Chapter 31: Tsuna's respect to the Vongola Nono.

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Chapter 31: Tsuna's respect to the Vongola Nono.

The Ninth sighed. The Vongola Mansion was far quieter than usual, since Iemitsu was murdered. Too many things had happened, and fate had bound them together. The questioning events that unrolled that day, the Ninth still couldn't understand why. There was no such things as curses and vampires, he thought.

The Ninth sighed as he glanced at the window.

"Then you should just find out the truth, Nono." Reborn perched on the window sill. "Reborn." the Ninth blinked. "The truth? Are you saying that there's a reason why Iemitsu is dead?"

Reborn nodded. "Pay Ienari a visit. Surely you will understand." Reborn hopped off the window and landed on a tree branch. "See you around, Nono." he disappeared into the forest. Nono held a questioning look. Did they find something? He grabbed his coat and made way to Ienari's office, as per Reborn's advice.

He startled Ienari when he stepped into his successor's office. "Nono!" Ienari rose from his chair. "Settle down, Ienari." the Ninth smiled gently. "Vongola has gone through so may challenges and hardships." Ienari nodded. "And what brings you here, Nono?"

The Ninth sighed. "I heard you found your brother, Ienari. That's a surprise. Iemitsu never told you, I suppose?" "Did Reborn said something?" asked Ienari. Nono sighed. "Won't you tell me the truth, Ienari?"

"I..." Ienari began. "It's not his fault, Vongola Nono." Gokudera and his fellow Guardians walked in. "It can't be...unbelievable..." the Ninth stared at the former Guardians. "It's been a long time, Vongola Nono." Yamamoto grinned. "All of you were alive?" said the Ninth. "What happened?"

"It's a long story." said Ryohei. "I suggest you have a cup of tea first." Lambo poured the Ninth a cup of tea. "We will tell you everything, including things even Ienari didn't know about it." said Gokudera.

"There's still things I don't know about?" Ienari sighed.

"This is Boss's wish." said Chrome.

"Do you believe in vampires, Nono?" said Lambo. "Vampires? They're just myths and legends." said the Ninth. "How is that possible?" "Because from this point on, you have to." said Ryohei. "If not, you're gonna go crazy."

The Ninth stared at them questionably. What?

"Tsuna is still alive." said Gokudera. "But,"

"But?" the Ninth blinked.

"But sadly, we can't see him anymore. Even Ienari is aware of this." continued Gokudera. "Why?" asked the Ninth. "What happened that day?" "That day, you could assume all of you had died on that day." said Lambo.

"That day, because of someone, we had stopped living as humans." said Chrome. "We can't age, we gain supernatural strength, and we heal fast. How is that human?" "The symptoms of a vampire." said the Ninth.

"Precisely." said Ryohei. "Kufufufu. But Tsunayoshi was different." said Mukuro. "We are nothing, compared to Tsunayoshi's conditions." The Guardians nodded. "Wha happened to him?" asked the Ninth.

"That day, when we were kidnapped, Ienari was there too. We do not know how or why, but he was there." said Yamamoto. "Ienari?!" the Ninth turned pale. "I should be thankful nothing happened to him?"

"No, Nono. We should be thankful to my brother, Tsunayoshi." said Ienari. "He saved my life. I was cursed too."

"Yes, along with the seven of us, Ienari was cursed too. Tsunayoshi couldn't let Ienari become like us too. He realized what the curse was earlier than any of us." said Gokudera. "It must be the Hyper Intuition."

"Tsuna absorbed Ienari's curse and froze his time, all in order for him to live a normal life. The Devil King even agreed to let Ienari go, at the price of Tsunayoshi's life." sighed Ryohei. "In order words, Tsuna signed a contract with the Devil King in order for Ienari to live."

"What was the contract?" said Ienari. "Tsunayoshi never told you." Hibari grunted. Ienari scowled. "I know that. Tell me already! How long are you gonna keep it secret?" " Tsuna promised the Devil King that he'll do whatever he wanted." said Gokudera. "Even if he became the monster's adopted son or a monster's life partner."

"In order words, Tsunayoshi was a vampire?" said the Ninth. The former Guardians nodded. "The King of vampires, Taka." said Lambo. "And Tsuna was raised by him." The Ninth turned very pale. "Why Iemitsu said nothing about this? This could be reported for a missing child!"

"Iemitsu abandoned Tsuna. For the sake of Vongola, he abandoned Tsuna." said Hibari. "And because of that, he stirred the consequent of events." "Which led the vampire to take revenge against Iemitsu." said Ryohei.

The Ninth gaped at the Guardians. "Why?" "Tsunayoshi was chosen as his partner." said Gokudera. "He said that humans were the worst, the real monsters." "Even if you wanted to take him back, it's too late, Nono."

The Ninth hugged Ienari. "I'm sorry, Ienari." Tears dripped from the old man's eyes. Ienari returned the old man's embrace. It was just saddening. Tsunayoshi was no longer human. Iemitsu's mistake was a big one.

'To tell the truth, Tsunayoshi once tried to escape from the vampire realm." said Chrome quietly. "Though, the events didn't end well."

"Escape? Tsunayoshi was capable of escaping?" the Ninth looked up. The Guardians nodded. "But he was eventually found by the vampire king and was tracked down like there's no tomorrow." said Hibari. "It's impossible to escape."

"Namimori Academy middle section mathematics teacher, Nezu-sensei sold him out." said Ryohei. "WHAT?!" Ienari yelled. "Are you serious?" "Nezu-sensei never knew what happened. Anyone would be terrified if a gang of men dressed in black suits approached you." said Lambo.

"A few years later, Tsuna who was supposed to undergo the ceremony. As stubborn as ever, he refused, making the vampire king furious." chuckled Mukuro. "He then made a deal with the vampire, that he would make sure his brother will not experience what he had."

"But the vampire king had it in his favor." scowled Ienari. The Guardians nodded. "Tsuna's body which was originally human cannot withstand the pressure as a vampire. Ten years had past since then. The tragic scene you saw two years ago, Ienari, Tsuna almost died." said Gokudera.

"The vampire king knew, yet he waited till the last second. Tsuna went through the ceremony after that, and fell into slumber for two years." said Hibari.

The Ninth was very white. This is unbelievable. It's impossible.

"How is Min Ri?" said Ienari suddenly. "You'll see him after seventeen years." grinned Yamamoto. "Seventeen years?" scowled Ienari. "Are you serious?" "Go and get married already, Vongola Decimo." said Lambo. The Guardians chuckled.

Ienari blushed. "It ain't your business!" he retorted. "Min Ri will be twenty four in seventeen years~" sang Lambo. "I'm sure you have a crush on someone~" The Ninth laughed. "You should, Ienari. You have helped the Vongola for more than two years."

With that just said, a thunderous impact shook the hallways. "This is why I can't leave Vongola alone." Ienari sighed. He opened the door, and yelled, "ILARIO! MURASAKI!" Ienari's Guardians scrambled and assembled before Ienari.

"Who started it?" Ienari demanded. "He did." Ilario pointed to Murasaki. And Murasaki pointed back at Ilario. Yamamoto snorted. "Doesn't this remind us of those days?" Gokudera and the former Guardians nodded.

"Why are Tsunayoshi's Guardians here?" asked Zen. "They came to see Nono." said Ienari. "Well, that's all Tsuna told us to deliver." said Gokudera. "See you around, Vongola Nono." the former Guardians walked out of the office, leaving the current Guardians stunned.

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