Chapter 15: Hyper Intuition

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Chapter 15: Hyper Intuition.

"Aren't you a bit too harsh, Hayato?" said Takeshi. "Who cares? Even though they're Tsuna's brother's Guardians. If they can pass the succession tests, they should be able to go through the Trials." said Hayato.

"It's only the second Trial." said Tsuna. "It cannot be stopped anymore." "But we can stop him plans." said Kyouya. "We can, if only the Trials ended successfully." agreed Tsuna. "What are you going to do, Hayato?" all heads turned to Gokudera. The next Trial was the Trial of Storm.

"Remember, we don't kill." said Tsuna. "Of course. You're the only one I'd follow, with my life on the line, Tsunayoshi." said Gokudera. "It'll be interesting." Tsuna smiled. "Let's go, Kyouya. They should be back by now." He glanced at the entrance. "I think they dropped by the restaurant." added Takeshi. "Well, they did used up a lot of energy after the Trial." said Lambo. "Replenishing is good," smiled I-pin.

"Heh," Tsuna smirked. "Because it's Sawada Ienari." "You were supposed to be the Vongola Decimo." frowned Hayato. "Are you fine with that?" "What good will it do, taking revenge on my own brother that I sacrificed my life for, Hayato?" Tsuna shook his head. "It's fine. This way, it's fine."

The door clicked open, Ienari and his Guardians, in addition of Ryohei, Hana and Kyoko filed in. "Welcome back, guys." smiled Tsuna. "We're back!" yelled Ryohei. "We're dropping by again, Tsuna-kun," Kyoko smiled. "Heh, good evening, Sawada." said Hana. "Welcome, Kyoko, Hana." greeted Tsuna.

"Why is everyone gathered?" Ienari blinked. "For starters, it's ain't none of your business." Gokudera stomped into the kitchen. "Ah, he went to get drinks." grinned Takeshi. "I think I'll help him." He got up and disappeared into the kitchen as well.

"How will the Trial of Storm be?" Ienari wondered. "It is the best if you just be yourselves." said Ryohei. "You saw my test. Worrying will do no good." "And not all Trials are combatant." said Lambo. "We are your examiners. We cannot enclose anything else." said Tsuna. "Come, Kyouya."

Kyouya followed Tsunayoshi upstairs. "What the heck? The both of them are like glue." said Murasaki. "You won't understand." Hayato and Takeshi came back with a tray of iced drinks."Their relationship is much complicated than just two individuals in love." said Takeshi. "Just like the both of you." said Lambo.

Takeshi and Hayato blushed. "Shut up, stupid cow!" barked Hayato. "Ah, Stupidera snapped~" said Lambo monotonously. "Lambo!" I-pin whacked Lambo. "Stop teasing Hayato-san!" "Heh~" Lambo glanced at the television, totally ignoring Hayato. "Why are you chosen to bear the curse anyway?" Ienari grabbed a drink. "We don't really know anything." said Takeshi. "Only Tsuna has assumption we could tell really close to the answers we seek."

"As expected, in his veins flows the Blood of Vongola. He really is the true heir." Reborn perched on Ienari's shoulder. "Reborn!" everyone exclaimed. "He has Vongola's said greatest power, the hyper intuition." said Reborn.

"As expected of the greatest hitman, Reborn." Tsuna and Kyouya stood by the stairs. "How long have you knew?" said Tsuna. "Since that man attacked Namimori Academy." replied Reborn calmly. "Wha-" Ienari and the Guardians were stunned. "Hyper Intuition?" said Ienari. "A power possessed by the true heir of the Vongola, a power that said to see through all things." said Reborn.

"Similarly like the First, you possess Vongola's Hyper Intuition." smirked Reborn. "You were truly chosen by many. And most probably, the devil didn't want the Vongola to become invincible. Robbing of their heir, Vongola had no choice but to rely on Baka-Nari."

