Chapter 30: The fated day

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Chapter 30: The fated day.

Tsunayoshi sighed. It has been two years since then. Too many things had happened, and they experienced too much pain. All of that are in the past. They were strong, strong enough to move on.

"Mama!" Min Ri greeted Tsunayoshi happily. Now seven years old, he had begun to learn about many things. "What is that?" Tsuna noticed the book in Min Ri's hand. "Oh, my teacher gave it to me! Beautiful, isn't it?" he smiled. Tsuna nodded. "Yes, it is." It was a book on the mortal world, a place where Min Ri won't be able to go.

"It seems today will be an interesting day." said Taka, appearing behind them. "Why, Papa?" asked Min Ri. "You will see," replied the Devil King. Min Ri scowled. "Tch. Papa is always like that. Why can't you tell us?"

"Because it'll spoil the fun," said Taka. "Be a good boy and observe." Min Ri nodded. "Okay..."

Tsunayoshi gazed at the sky. It seemed similar. The sky looked similar as that day. He missed the days back in the mortal world. His mother, his brother, and most of all, his Guardians, and...Kyouya.

"What are you doing, Tsunayoshi?" said Taka. "Nothing," replied Tsuna. "I'm just looking at the sky." Taka sighed. "You love the sky, don't you?" "I'm a Sky Bearer. What do you think?" replied Tsunayoshi.

Taka pulled Tsuna into his embrace. "It doesn't matter."

"Mama, Papa!" Min Ri called. "Look at the sky!" The both of them turned. Tsunayoshi's prediction had came true. It really was like that day. The gate to the mortal realm opened. The visitors who came through the gate were even more unexpected.

"I...Ienari." stuttered Tsuna. Ienari and his Guardians, along with Tsuna's Guardians smiled. "Brother." Ienari hugged Tsuna. "Why are you here? I told you, didn't I? You can't come here!" said Tsuna.

"Mama!" Min Ri dropped his book and ran to Tsuna's side. "Seems like you found your way back here." Taka eyed the cursed bearers. "We won't leave Tsuna alone." said Gokudera. "Get that into your head."

"Hmph." the Devil King scoffed.

"Is that...your kid?" Ilario stared at Min Ri. Tsuna picked up Min Ri and smiled. "Yeah. His name is Min Ri." Min Ri smiled brightly. "How do you do? My name is Sawada Min Ri."

Ienari took Min Ri from Tsuna. "Hello, Min Ri." "You're the guy from Mama's book!" said Min Ri. "Who are you?" "Am I?" said Ienari. Tsuna laughed. "He accidentally saw the family picture."

"Min Ri, my name is Sawada Ienari." said Ienari. "I'm your uncle." "Really?" Min Ri smiled brightly. "Yay!" he hugged Ienari. "He's surprisingly cute," said Murasaki. Hibari looked glum. "Ahh...not again." sighed Lambo. "Calm down, Hibari." said Yamamoto. "It's been two years."

"Kyouya..." Tsuna stared at Hibari. "Tsunayoshi, it's fine. Be happy." said Hibari. "Aren' angry?" said Tsuna. Hibari looked away. "Even if I did, what could I have done? Kill you?" "I should have been," said Tsuna.

Hibari shook his head. "Live well, Tsunayoshi. No matter what, I'll still love you." He hugged Tsuna. "Kyouya...I..." Tsuna began. "Stop." said Hibari. "It's better if we don't know it. We should learn to let it go."

Tsunayoshi silently nodded. "It's for the best." said Hibari.

"Have you been well?" Ienari carrying Min Ri approached. "Of course." replied Tsuna. "Min Ri has been very happy." "He's still a vampire, Ienari. Do not forget." said Ilario. Ienari sweat dropped. "I know!"

"Hey, Uncle Ienari, do you have a family out there?" asked Min Ri. Ienari smiled. "Yes, I do, Min Ri. They're your family too." Tsuna just smiled. "How Mum?" "She's well. Although she was shaken when Father died." replied Ienari.

"My Grandma is over there?" said Min Ri. "Yes," Yamamoto patted on the child's head. "When you grow up, one day, you'll be able to meet her." "Really?" Min Ri brightened. "Really." smiled Chrome.

"Yay!" Min Ri jumped with joy. "Mama, I get to see Grandma!" Tsunayoshi smiled. "Yes, Min Ri. Let's go and visit her one day." "Yes, Mama!" replied Min Ri. "Kufufufu, he looks just like Tsunayoshi when we were younger." Mukuro chuckled.

"Shut up." scowled Tsuna.

"He's a bright child, but he doesn't know he'll be the next ruler union of vampire and human." said Gokudera. "He's our hope. The world we know which brought us pain will be no more."

"Humans are monsters on the inside." said Taka. "They need to be taught to realize their mistakes." "And for that, you destroyed our lives." glared Gokudera. "Maa, maa, it's all in the past." said Yamamoto.

"Tch." Gokudera clicked his tongue.

"You should go back," said Tsunayoshi. "You cannot stay here, Ienari." "Why? Because I'll become like you?" said Ienari. "We're brothers, Tsuna. We go though it together. Haven't we experience the same loss that day?"

Tsuna frowned. "I experienced it, doesn't mean you have to!" "Why? Why do you carry everything onto yourself? There are people around you, Tsuna! Rely on them a bit, can't you? " said Ienari. "You trust them, right? If you didn't, they wouldn't even be your Guardians."

Tsunayoshi sighed. "You are truly the Vongola heir." Ienari shook his head. "No one is better than you do, Brother. You know it best." "Mama, we'll visit them, okay?" said Min Ri. "Don't cry!"

"I'm not crying, Min Ri." Tsuna picked up Min Ri. "Ienari, you know it very well. I cannot rule Vongola anymore. You must do it well. Bring Vongola back onto its right path."

Ienari nodded. "I will. Come soon, Brother. Bye, Min Ri." the Guardians and Tsuna's Guardians vanished. "They're gone." said Taka. "Yeah," agreed Tsuna. "Why can't I go to the mortal world?" asked Min Ri.

"Because you're still not strong enough to control your hunger and powers." said Taka. "You must never hurt anyone, vampires, monsters or humans. Never." Min Ri nodded. "If I can control them, can we go visit them?" Tsuna smiled. "Yes, dear Min Ri."

"Okay!" Min Ri picked up his book and went back to his favorite spot in the garden. "You did a good job raising him. I chose the right person." Taka kissed Tsuna. "You raped me." scowled Tsuna.

"It turned out fine, isn't it?" said Taka. "And you should have been turned a vampire ages ago. You refused to, until you almost died." "And I'd preferred to die before turning into a monster." said Tsuna.

"And I won't let you." said Taka. "One day, I leave this place. Just watch, vampire." said Tsuna. Taka snorted. "As if you aren't one,"

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