Guardians into Tsunayoshi's room. He was sleeping. "Tsunayoshi!" the Guardians called. Tsuna stirred. "Huh?" Tsuna snapped awake as soon as he saw his Guardians in front of him. "Why are you here?"

"What happened to you?" said Yamamoto. "You looked pale." Tsuna smiled weakly. "I'm fine."

"See? He's fine." said the Devil King.

"No, he isn't!" snapped Hibari. "Get up, Tsunayoshi!"

Tsuna shook his head. "I can't, Kyouya. All of you should leave, before you're trapped here forever." Tsuna then started coughing. "Are you okay?" said Ryohei. "I'm fine..." managed Tsuna.

The Devil King approached Tsunayoshi. "You should heed your Boss's advice." he said. "If you want to live as humans again, you should leave." "We're not leaving without Tsuna." said Lambo.

"That's right." the Guardians agreed.

"Tsunayoshi cannot leave. He will die. Not in his fragile state." said Taka. "What did you do?" demanded Hibari. "It won't make a difference." said Taka. "Spill it." demanded Hibari.

Taka embraced Tsuna in his arms. "He's pregnant. He can't return to the mortal world." The Guardians froze. "Pr...pregnant?!" "How is it possible...?" said Yamamoto. "He's a guy."

Taka smirked. "Vampire state makes it possible." Tsuna coughed again. "Leave, Kyouya." tears dripped from his eyes. "I'll release all of you from the vampire realm." Hibari glared at the Devil King. "Why?"

"He promised me his life, and he'll become mine as long as he lives." said Taka. "When you see Ienari, tell him, I'm sorry." Tsuna wept. "I can't go. I'm sorry, Kyouya..."

"It's not your fault, Tsunayoshi." tears dripped from his eyes. "The Ninth and the CEDEF, they should pay for it. Even if you bear his child, I won't judge, Tsunayoshi. We'll come back, I promise!"

Tsunayoshi's Guardians vanished.

"Are you satisfied?" said Tsuna. "Shouldn't you stop now? The Vongola has been reborn, and by Ienari's hand, Vongola will change."

Taka kissed Tsuna. "And you should forget them. Live as one of us, vampires."

The Guardians appeared in the Vongola Mansion. More specifically, Ienari's office. Ienari stared at the six of them. "Huh?"

"So, we ended up here again, huh?" said Ryohei. "What a life." "Where's Tsunayoshi?" said Ienari. The Guardians looked glum. "What we're about to tell you, listen carefully, Sawada Ienari." said Gokudera.

Ienari gulped. "Something happened, didn't it?" "Call your Guardians." said Chrome. "It's important. To them, you." Ienari turned pale. He summoned his Guardians to his office. Upon hearing Tsunayoshi's Guardians were back, they froze and heeded the summons.

"How did you escape?" was Ilario first question. "The Master let us off. Tsunayoshi released us." said Lambo. "What we're going to tell you, whatever it is, do not question, shut up and listen." said Gokudera. "This is Tsunayoshi's wish."

"First of all, Tsunayoshi cannot return, as he is now." said Ryohei. "Why?" said Ienari. Gokudera glanced at Ienari. "Okay...sorry. Continue." muttered Ienari. "Because of the promise we made, he cannot leave." said Lambo.

"More specifically, Tsunayoshi will die, if he leaves the vampire realm. You felt it, didn't you, Ienari?" said Gokudera. "The Sky Bearers react differently when they step into the vampire realm."

Ienari gulped. "I felt like I was paralyzed and drowning." "You did? Why didn't you tell me?!" said Ilario. "It was nothing! It was only for a mere moment!" replied Ienari.

"And if Sky Bearers stay in the vampire realm, do you know what happens?" said Yamamoto. The Guardians paled. "It's probably something bad, and unexpected." said Murasaki. "Judging by your expressions."

"Their bodies becomes unbearably painful, and eventually, their bodies will began to change." said Chrome. "In other words, they will turn into vampires." said Yamamoto. "The reason Tsunayoshi chased me out from there...was because of this...?" said Ienari.

Tsunayoshi's Guardians nodded. "Precisely. He loved you, and protected you. He didn't hate you, even if you forgot about him, or Vongola betrayed him." said Gokudera. "Be proud."

"That isn't the only reason you're here, isn't it?" said Zen. "Something happened there, am I right?"

"Tsunayoshi is pregnant." said Mukuro. "Kufufufu. Though it's unbelievably hard to believe."

" a guy!" said Ienari. His Guardians nodded. "Vampires have a different body structure." said Chrome. The Guardians were speechless. "Is that why Hibari been so silent and glaring since the beginning?" muttered Ilario.

Hibari just grunted. "Hn."

"We should go and see him." said Ienari. "Get Byakuran." "No. You cannot go." said Chrome. "Not when he's pregnant." "Why?" said Ienari. "You cannot imagine what's gonna happen when he's in that state." said Gokudera.

"Two years." said Ryohei. "In two years, we'll visit him." Ienari glared at the ex- Vongola Guardians. "Fine. I'll change the Vongola. I'll make it so no one should ever experienced what we had." said Ienari. "If Tsunayoshi's suffering, we have no choice but to kill him."

"He's your brother!" said Lexi. "I know that! Think, what would happen if he lost control? Do you want to sacrifice humans to a monster?" said Ienari. "Tsunayoshi has perfect control over it." said Yamamoto. "So perfect that it's scary."

"He won't lose control." said Hibari finally. "But he refused my help. He thinks everything is his fault." "Finally decided to join in?" smirked Mukuro. "Shut up, pineapple." growled Hibari. Mukuro glared at Hibari. "Don't start it." said Gokudera. "Tsunayoshi won't be here to stop it."

The death-threatening atmosphere dissolved. "Tch." they both clicked their tongues.

"Are you fine with this, Hibari? Don't you love Tsunayoshi?" said Ienari. "It's his choice. Of course I do. Everything was planned since the beginning." said Hibari. "The Master had knew Tsunayoshi would have to bear him his heir someday."

"And that someday is approaching." said Murasaki.

"Fine. Two years. We'll wait for that two years." said Ienari. "And Hibari, don't you vent your anger anywhere. I'm ordering you to stay still."

Hibari grunted. "Hn."

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