Tsuna sighed. "And so you knew all along." "Argent Ace wasn't the only accomplice." said Kyouya. "That guy who showed up at Namimori Academy, 'Kasane' was one of them." "When the Trials are initiated, it must mean it's hours are beyond moments." said Hayato. "When the Trials end, hell will break lose." "At most, we have only eight days." said Lambo.

"Ignorance is bliss, Ienari." said Ryohei. "You don't need to know." "How can I not?! My own brother sacrificed his own life!" protested Ienari. "You are nothing to blame. As how we condemn them, the curse is also part of the balance. You cannot destroy curses. Not when you're this weak." said Tsuna. Kyouya pulled Tsuna into their room.

"Weak?" Ienari blinked. "How dare he...?!" growled Ilario. "What he said is true." said Reborn. "At this rate, you cannot even defeat Tsunayoshi, yet alone you want to destroy the curses, where a bearer of the curse couldn't?" "I was frozen in time." said Ienari. "What happened then wasn't clear. Was I there is just a coincidence?"

"I'm sure it wasn't." Iemitsu walked in. "Even I didn't know." "Of course you didn't. Tsunayoshi hated you for leaving him alone, not even helping when your family needed it the most." said Hayato.

"He never bothered to call for help." scowled Iemitsu. "He was the heir. If only he didn't run away, he could've been the successor." "He couldn't. The bodies of the Cursed Seven follows a different time that yours. It cannot be compared." said Ryohei.

"What a pity," said Kyoko quietly. "You knew?!" Ienari stared at Kyoko and Hana. "We kinda forced Lambo." said Hana. "You are absolutely forbidden to hide anything from us." She pulled Ryohei's ear. "Oww! Sorry, Hana! I won't do it again!" Ryohei wailed. "Heh." Hana was satisfied. The rest of the gang sweat dropped.

"If Tsuna-kun possess the Hyper Intuition, couldn't he have seen the mastermind?" said Kyoko. "It's not that simple." said Takeshi. "It depends on Tsuna." "Though I'm surprised the Vongola Decimo couldn't even trigger the Super Intuition." said Hayato. "Are you brothers twins?" "You're asking the impossible!" said Ienari.

"Ienari is not as skilled as your Boss." glared Ilario. "Just because Sawada Tsunayoshi is better doesn't mean you can look down on my Boss." "Who is? Heh." Hayato got up. "Let's go, Takeshi. This is wasting time." The both of them disappeared up the stairs. "You should be careful around them." sighed Lambo.

"That is the rumored Smokin Bomb Hayato. A bomb specialist and a number of other middle- ranged weapons." said Ryohei. "I'm not betting what the Trial might be." "There's nothing you can tell, huh." said Reborn. "Then it's all up to you, Ilario."

"If Tsuna's hyper intuition has sensed it, it must be true." said Iemitsu. "I'll wait for that day. Eight more days, right?"

In his own room, Tsunayoshi sighed. Kyouya was embracing him and refused to let go. "Eight more days." "Even we have not even met who the devil king is." said Kyouya. "First question, did he even exist?" frowned Tsuna. "Who knows." shrugged Kyouya. "But I'm grateful for one thing."

"What is it?" asked Tsuna. "You." Kyouya leaned down and kissed Tsuna. "I'm grateful that because of them, I was able to meet you, Tsunayoshi." Tsuna ruffled Kyouya's hair. "Mee too, Kyouya."

Hayato was up reading his super thick books. "What are you doing?" sighed Takeshi. "I'm searching for ideas." replied Hayato. "That Storm Guardian won't be able to look down on me." "Heh. That's nice, Hayato, but if they don't pass, we don't get to see the devil king." said Takeshi. "I know. That guy will be able to pass, I'm sure. He will make it come true." replied Hayato.

Takeshi sighed. It's going to be a long day tomorrow. The Trial of Storm is going to be a long one, Takeshi feared. Storm bearers are always strong and vigorous. Always the center of the furious attack. And they will fight like the storm.

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