Chapter 21: Trial of Sky

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Chapter 21: Trial of Sky.

"How are you feeling, Tsunayoshi?" said Hibari. "I'm fine, Kyouya." smiled Tsuna. "I'm really am." Hibari grunted. "Tomorrow will be the last, huh?" sighed Tsuna. "Have you planned the Trial?" asked Hibari. Tsuna smiled. "Ienari will pass. I know he will." he snuggled into Hibari's arms.

"Ienari? You're still awake?" Murasaki peeped into Ienari's room, after he saw the light was still on. "Are you worried?" Ienari smiled. "Well...kinda..." "Well, get some sleep, Ienari, We don't know what kind of Trial you'll be tested." said Murasaki. "Good night." "Good night." replied Ienari.

After a while, Ienari finally switched off the lights and went to bed. He hoped everything will go well tomorrow, After all, the examiner is his own brother, Tsunayoshi. Dawn arrived sooner than he thought. Reborn kicked Ienari, before he could even scramble out of bed.

"What the hell, Reborn?!" Ienari whined. "Get up, Baka-Nari." said Reborn. "Today is your Trial." "Oh, right." Ienari pulled back the covers. "Get ready." Reborn trotted out of the room. "Yes, sir..." Ienari whined.

"Good morning, Ienari." Nana smiled as she served breakfast. Ienari glanced at the table. "Where's Tsunayoshi?" "Oh." Tsuna's Guardians sighed. "He went to get the venue ready. Hibari went with him." answered Lambo, picking up a meatball.

"I wonder what is the Trial of Sky like." Ilario began eating. "Even if you ask us, we won't know." said Gokudera. "Every Guardian has their own style." "Baka-Nari." said Reborn. "Hmm?" Ienari picked up a toast. "You're going to be late." Reborn calmly sipped his espresso. "Tell me earlier!" Ienari panicked.

"Let's go, guys!" Ienari and the Guardians raced out of the house. "Damn Reborn...we're gonna be bitten to death." "Well, we still have three minutes." said Zen. "Run full speed!" yelled Ilario.

They reached the front entrance as soon as the bell rang. "We made it." they sighed in relieve. "Oh, you're here." Tsuna approached the front entrance. "Tsunayoshi." Ienari blinked. "Aren't you supposed to be at the station?"

"Your Trial." said Hibari. "Oh, right." Ienari faced palmed. "Come, after Dino's class. He'll inform you the details." said Tsuna. "I'll be going first then. I still have things I need to do before the Trial."

Ienari and the Guardians pondered over Tsuna's words. "It's weird." They settled themselves in their seats as they prepared for their first class. "You seemed tired, Ienari." commented Keiichi. "Shut up." scowled Ienari.

"Being a Boss, must be tiring, huh?" said Keiichi. "Tsunayoshi was supposed to be the Boss." said Ienari. "Good morning, everyone!" Dino walked in, with Romario tailing behind. Ienari sighed. Dino is still useless without his subordinates.

Dino winked at Ienari. "Ah, I knew it." sighed Ienari. "Okay, guys. Take out your textbooks. I'll be starting the class." said Dino, after the noise died. "He must be planning something." muttered Zen. "Absolutely." agreed Lexi. "What do you think?" said Ienari. "It's the Sky."

After an uneventful of two hours in the classroom, the bell finally rang. "Okay, Ienari." said Dino. "Go to the courtyard." "Yes, sir." Ienari nodded. "Let's go, guys." "Good luck, Ienari." smiled Dino.

"What...happened to the courtyard?" the Vongola Guardians blinked. "Welcome, Vongola Guardians." said Tsuna. "This is specially prepared only for the Trial of Sky." "Why?' blinked Ienari. "Because...who knows what will happen." replied Keiichi, "Isn't it obvious?"

The Vongola Guardians turned. "What are you guys doing here? Get back to class!" Ienari yelled. "Why? It's the last one anyway." Ienari's classmates whined. "Interesting, aren't they?" smiled Ryohei. "If only we had classmates like that, maybe we've been much happier." scowled Gokudera.

