Chapter 17: Trial of Lightning

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Chapter 17: Trial of Lightning

"I have decided. The venue...where it shall be held...will be the park behind Namimori Academy." said Lambo. "Please don't be late, or you'll be disqualified~" "At night?" asked Ienari. "Of course," said Gokudera. "Unless you don't mind others watching a spectacular show." added Yamamoto.

"Kufufufu," chuckled Mukuro. "The Trials, no matter what it must be done." said Ryohei. "I wonder what is that stupid cow planning.." muttered Gokudera. Tsuna laughed. "Calm down! Take a rest, tonight will be the fight." "Tsunayoshi," said Hibari. "Ah, yes. Let's go." Tsuna rose from his seat.

"Where are you going?" said Iemitsu. "To work?" Tsuna raised an eyebrow. "Chief Kuroyuri is going to kill me if I don't take on that case." Hibari dragged Tsuna into the car and drove off. "My, Kyouya-kun is sure fast." smiled Nana.

"I knew it, my examiner's a kid." grumbled Reiya. "He's much older than you think," said Chrome shyly. Reiya paled. "Tch." he clicked his tongue. "Now get going, all of you." Reborn kicked Ienari. "Ouch! Reborn!" Ienari whined. "For once I thought you quit kicking me!" "Hmph." smirked Reborn. "Get going before Hibari bite you to death."

Tsunayoshi sighed as Hibari dropped him off at the front gate of the Investigators Office. He took out his badge and pressed it against the monitor scanner. Once the monitor had identified the badge the doors opened. Tsuna stepped in, as he was greeted by the reception office, Chief Kuroyuri was waiting for him.

"Chief!" greeted Tsuna. "Come to my office later, Tsunayoshi." smiled the Chief. He got up and entered into one of the interrogation rooms. "Er...what?" Tsuna blinked. "He was wondering if you're coming or not." said Sil.

"Go away, Sil." Tsuna settled himself comfortably at his desk. "You're taking over another special case, I'm sure." smirked Sil. "Mind your business, Sil." scowled Tsuna. "Come, Tsunayoshi." Chief called from his office. "Yes, sir." Tsuna sighed. Sil grinned.

"Have you been well?" said the Chief, looking for the correct file on hi desk. "I always have been." replied Tsuna. "Not to me, Tsunayoshi." said Chief Kuroyuri. "I'm not blind. That curse's on the move, isn't it?" Tsuna paled. "Judging by your expression, it must be true." said Chief Kuroyuri. "Here."

Chief Kuroyuri handed Tsuna a file. "Investigate this case, for now." "For now?" blinked Tsuna. "It's a case handed over from Namimori Station. No one could solve it. For sure, I'm certain it's a murder case."said Chief Kuroyuri. "Good luck."

"Sawada Ienari!" Nezu-sensei screeched. "What?" said Ienari bluntly. "Even if your score is perfect, pay attention a little, will ya?!" said Nezu-sensei. "I am." said Ienari. "How dare you, you liar!" Nezu was getting mad. "Lying to a teacher, disciplinary action should be taken!"

"He didn't even do anything," said Murasaki. "Aren't you blaming him for your lack of skill?" Nezu turned very red. "All of you are expelled!" "No can do. Only the principal has the right." said Ilario. "I'll make the principal expel all of you!" screeched Nezu. "Even if the principal is Hibari Kyouya?" said Zen. "That's quite an achievement,"

The class laughed. They have never seen Nezu so furious, that it was amusing. "Sawada Ienari." Hibari pulled the classroom door open. "Yes?" Nezu lit up. "You're expelling him? That's good! He even caused a ruckus the other day!" Hibari glared at Nezu. Nezu stepped back. He turned back to Ienari. "Tsuna asked you to go now. You and your Guardians. Tsuna will arrive a little later." said Hibari.

"Yes, sir!" said Ienari. He and the Guardians stood, and exited the classroom. " could you?" stuttered Nezu. "What?" said Hibari. "Isn't that against the rules?" said Nezu. "Tsunayoshi applied for their leave for half a day," Hibari pulled out a signed form.

Nezu collapsed onto the floor. " the world..." Hibari shut the door close, leaving Nezu-sensei stunned on the floor. Keiichi and the rest of the classmates grinned and snickered.

"What the heck is this case?" scowled Tsuna. "Let's go, Sil." Tsuna grabbed his coat. "Where to?" asked Sil. "To catch the culprit." "Huh? You figured it out already?!" Sil blinked. Tsuna pushed the file in Sil's face. "Read it yourself. Let's go."

