Chapter 1: Sawada Ienari returns

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Chapter 1: Sawada Ienari returns.

Sawada Ienari woke up slamming his alarm shut. He pulled of the sheets and sighed. "Mondays. I hate Mondays." he grumbled. He showered and got dressed. He descended to the first floor for breakfast.

"Good morning, Nono." greeted Ienari. "Good morning, Ienari." Nono was sipping his morning coffee. "You're early for once, Baka-Nari." smirked Reborn. "Seems like my efforts were paid off." "What efforts?" Ienari raised an eyebrow. "Like the one you tried to electrocute me? Or the one you hit me with a ten ton Leon Hammer?"

Reborn just smirked as he sipped his espresso. Ienari sighed. "Forget it. I have to get to school soon." He got up, picked up his bag and exited the mansion. The morning breeze have always calmed Ienari.

The calm wind blew, swaying Ienari's blond hair, slightly brown highlighted at the ends. He rode his bike to school. He parked his bike in a corner near the school. "Good morning, Decimo." Ilario smiled. "Ah, Ilario." Ienari went to join him. "You're early today." "So are you." said Ienari.

"Let's go to class." said Ilario. Ienari nodded.

Sawada Ienari has been living in Italy ever since he remembered. He couldn't recall what happened before he was sixteen. It was as if a very big puzzle was missing. Every day, he woke up, at the back of his mind, he would think, 'Am I going to remember them today?'

"Ah, Ienari." Murasaki, Reiya and Zen walked into the classroom. "Good morning." they greeted. They seated behind Ienari. Murasaki just grinned. Murasaki was always so calm. It made Ienari relaxed in class.

The bell rang. A minute later, their social studies teacher walked in. "Gah. Just great. Social studies first thing in the morning." said Zen. "Got a problem, Zen Zarai?" glared the teacher. ", sir." Zen flinched. "Then hurry up and take out your book, Zen!" barked the teacher.

"Where's Lexi and Seira?" whispered Ienari. "I think they decided to skip social studies." Ilario glanced at the door. "It's been half an hour." "I think I know where they are." sighed Ienari, flipping open his own textbook.

The long hours in school dreaded on, until the bell rang for lunch. Ienari looked up and smiled. "Finally!" the four of them raced out of the classroom. They found Seira and Lexi at the cafeteria. "Why didn't you come to class, idiots?" said Reiya.

"Mr. Korlatte was very furious." said Ilario.

"Like I care." said Seira and Lexi. Ienari sighed. Why couldn't the Cloud and the Mist get along? Ienari sat on Seira's left and started unwrapping his lunch. Murasaki, Ilario and Zen followed.

"It seems like a dream that only two weeks ago we passed the succession tests." said Zen. "Why me?" grumbled Ienari. His Guardians shrugged. "Maybe you have hidden abilities that could support Vongola."

"Our classmates are going to be so shocked if this is were to be attacked." said Reiya. "True," Ilario bit into his sandwich.

By the time they finished their lunches, the bell rang, "Class is starting. Let's go." Ilario dragged Lexi and Seira along. "Let go." they threatened. "Decimo is here. You're defying him?" said Ilario.

The both of them flinched. "Tch." they clicked their tongues.

Classes after lunch was even worse. Ienari felt sleepy. Murasaki was already asleep. Ienari smiled. His Guardians are his precious friends. In a corner, an albino head was secretly watching Ienari. "Interesting~"

When the final bell rang, Ienari was refreshed. "I'm starting to feel like school is a place to sleep.' said Murasaki. "It's because you come to school to sleep!" said Ilario. "Let's just walk. We'll be killed by Reborn if we're late." shuddered Ienari.

They retrieved their bikes and rode them back to Vongola Mansion. They left their bikes in the garden and entered the mansion. "Welcome back, Ienari-sama." the butler greeted. "It seems your Guardians are with you today." "Yeah," Ienari nodded. "We'll be going then."

