Chapter 14: Trial of the Sun

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Chapter 14: Trial of the Sun.

"What should we do?!" Ienari panicked. "The Trials shouldn't have happened! We already passed all the tests!" "Shut up, Baka-Nari!" Reborn kicked Ienari in the face. "Ouch! Reborn!" Ienari wailed. "If you're the boss, you should know what to do." said Lal Mirch.

"Zen will undergo the Trial." said Ienari quietly. "And we will back you up, Zen!" Zen smiled. "There's no need. For a martial artist like me, I am enough." "Even so, we cannot leave you alone there!" protested Reiya.

"It's fine, Ienari." said Reborn. "Sasagawa Ryohei is the examiner. He'll be fine." "Hmph. You better not be dead before the boss." scoffed Ilario. "Of course." said Zen. "I'll show them Vongola is unbeatable." "But remember, the Trial doesn't necessary have to be a test of combat." said Colonello.

On the other hand, Lambo sighed. "What is it, Lambo?" said I-pin. "That's the fifth time." "I wonder if the Trial tomorrow will be fine," said Lambo. "I hope 'he' will not interrupt the Trial..." "He won't." said Tsuna. "We will stop him before he does." said Hayato. "Ryohei will carry out his Trial." said Tsuna. "Don't worry."

Tsuna got up from the couch. "I'm going up first. Tell Mama I'm sleepy. The restaurant is still open, after all." "Yeah. Good night." the gang waved Tsuna good night as he vanished up the stairs.

"Ah, Kyouya." Tsuna blinked as he opened the door to his bedroom. Kyouya was reading on his bed. "Tsunayoshi." Kyouya put away his book. He loomed over Tsuna and kissed him. "Ah...Kyouya..." Tsuna moaned. The kiss was intense. "Tsunayoshi..." Kyouya murmured.

When they broke up, gasping for air, the both of them stared at each other. "Are you still mad at him?" said Kyouya finally. "Who? My father?" said Tsuna. "He hasn't been making problems, so I guess it's fine." "That bastard will come, together with Kasane." said Kyouya. "Let them be. We will crush them." Tsuna crashed on the bed.

Kyouya then loomed on top of Tsuna. "What are you doing? I'm sleepy." Kyouya smirked. "As if you already didn't know." Kyouya attacked Tsuna again. "I won't let you sleep tonight." "Kyouya!" Tsuna wailed as his lover ravished him all night long. "Ah! Kyouya!"

"What the heck are they doing?" Ienari glanced towards Tsuna's bedroom. "Ah!" Takeshi and Gokudera showed at the stairs entrance. "Don't open the door!" Takeshi stopped Ienari. Hayato and Takeshi sighed in relief. "Huh?" Ienari blinked. "It's dangerous to enter right now." explained Takeshi.

"Heh. So Hibari is in there." smirked Reborn. "You all are still kids." The baby hitman glanced at Ienari and the Guardians. They didn't even had a single clue. "Good night, everyone." Ienari yawned. "See you tomorrow." His Guardians nodded. They were extremely tired.

Takeshi and Hayato sighed. "I wished they would be more aware of their surroundings." said Hayato. Takeshi then kissed Hayato. "Now it's our turn too," The both of them crashed onto Hayato's bed. "This is my room!" "Who cares?" laughed Takeshi. He leaned in and kissed Hayato again. "The night is long, dear Hayato." "Takeshi!" the both of them ended doing it all night.

Both couples fell asleep at one in the morning. "It's finally quiet." sighed Iemitsu. "Since when did I have a gay son?" Iemitsu yawned and went back to sleep. Nana was sound asleep. Nothing could wake her in the middle of the night. That was why Nana was such an airhead.

When the clock ticked seven, various alarm clocks went off. Ienari glanced at Tsuna's bedroom. "They already went off? Urgh. I wonder what time did they woke up." "They woke up at six." Takeshi and Hayato stretched. "Tsuna has to see his boss every morning." said Hayato.

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