"Vongola Bearer of Sky, Sawada Ienari, step forward." said Tsuna, in such a serious tone he startled everyone. Dino chuckled. "Even after so many years, he's still the same." "Yes, Boss." agreed Romario.

"Bearer of Sky, what is the extend of your strength?" Tsuna pulled on his gloves. "The extend?" Ienari blinked. "Isn't how we protect our Family?" Tsuna sighed. "Yes. But there is something else. Vongola Decimo, I shall now pass on 'that', no Sky Bearers have received in history."

"What do you mean?" demanded Colonello. "Stop it, Colonello. He's the former Vongola Decimo, isn't he? He must know something." said Lal Mirch. "At least he knows a way to defeat those who attacked the main Headquarters."

"Get ready, Ienari. If you can learn this, you'll succeed. You pass." said Tsuna, his gloves enveloped in Sky Flames. "Come, Ienari. Attack." "Fine." Ienari pulled on his gloves, a similar style. "They're really twins, aren't they?" said Dino.

"What is Tsunayoshi saying? Didn't Ienari recieved everything when Primo acknowledged him?" said Reborn. "The secret technique Tsuna has, has nothing to do with Vongola. It's a weapon Tsuna developed himself, in order to save our fates, the Vongola, Acrobalenos, Millefiore and Giglio Nero." said Yamamoto. "He must pass it on to Ienari."

"When this Trial ends, we will..." began Lambo. Gokudera kicked Lambo. "Enough." "Yes..." Lambo looked edgy.

"It's similar to the First's." said Ienari. Tsuna continued attacking Ienari. "Feel it. The Deathperation flames, only Bearers of Sky, like us, are able to use it like that. With this, you can defeat your enemies in your near future. I'm sure you know who I am talking about. You can defeat him." Tsuna's had his hands in a position for the Zero Point Breakthrough: Revised.

"But this is not enough to defeat him." said Tsuna. The Deathperation Flames on Tsuna forehead changed color. It turned into a deeper orange. "Pure flames. I'm sure you know about it." Ienari nodded. "Those enemies, deathperation flames don't work on them." said Tsuna. "Only very highly pure flames can harm them. You must control it fully, and turn it into a new weapon. My technique changes, for every individual."

Ienari's flames glowed furiously. "They used the power of the Devil. No human can go against it." continued Tsuna. Ienari followed Tsuna. Zero Point Breakthrough: Revised. "That's it. Use it, by every means, protect humanity." Ienari's deathperation flames changed color. It turned slightly red. When Ienari released the attack, almost half of the courtyard was destroyed.

Tsuna extinguished his deathperation flames. "That's it. You pass." smiled Tsuna. The Vongola Guardians smiled. You did it!" Tsuna smiled sadly. "Don't forget it, Ienari." Ienari frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing." replied Tsuna. A voice then echoed. "Ahahahaha! Now you've done it!" Argent Ace materialized. "Kufufufu, the person I wanted to kill so much is in front og my eyes." said Mukuro. "Tsunayoshi." Hibari gripped Tsuna's hand. "I know, Kyouya." "What's going on?" said Keiichi. "Who's that guy?"

"Bow before him, you idiots." said Argent Ace. "What?" said the Arcrobalenos. Then, a man, surrounded in negative aura appeared. "What have you been up to, my brethren?" he said. "Return home."

"No!" said Tsuna suddenly. "What?" the man glared at Tsuna. "Who do you think you are?" "You are a devil. Begone!" yelled Lambo. The man glanced at Tsuna and his Guardians. "I could say for the same for all of you, and you as well, Sawada Ienari."

"Uh-oh. This is getting bad." gulped Keiichi. "What are they saying" said Sayuri. "Shh!" shushed Sayaka. "Be quiet!"

"Didn't you know what happened that day?" said the Devil. "He took in your curse into his own body. Do you know of the consequences?" Hibari growled. "Shut up!" "Heh. It seems only his Guardians are aware of it." smirked the Devil. "Who are you anyway?" yelled Ilario.

"I am the one you call, the Devil King. My name is Taka." he replied.

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