Chapter 19: Nezu's terror

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Chapter 19: Nezu's terror.

"I can't let them go on like this." said Nezu. He sighed as he lock the doors to his apartment. "I couldn't get enough sleep is because of them! Unforgivable!" He then remembered Tsuna's words.

"Oh well. If you tell soul about what happened today, I trust you, you'll regret it." said Tsuna. "Never speak of it. Ever."

Nezu paled. Since when was Tsunayoshi able to threaten anyone? He used to be timid, clumsy and useless. Yes, the name they used to call him. Dame-Tsuna. Was it all an act? Nezu couldn't decide.

He sighed as he approached nearer to the front gate of the school. For the first time since he started working at Namimori Academy forty years ago, he didn't feel like going to work. He felt like dying.

If Tsuna's words were true, would they be after his life? Would they really kill him for telling the world the secret?

"Hurry up." Hibari's voice rang into his mind. He looked up. Nezu had already reached the front entrance. And Hibari was glaring at him. "Before I bite you to death." "Stop it, Kyouya. Don't disturb him." Tsuna was standing behind Hibari. "Good morning, Nezu-sensei." Tsuna smiled brightly.

Nezu nodded and ran inside the building. There they are! The reason of my nightmares! Are they really murderers? Nezu was unsettled.

Tsuna and Hibari stared at Nezu's reaction. "What the heck?" blinked Tsuna. "Isn't it because you threatened him?" scowled Lexi. Ienari and his Guardians arrived at the front gate. "Get going." said Hibari.

When Nezu entered the staff room, he was eyeing Dino, who was seated two seats away from him. Dino just smiled at Nezu and headed for his next class. Nezu at in his seat, frozen. He hoped nothing bad is gonna happen.

"Is something wrong?" asked one of the teachers. "" Nezu flinched. "Nothing's wrong." The fellow staff members eyed Nezu suspiciously. They wondered if Nezu have finally lost his mind.

"What are we going to do with Nezu?" said Zen. "He saw everything." "Well, Tsuna said he would take care of it," said Dino. "There won't be any problems." "If there are?" said Ilario. "You'll kill them?" Dino flinched. "Obviously not! Tsuna was just playing with Nezu."

"Enough," sighed Dino. "Let's start the class."

Nezu made up his mind. He stomped his way to the principal's office. "Spill everything, Hibari. What are you?" Tsuna blinked. "Nezu-sensei? I thought I told you to stay out of it." "I can't just pretend I didn't see anything! You killed him didn't you?" said Nezu. "Oh, you mean your students? Why should I kill them?" said Tsuna. "You're an assassin, aren't you?"

"No." said Tsuna. "We don't kill anyone." "Then, what are you hiding? The more I think about it, the more suspicious." said Nezu. Tsuna sighed. "What do we do, Tsunayoshi?" said Hibari."Why don't you just tell him the truth?" Reborn appeared on the window. "Reborn," greeted Tsuna.

"What truth?' said Nezu. "The truth is really heavy, Reborn. No one should know about it." said Tsuna. "The seven of us will bear it, forever, No one else should ever know about it." "Tell me. I don't care." said Nezu. "As long as it keeps my mind at peace." "It won't keep you at peace, Nezu-sensei. It's going to go the opposite direction." said Tsuna.

"And you'll suffer because of it." said Hibari. "I won't. Tell me, now." demanded Nezu. Tsuna sighed. "If you insist, fine. I don't care what happens to you later." "Hn. If you decided to kill yourself later, do it somewhere I can't see." said Hibari.

Tsuna repeated everything he had revealed to the CEDEF, Vongola Guardians, as well as the Acrobalenos, Reborn, Colonello and Lal Mirch. When Tsuna was done, Nezu was as pale as a sheet of paper. He looked as if he didn't believe it.

"The truth is the truth. Yes, I am no longer human, Ienari is a successor to Italy's greatest mafia Family. It isn't something so simple that you can recover in just mere days." said Tsuna. "Now that you know, scram." grunted Hibari. "Don't even try telling another soul. And don't bother us. Go far away, so far that even we would not meet each other."

"This is ridiculous." managed Nezu. "All I thought it was just a dream." "You used to dream about it?" Tsuna frowned. Nezu nodded. "When I was young." Tsuna sighed. "This is too much of a coincidence." "Whatever. Scram, Nezu-sensei." Hibari grunted.

It can't be possible! Impossible! There's no way! Nezu grumbled as he made his way back to the staff room. "The Sawada family always causing troubles! They aren't students! Mafia should be killed!"

"You should say things like that. Not after you've heard everything from Tsunayoshi." said Ienari. Nezu was passing by the cafeteria, and the Vongola Guardians happens to be nearby. "You're a plague." said Nezu. "Even when Dame-Tsuna was a student here. He had always attracted troubles."

"Dame-Tsuna? Is that the nickname you gave him?" said Dino, walking out of the staff room. "I'm sure Tsuna didn't tell you, but he was the successor of the Vongola Family before he was cursed. Tsuna is the ultimate candidate and the best leader Vongola had ever chosen."

"In other words, Tsunayoshi was the former Vongola Decimo." said Murasaki. "Don't curse Tsuna as if you knew everything." "You don't know anything. He's my brother!" said Ienari. "If you don't believe it, come and watch the next Trial."

"That's great." Tsuna and Hibari approached. "The next Trial has been announced" said Tsuna. "Trial of Cloud, will be held at empty lot behind the school." said Hibari. "Sharp at eight."

Tsuna and Hibari continued their way. "Amusing." smiled Dino. "Let's enjoy the match, shall we?" "How can you be so calm, Dino-sensei? How did you even find out?" "Oh?" Dino blinked. "I'm the Boss of the Cavallone Family, an Alliance to the Vongola Family." Nezu paled.

Ienari and his Guardians smirked. "You reap what you sow."

They left Nezu to wander in his mind. All the cruel acts he did before, maybe he was too harsh on them? He'll never be forgiven, that's a fact. The Trial of Cloud, those words rang in his head. "Maybe I should go and take a look? Maybe it's just a story. I'll just go to confirm it."

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