" concluded this guy is the culprit?" Sil pulled out a picture from the file. "He's not even a suspect!" "All the more reason he is the culprit." said Tsuna as the car pulled into a corner. The car stopped two blocks away from the warehouse. "C'mon." Tsuna got out of the car.

Sil was still stunned. He knew Tsuna was a genius, but not a ridiculous superior. Err...maybe a little. Tsuna kicked down the front entrance. They found thugs gambling, drinking and dealing with illegal drugs. "Who are you? Eh?" they threatened. "You'll answer my question." said Tsuna firmly.

"We're the boss here, bastard. Who are you?!" they picked up weapons. "Seems like you're ready to throw the punch." sighed Tsuna. The thugs charged forward. Tsuna overthrew all of them in just mere seconds. "I..didn't know you could fight." Sil sighed. "I nearly lost ten years of my life."

"Where is he?" said Tsuna, pulling out the picture of the culprit. "He left, yesterday." one of the thugs replied. "Where to?' asked Sil. "Fifth Avenue," he replied. "Tch. Let's go." Tsuna turned on his heel and left.

They drove the car to Fifth Avenue. "You stay here," Tsuna told Sil. "Eh?" Sil blinked. "I'll go alone." said Tsuna. He took his handgun and walked into the lair. "Han Yuri. You're under arrest." smiled Tsuna. "They finally got me? After three years? This is hilarious!" she cackled.

"Yes, it is hilarious. Now shut up and follow me to the station." said Tsuna. "What kind of officers smile while arresting culprits?" said Yuri. Tsuna handcuffed Yuri. "None of your business." he threw Yuri into the car. "Get going, Sil." "Yes, sir." Sil started the car, and off they went, back to the station.

"Good work, Tsunayoshi." said Chief Kuroyuri. "Stop doing this." scowled Tsuna. "You only handed me the case because you couldn't solve it, didn't you?" "Isn't the next Trial starting soon?' said the Chief. "And whose fault is that?" said Tsuna. Chief Kuroyuri laughed. "Be well, Tsunayoshi."

"Where is he?" sighed Ienari."Calm down. He's coming soon." said Yamamoto. "He had another case." "Tch. Making the Decimo wait...I don't care if they're twins!" said Ilario. A car drove into a corner. "So, are you going to kill me?" Tsuna raised an eyebrow as he locked the car.

"Lambo, get started." said I-pin. "Okay," Lambo nodded. "Bearer of Lightning, step forward." said Tsuna. "Yes," Reiya stepped forward. "Your Trial is to reach this destination." Lambo gave Reiya a map. "Just this?" asked Reiya. "Yeah?" said Lambo. Reiya sighed. He couldn't believe this. "If there are no questions, then I'll be going first." said Lambo.

"What is Lambo thinking?" I-pin faced palmed. "Oh well, it served him just right." said Ryohei. Reiya started his journey. The ground was easy to walk on. "I don't think it' that simple," said Chrome. "There's something else." "Correct." said Tsuna. "Even Lambo understands, the Trials are nothing compared to any tests Vongola had given."

Traps were laid out. Reiya stepped on the wrong block and the Moscas appeared. They chased after him. "Mosca?!" Reborn frowned. "Don't worry, it's a modified mosca." said Tsuna. Colonello and Lal Mirch just silently observed.

"Dang it! And here I thought it was only that simple!" Reiya pulled out his Lightning sword. The lightning output increased and Reiya slashed all the moscas, absorbing the deathperation flames into the sword. He ran, towards "Lambo's castle'.

"Congratulations, you've reached your destination." said Lambo. "As a Bearer of Lightning, one must be able to to draw damage to himself and away from the rest of the Famiglia, serving as a lightning rod. You pass."

Reiya blinked "This is ridiculous. Is this even a test?" "But you passed! Isn't that a good thing?" said Zen. "Hmph." scoffed Reiya. "At least it ended well," said Lal Mirch. "How many are left?" asked Colonello. "Cloud, Mist and Sky are the only ones left." said Reborn.

Both Chrome Dokuro and Rokudo Mukuro's rings glowed. "It's Mist. The next Trial will be Mist." said Tsuna. "You have two Mist Bearers?" said Ienari. "Isn't that a bit too much?" "Well...they have a's a long story." replied Tsuna. "Well then, have a good night. Come back early, guys." Tsuna and his Guardians walked down the hill, got into their cars and drove off.

"They're fast." said Lexi. "You should be prepared, Seira. You're next." said Lal Mirch. "Yes, sir." nodded Seira.

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