Chapter 3: Bucking Bronco Dino

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Chapter 3: Bucking Bronco Dino

Ienari and Keiichi became friends fairly well. The Math teacher, Nezu-sensei was ridiculous. He thought every student that entered the school was bound to fail. Ienari had a perfect score in Math when he was in Italy. There is no way he would fail Math.

When the lunch bell rang, Ienari was glad to be out of the classroom. Keiichi and Ienari entered the cafeteria. "'s already full with people." groaned Keiichi.

They noticed Tsunayoshi, Kyouya and Dino sitting in a corner. They were eating lunch. "Crowded, isn't it?" smiled Tsuna. "Hello, Tsuna." greeted Ienari. "Tsuna? Did you mean Sawada Tsunayoshi?" said Keiichi. "Hm? Do I know you?" Tsuna blinked.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU KNEW SAWADA TSUNAYOSHI?!" Keiichi shook Ienari. "C...calm down!" Ienari coughed. "Oh yeah, Tsuna." "What is it?" asked Tsuna. "Why is Dino here?!" "Oh? Didn't I tell you?" blinked Tsuna. "No, you perfectly didn't!" said Ienari.

Ienari and Keiichi sat in the empty seats beside them. "It's very interesting to bring textbooks written in Italian." smiled Dino. Ienari blushed. "Please forget them, Dino!" "Oh? You brought Italian textbooks into class?" Tsuna smirked. "Heh." Keiichi was silent. "I'm very honored to be able to meet you in person!" he said quietly. "Oh? Thank you, Ienari's friend." smiled Tsuna.

"Say, Tsuna's famous?" said Ienari. "He's the only one who could stop the Head of Discipline from going on rampage." said Keiichi. "People who have tried have always ended up in hospitals." "Eh?! Their injuries were serious enough to be admitted to the hospital?!" Ienari paled. "Hn." Kyouya just grunted. He didn't care.

After Keiichi and Ienari have gone to class, the three of them glanced at the wall. "Reborn." sighed Dino. The wall which they thought it was turned around, and revealed Reborn's hiding spot. "What are you doing there?"

"I'm observing, as Ienari's tutor." replied Reborn.

"He already went to class." said Tsuna. Kyouya got up. "Let's go, Tsunayoshi. The herbivores are starting to crowd." Tsuna was dragged away. Dino waved as he headed towards the staff room.

"Kyo-san!" Kusakabe chased after Kyouya and Tsuna. "What is it?" said Kyouya. "There's a group of students fighting in the higher level section!" reported Kusakabe. "Hn." Kyouya grunted. Kyouya and Tsuna headed towards the scene. Kusakabe saluted as the both of them left.

"Disturbing the peace of Namimori, I'll bite you to death." said Kyouya. The students paled. "H..hibari!" they scrambled, trying to run, but Kyouya was much faster. One swing from his steel tonfas, the trouble makers fell to the ground.

Gradually, whenever Ienari goes, he would be surrounded by fan girls, much to his dismay. Keiichi laughed. "Because even your looks doesn't look Japanese." "Tsuna doesn't look Japanese too. He looked even more like a foreigner than me." said Ienari.

"Look." point Keiichi. "Even our poor sensei doesn't stand a chance." They saw Dino running through the hallway chased by fan girls. "Ah..." Ienari sweat dropped. "I see what you mean..."

Mochida stared into the classroom. "Weird. That new transfer student looked strangely like Sawada Tsunayoshi." he muttered. "Is it a coincidence, or..."

Nezu-sensei walked into the classroom. "We'll be having a test soon. I hope all of you are prepared for the test." Nezu-sensei smirked. "If you fail, the world has no need for people like you!"

Nezu-sensei glared at Ienari, as if already deciding Ienari would fail. Ienari ignored the Math teacher. He had more important things to be concerned rather than a math test.

Dino then knocked on the door. "Ah, Nezu-sensei." Dino said. "Ienari is needed down the reception room." The students and Dino swore they heard a vein popped. "Hmph. If he fails the test, he can consider himself expelled!"

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