Chapter 9: The msytery

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Chapter 9: The mystery

"That fateful day, many lives were lost." said Iemitsu. "It was the day Vongola, Gesso, Geglio Nero and the Acrobaleno was attacked." said Iemitsu.

"And? Does that give you the right to sacrifice an infant's life to a monster?" said Mukuro. "Aren't you the monster here?"

"What?!" Everyone, except Tsuna and his Guardians were shocked. Nana was speechless.

"They threatened us! They threatened to kill Tsunayoshi if we didn't cooperate. That day, it wasn't something we had ever seen before. That strange power, it happened so fast. Even our best facilities and weaponry didn't work on them." said Iemitsu.

"And what is it, a secret so big that kept you away from Japan for more than ten years?" said Ilario.

"Before we could come up with the countermeasure, time ran out. They took Tsunayoshi away." said Iemitsu. "That evil grin, I'll never forget."

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" said Reborn quietly.

"How could I? Even the Vongola was speechless. We don't know what to do!" said Iemitsu. "Losing our heir, Vongola had lost its hope once. We are thankful you are here, Ienari."

"Who were they?" said Lal Mirch. "You should have requested for a search."

"Arcobalenos...weren't you there on the front lines?" said Iemitsu. "Argent Ace...he was the commander of the assault."

Colonello, Lal Mirch and Reborn flinched.

"You sacrificed your son's life. That, did you think out of all people, you would do that, we would find out?" said Reborn. "You're mistaken."

"This is beyond humane, kora!" said Colonello.

"Heir?" said Seira. "Isn't Ienari the heir?" "Your perceptual salience is pretty good." said Gokudera.

"Yes, Sawada Tsunayoshi was supposed to be the Vongola Heir, Vongola X." sighed Iemitsu.


"If Tsuna was able to make it out alive, it can only mean one thing, something must have happened. You've become a monster, Tsunayoshi. You are not my son." said Iemitsu.

"How could he?!" growled Gokudera. "We almost died!"

"What happened during that five years?" said Murasaki. "Tell us the truth."

"You just abandoned your own child, because he survived?" said Nana. "I can't believe you! You should be thankful!"

"You don't understand, Nana. Those people who took Tsunayoshi weren't humans. It's possible to think that they are not humans anymore." said Iemitsu.

"Hn." Hibari was silent as ever.

"You really want to know what happened? Even though you'll regret it?" said Tsuna. "The seven of us went through hell, and survived."

"I smell something..." whispered Colonello.

The CEDEF Team were speechless. They just sat and listened to every word that was spoken.

"I don't care. Tell us, Brother Tsunayoshi." Tears began to drip from Ienari's eyes.

"You still consider me your brother?" said Tsuna. "You don't even know anything."

"Then tell us!" said Ienari.

"We were cursed,cursed forever, destined to become monsters, just like you said, Sawada Iemitsu." said Chrome.

Iemitsu was the first to turn pale. "C...cursed?"

Tsuna and his Guardians pulled out a pendant from around their necks. "See this? This is the prove we aren't humans. We can't die, immune to everything." said Ryohei.

"Ienari, you're not sixteen. You're much older than that." said Tsuna. "What?" all eyes turned towards Tsuna.

"Ienari and I are twins." said Tsuna. "On that day, that man, didn't only kidnap me. He kidnapped me, along with all my Guardians, including Chrome."

"What happened? What did you mean by that, Brother Tsunayoshi?" said Ienari.

"The kidnapper lied. You only thought I was the only one who was taken away?" Tsuna glanced at Iemitsu. "You're wrong. When I was thrown into that dusty and frightening valley, Ienari was there. They wanted to take over the world, but with their current strength, they aren't capable enough."

"So they summoned the Devil King." said Rokudo Mukuro, "Kufufufu, it was hell."

They pulled back their sleeves and revealed a demon's mark branded into their skin. "The Devil's blood was injected into us, and by his words, we became cursed, forever." said Ryohei.

"Ienari, you were almost cursed and died." said Tsuna. Ienari blinked. "What?" "Like I said, he wanted to eliminate the Vongola. Turning both heir candidates into the Devil King's brethren was the best thing in the world." replied Tsuna.

"If it wasn't for us, the Vongola would have been in a critical state." said Yamamoto. "I minimized Ienari's curse, froze his time." said Tsuna.

"I was cursed?" Ienari was speechless.

"We are twenty-five, Ienari. Not sixteen." said Tsuna.

"Tsuna extracted Ienari's curse and took in into himself." said Hibari. "You don't even acknowledge your own son?"

"But no one could do that!" said Lal Mirch. "Only I could, as one of the cursed, I, as the Boss, I can." said Tsuna.

"Why?!" Ienari was tearing up. "You should have left me alone! Why did you have to suffer like this?!"

"What is done is done. You can't reverse it back." said Yamamoto.

The pendant the seven of them wore around their necks, it wasn't a pendant. It was a ring, formed by a contract of a cursed. "The Cursed Seven."

"When the Devil calls, friends or foe, if he orders, we must execute it. We are the Devil's servants, slave, bonded by blood and contract."

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