Chaper 8: CEDEF

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Chapter 8: CEDEF

The plane landed at the airport around ten in the morning. "Japan. It's been such a long time." sighed Iemitsu, his dirty blond shining in the sun. "Master." Basil and his fellow mates of the CEDEF followed behind. "It's time." said Iemitsu. "Ienari must learn the truth, before it happens."

They called a cab and got in. Judging by the direction, they were probably heading for...the Sawada Residence.

"Wake up, Baka-Nari!" Reborn kicked Ienari off the bed. 'Reborn!" Ienari whined. "Why can't you at least wake people up the normal way?!" Reborn just smirked and sipped his espresso. "Oh yeah, I heard Iemitsu is arriving today."

"WHAT?!" Ienari jumped. "You should have told me sooner!" he rushed into the bathroom, showered and got dressed. By the time he went downstairs, his guardians were already having breakfast.

"Decimo!" his Guardians greeted. "Good morning!"

"You're late," said Tsuna. At the end of the table, Tsuna and Hibari were eating quietly. "Tsuna." Ienari sighed. "Didn't you have work?" "Yeah, I have." replied Tsuna, grabbing another piece of toast. "Kusakabe is standing in for today," said Hibari.

"The both of you work at the school? I don't think so." said Ilario. "It doesn't matter, does it?" said Tsuna. "It's not like you can do anything about it."

The entrance door opened. All eyes glanced at the door. Indeed, Iemitsu has arrived, just as Reborn as been informed. Nana stared at Iemitsu. "Oh my,"

"Father?!" Ienari stood. "Hey, Ienari." Iemitsu grinned. "Why are you here?" Tsuna glared. "Who are you?" Iemitsu glanced.

Everyone who was present was froze.

"You don't know?" Nana glared. "He's your son!"

"Ienari's my son." said Iemitsu.

"Sawada Iemitsu. I see you are trying to bury the ugly truth till death." sneered Gokudera.

"My son?" Iemitsu stared at Tsuna.

"Don't play dumb, Sawada Iemitsu. You instructed Ilario to investigate Tsunayoshi." said Hibari.

Tsuna stood. "You are no father of mine. Get lost." Tsuna glared as he walked out of the house. "Tsunayoshi. I'll drive you there." Hibari called after him. "You don't have to, Kyouya. I'll be fine."

"So, now Tsuna gone, I want you to spill everything." demanded Nana. " could you? He's also your son!"

"Basil." said Iemitsu. "Yes, Master?" said Basil. "Go and find Lal Mirch. She should have that file."

"If you wanted that file, I have it." Reborn appeared from the window. "Sawada Iemitsu." "Acrobaleno Reborn." sighed Iemitsu. "Of course."

"How did you know?" said Ienari. "I have my connections, Baka-Nari." smirked Reborn. "When Tsuna comes back, you're dead." Gokudera leered and disappeared into the restaurant. He kept muttering curses under his breath.

"Hey, Tsunayoshi." the Chief stared at Tsuna. "What's going on? You've been moody all day." "Iemitsu came back. After ten freaking years."

"Hmph. Isn't a great opportunity to hold him down?" sighed the Chief. "I will." Tsuna plopped the murder files into the drawer. "And I'll get him for doing such a thing. Even Ienari doesn't know."

"Because you are the older brother. You have to bear his burden, for one, who doesn't know anything." said the Chief. "You'll be fine."

"Tsunayoshi." Hibari appeared. "Kyouya. What are you doing here?" Tsuna was startled. "Come to Namimori Academy. Something happened." "Really?" Tsuna picked up his coat. "Okay, let's go."

Hibari drove himself and Tsuna to Namimori Academy. Sure enough, students from various divisions crowded the front entrance, until Hibari scared them away. "He fell?" said Tsuna.

"To be more precise, he was thrown from the highest floor, is that what you think?" said Nezu-sensei, glaring and walking towards them. "This is a murder scene, Nezu-sensei. Get lost." said Tsuna.

"To be honest, Sawada, your brother is even worst than you. Pathetic." laughed Nezu-sensei. "I don't know how is a perfect score pathetic. Just because he used to study overseas doesn't mean you can call them pathetic."

Tsuna walked towards the high school section. "Where are you going, Tsunayoshi?" said Hibari. "The murder didn't happen there." replied Tsuna.

He stomped into one of the classrooms. "There you are." Tsuna smirked. "Special Investigator, Sawada Tsunayoshi." the boy sneered. "Like the rumors, you're a genius."

"Kyouya, arrest him." said Tsuna. "Hn. Of course." his handcuffs glinted in the sunlight. "When you're done, we have something important to attend to, Tsunayoshi."

"We have to deal with the CEDEF." sighed Tsuna. "How dare he, in front of my mother, and after so long."

"Tsunayoshi!" Ienari and his Guardians raced just to see Tsuna. "Why are you here?" "Don't you have eyes? I'm arresting the murderer." said Tsuna. "Get going. Go to class."

"We'll come back to bite you." snarled Ilario. "For sure."

"Sure. Come all you want." said Tsuna. Hibari and Tsuna dragged the murderer into the car, leaving Ienari and his Guardians, with an additional Nezu-sensei speechless.

"Is he even your brother?" said Nezu-sensei. "That has nothing to do with you, Nezu-sensei." snarled Reiya. "Let's go."

Once Nezu-sensei was out of sight, Ienari and the Guardians disappeared. They refused to go to class. Skipping classes, was their common act when they were in Italy. "This brings back memories!" said Reiya as they boarded the bus. "Heh. Only idiotic people like you get lost." said Zen.

"Like spending hours in an arcade?" Ryohei appeared. "You're...!" Ienari and the Guardians were startled. "Come, let's hurry home. Tsuna and the rest are waiting." "Why are you here?" said Ilario.

"Ah, I was just passing by." grinned Ryohei. "Kyoko! Hana! Let's go!" he called. Kyoko and Hana were waiting outside. "Okay," they both nodded.

The Sawada Residence coincidently, was just a fifteen-minute walk from the arcade. When they finally arrived, everyone were gathered in the living room. "You're late." said Tsuna.

"Where were you been, kora!" with a small size, an acrobaleno like Reborn, raised his rifle. "You need more training, kora."

"Colonello!" Ienari blinked.

"Since when did you arrive?" said Ilario. "Isn't that obvious?" said Lal, raising her own rifle. Click. Ienari paled. "Please. Don't start a fight here!"

The both of them clicked their tongue.

"Should we get started?" said Yamamoto, entering the living hall. "All done?" said Gokudera.

"You're not going anywhere, Iemitsu. Explain. Now." demanded Gokudera. "What happened?" said Murasaki. "Kufufufu, child, you don't know anything, do you?" Mukuro laughed.

"If you don't speak, everyone will know the secret you have fought so many years to bury it." said Tsuna. "I know everything."

Iemitsu froze. "How...?" "What did you think you made me go through? Bastard." glared Tsuna. "Not only me, but together with my Guardians."

"They're your Guardians?" Ienari pointed at Gokudera and company. "If you did something, speak it up, Iemitsu!" said Nana finally. "How could you? He's your son!"

"He's not our son, Nana! He's a monster!" said Iemitsu. "Ah, now I see. Your true color are coming out." said Ryohei. "You have no idea what the seven of us went through. It was hell."

"Father, start explaining." demanded Ienari. "You did something unforgivable, Iemitsu." said Reborn. "What did you do?"

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