Ienari and his Guardians entered the common hall. Ienari blinked. "What is everyone doing here?" On the left, was Reborn. On the right, was Vongola Nono. Near the fireplace, was Sawada Iemitsu, CEDEF Boss, and also Ienari's father.

"We just had a discussion." said Reborn. "It seems you still can't control your Guardians well." Ienari flinched. "And you can't seem to sense well enough." added Reborn. "And why are you all gathered here?" said Ienari.

"We decided. You're going to Japan." said Nono. 'Eh? Japan?" 'And I'm still against it." said Iemitsu. "We have talked this over. It is for the best." said Nono. "What happened back then wasn't your fault."

"And you decided without the person in question?" said Ienari.

"I am the greatest hitman, Reborn." said Reborn. "Now go pack your things, Ienari. Or I'll ship you to Japan in two hours." "Wait, we aren't going?" said Zen. "I have a different assignment for you." Reborn told Ienari's Guardians.

"Fine!" Ienari scrambles upstairs. He started packing his things before Reborn come and crack his skull open or pull a dying bullet through.

Reborn smirked. "This is going to be interesting."

In the next four hours, Ienari was ushered onto a plane heading to Japan. "I'll leave this to you." he whispered to Nono before leaving with Ienari. Nono smiled. "Have a safe trip."

In Japan, the Sawada household is preparing for the restaurant to open. "Tsunayoshi!" Nana called. "Yes, mama?" Tsunayoshi stepped into the kitchen. Nana handed Tsuna two lunchboxes. "Er...I don't eat that much." said Tsuna. "The other one is for Kyouya-kun!" smiled Nana. "He's waiting, isn't he? Now go." Tsuna was ushered out of the house. "Have a safe trip!"

"Okay then. Bye Ma!" Tsuna waved as he was pulled into the car by Kyouya. "Let's go, Tsunayoshi." Kyouya started the engine and they were gone.

Tsuna cell vibrated on the way to Namimori Academy. "Huh?" Tsuna flipped his phone over. He stared at the number. He never believed he would hear from him again. "Who's that, Tsunayoshi?" said Kyouya.

"It seems we got to go to the airport in awhile." said Tsuna. "Someone who I thought wouldn't come has arrived." "Hn. Seems like something that will be a lot of trouble." "Oh, they will be. In the future," replied Tsuna.

"Oi, Reborn!" Ienari yelled. "What?" Reborn turned. "We been waiting for one hour!" said Ienari. "Who the hell are we waiting for?" "Seems like you have arrived for quite sometime." a voice reached out. "You're late." said Reborn. 'Don't blame me. I wasn't driving. He is."

Ienari turned. The man who spoke had light brown hair, with a mix of gold, with that hair that defies gravity, just like his very own. "It's been a long time, Reborn." "Tsunayoshi." grunted the man beside. That man was much taller than the man who talked to Reborn. Black hair, black and slightly sharp eyes. He glared at Ienari.

"Who are they?" said Ienari. The guy with similar hair just like Ienari smiled. "My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. Nice to meet you, Sawada Ienari." "Nice to meet you too," Ienari replied. "Eh? Did I mention my name?"

"Yes, you did." said Reborn. "No, you didn't." said Tsunayoshi. "Reborn!" Ienari glared at Reborn. "I'm sorry, Tsunayoshi-san, he is always like that." Tsuna chuckled. "Just call me Tsuna. I'm aware of that, Ienari. He's my old acquaintance." "Tsunayoshi. Are we done?" Ienari glanced at the taller man beside Tsuna. "Oh, and this is my close friend. His name is Hibari Kyouya."

Reborn raised en eyebrow. "Friend, huh." Tsuna glanced at Reborn. "Yes, Reborn. Friend." Tsuna glanced at Ienari. "Welcome to Japan, Sawada Ienari. We'll escort you, a place where you be staying here in Japan."

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