Chapter 23: Decisions.

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Chapter 23: Decisions.

"Hey, Hibari. Did you know Tsuna would end up like this?" said Yamamoto. "He's always smiling so happily." scowled Gokudera. "I did. I knew Tsuna's body was different from ours. I had suspected Tsuna was different than all of us. Sometimes, his lust for blood is uncontrollable." said Hibari. "But he never told me he would turn into a vampire."

"Vampires exists?" said Lambo. "The Devil King is a vampire, isn't he?" "Is Tsuna no longer with us?" said Chrome. "I'll kill him." said Mukuro. "Calm down, Mukuro." said Hibari. "Like you're one to talk. You look like you're going on a rampage." scoffed Mukuro.

Tsuna woke up in his Master's arms. He blinked. "Where am I?" He tried to remember. His memories were hazy. "Is a vampire supposed to be up so early?" sighed Taka. He kissed Tsuna. "What are you doing?" Tsuna scrambled far away from Taka.

"I can't remember, but I have a feeling you're a bad person. A very bad person." said Tsuna. "Like what?" Taka glanced. He sandwiched Tsuna between himself and the wall. "You cannot live without me, can you?" he took off his shirt. "Drink."

Tsuna's head began to hurt when he saw blood. His legs gave away. "You're a vampire." "I'm not." he protested. "Look at yourself. Where do you see a human with lavender eyes?" said Taka. "No matter how you see, you're a vampire. Just accept it already."

Reluctantly, Tsuna drank his fill from his Master. Tsuna cannot drink blood from others too. Because the bond with his Master is an unique one. Tsuna's eyes turned red as soon as he drank blood. "One day, you have to carry our bloodline. Be prepared." said Taka.

"Stay here." Taka chained Tsuna's leg to the bed. "I'll be back." Tsuna scowled at the chains. "You're a monster." "I am a monster." said Taka. As soon as the door closed behind him, Tsuna collapsed on the bed. His body was very tired.

"Cursed Seven, how have you been?" Taka glanced at Tsuna's Guardians. "Give us back Tsuna!" whined Lambo. "I cannot. I cannot let him leave here either." said Taka. "Why?" demanded Hibari. "You did something, didn't you?" "Speak up, before I kill you." Gokudera flashed his bombs.

"He will die, if he leave this place. Right now, he's at a very fragile stage." said Taka. "You forced Tsuna through the ceremony?" Chrome raised an eyebrow. "Why?" "Tsunayoshi is dying. Didn't you realize?"

Silence passed around the room. "Of course. Tsuna never told anyone. He had turned into a vampire, very mu h different from all of you." "And what brings you here? It can't be you came all the way to tell us about Tsuna's well being, right?" said Gokudera.

Taka smirked. "You will attack the Vongola base. The Japanese branch." "What?!" the Guardians were speechless. "You want to kill the Vongola, don't you?" "Of course. After all, it's the place where all of you were taken care of when you're still humans." smirked Taka. "And the very foundation that caused Tsuna to oppose me in the first place."

"He refused to drink blood, didn't he?" said Ace. "Heh. I knew it." smiled Gokudera. "But, if he don't drink, he cannot heal. His body is too weak." "He'd rather die." said Ryohei. "And you're tormenting him."

"We are still Sawada Tsunayoshi's Guardians. We don't move, until the Boss orders. Not from you." said Gokudera. "Tsuna cannot go anywhere right now. He'll die." said Taka. Go without him."

Taka vanished.

"That bastard!" Gokudera punched the wall. "He'll make Tsuna carry his bloodline." said Chrome. "I can sense it." "What bloodline? Tsuna can't give birth." "It's different, for vampires." said Mukuro. "You understand it, don't you, Hibari?" Hibari clenched his fists. "How could they?"

"Well...I hope Ienari and the Guardians are in Japan. They have the weapon. It'll kill us." said Yamamoto. "That's right! Tsuna passed it to him, right?" said Ryohei. "When is the attack?" asked Lambo.

"In five days." replied Ace. "You had everything planned, didn't you?" scowled Gokudera. "Sick bastard."

"You're awake, Tsuna?" Taka's voice startled Tsuna as he tried to reach for the glass. "Get lost." scowled Tsuna. Taka kissed Tsuna. Tsuna struggled, but attempt failed. "One day, you will carry my bloodline." "Don't bullshit. Who will? And I'm a guy!" "For starters, why don't you start drinking your blood regularly?" said Taka.

"I will kill myself. I don't need a life like this! You skewered mine and Ienari's life! Ever since we're born, we're been playing into your hands." glared Tsuna. "Seems like it's difficult to erase your memories." sighed Taka. "Oh well."

"You aren't exactly at that stage anymore. Your body has been developing into a vampire's. Forget it." said Taka. "It's time you settle down." Tsuna scowled at Taka. "Everything is your fault."

"What should we do?" Ienari sighed. "I'll go back to Italy with the CEDEF. You stay here." said Iemitsu. "I have a feeling Japan will be jeopardized." said Ienari. "Really?" said Dino. "Then we should be calling for backup!" Ilario nodded. "Ienari's super intuition has never failed."

"Well then. I'm off." said Iemitsu. "Yes, sir." the CEDEF, excluding Lal Mirch and Colonello followed Iemitsu. They boarded the next flight to Italy. "Be careful, Iemitsu." warned Reborn.

"What should we do, Reborn?" said Ienari. "You're a Boss, aren't you?" said Reborn. "Think for your Family." "But...Tsuna was supposed to be the Boss!" protested Ienari. "How can I deal with something this big?!" "Tsunayoshi entrusted you the weapon to defeat them. You will defeat them, Baka-Nari." said Reborn.

"We must prepare for the worst." said Colonello. "There's a high possibility that they might return, as our enemies." Lal clicked her tongue. "For someone who hates the Vongola, isn't it a bit too much?" "He must be a psychopath." agreed Colonello.

"Be prepared, Baka-Nari." said Reborn. "You'll be undergoing a new training specially for the weapon Tsuna entrusted." "Ehhh?!" Ienari paled. "We cannot fail." said Lal Mirch. "We must protect Japan."

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