Chapter 27: The vampire realm

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Chapter 27: The vampire realm.

"Remember, don't do anything rash." said Shoichi. The Guardians nodded. "Ready?" said Byakuran. 'Be careful." said Reborn. "We don't know what's in there." "You better come back alive, Sawada." said Lal Mirch. "Or I'll single-handedly go after that bastard."

Ienari paled. "Please don't, Lal Mirch. We don't need more deaths." "Go on in, " Shoichi pointed to the door. "Yes," the Guardians turned to the door. "I pray for the best." said Shoichi. "Good luck."

Once they walked through the door, the door leading to the vampire realm vanished. "They're gone." said Colonello. "Where are Skull, Viper, Verde, Fong?" said Reborn. Colonello shook his head. "Who knows? And the Sky Acrobaleno has been declared missing for ages."

"This is the vampire realm?" said Murasaki. The Guardians paled. The vampire realm, like they expected, is dark and gloomy. Vampires roamed the place, and fight. At the very top of the hill, was a castle, clearly visible. "Is Tsunayoshi in there?" said Ilario.

"Of course he is." Ace appeared before them. "I'm surprised you're able to reach this place." "Tsuna cannot see anyone right now. Go back." said Ace. "What do you mean?" said Ienari. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. Tsuna has fallen into slumber. You can't see him." said Ace. "I don't care. I must see him." said Ienari. "Like father, like son." scoffed Ace. "Don't talk about my father, you murderer! You threw my family apart! You destroyed our lives!" snapped Ienari.

"We can bring you there." Gokudera and Yamamoto appeared. "But, you'll be disappointed." said Yamamoto. "Tsuna's Guardians...?" said Murasaki. "Why are you here?" "We're the Devil King's servants. What do you expect?" said Gokudera.

"Get lost, Ace." glared Gokudera. "Before I tear you into pieces." Ace sighed. "Fine. Suit yourself." Ace vanished.

Gokudera and Yamamoto transported the Guardians into the Devil King's palace. "Over here." Gokudera and Yamamoto were standing in front of an elegant room. "Go on in." Ienari pushed the doorknob and pushed open the door. Tsunayoshi lay on the bed,with black drapes hanging over his bed. Tsunayoshi looked very pale.

"What happened?" said Ienari. "He looked so pale!" "We finished his ceremony last week. He had just fallen into slumber." the Devil King, Taka appeared. "Seems like someone misses his brother."

The Guardians turned. "Why? Tsunayoshi clearly didn't want this." "He's my partner. Of course I'll worry about his well being." said Taka. "Did you think he could destroy the place he grew up in?"

"This is too cruel!" Ienari fell to his knees. "Now that you know, go home. The cruel one is your father. Abandoning a five year old child in that kind of place. If I hadn't took him in, Tsunayoshi would have died."

"That doesn't mean you can turn him!" said Ienari. "You..." suddenly Ienari collapsed. "Ienari!" the Guardians yelled. Gokudera carried Ienari and lay him on the bed in another room. "What happened?" said Reiya.

"In a sense, Ienari has a high possibility to become a vampire. You must be idiots, coming here." said Taka. "Didn't you hear from Tsuna? He warned you not to come, didn't he?" "How would we know? Even Ienari has no knowledge on it!" said Murasaki. "It's your fault in the first place."

"Leave now, or never." said Taka. "At this rate, Vongola might be destroyed. Do you want that?" "Of course not." Ienari stirred. "Ienari!" the Guardians glanced. "Thank God!" sighed Ilario.

"When will Tsuna wakes up?" said Ienari. "In a year." replied Taka. "There's nothing you can do. Go back, and pretend this never happened." Ienari clenched his fists. "Fine. When I come back, I'll destroy you."

Taka smirked. "Go back, brats." "We'll open the gate. Come with us." said Gokudera.

"Not a word, Ienari. You cannot go against the Devil King. Not ever." said Yamamoto. "Just become a good Boss. Everything will be fine. Tsuna can't even die." "When he wakes...tell my brother...Sawada Iemitsu has passed away." said Ienari. He smiled as he stepped into the gate.

"Iemitsu died?" said Gokudera. "Yes. Yesterday, during the attack." replied Ilario. "Okay. We'll tell him." said Yamamoto. The Guardians bowed, and followed after Ienari. "What is Tsuna gonna say when he wakes?" sighed Ryohei. "You guys were here?" scowled Gokudera. "Stop hiding already."

"How did they manage to come here?" said Lambo. "They don't have the kind of power." "Byakuran's probably behind this." said Hibari. The gang nodded. "Ah, yeah. It makes sense." said Ryohei.

The Devil King sighed in his chair. "His brother is really impressive." "Indeed." Ace agreed. "Never let him enter ever again." said Taka. "Yes, sir." saluted Ace. "You're dismissed." said Taka. Ace bowed, and the he vanished.

Taka rose from his throne, and headed for Tsuna's room. The room was dark and gloomy, just like the rest of the palace. Vampires are gloomy? Is that it? No. Sunlight are lethal to vampires.

He sighed as he sat at the edge of the bed. Tsuna must be protected. Before he wakes, he must be protected. Taka smiled.

When Ienari and the Guardians walked out of the gate safe and sound, mainly Dino, cried. "I'm fine," said Ienari. "Boss..." Romario cried too. "What happened?" said Reborn. Ienari blinked. "Who are they?" Ienari noticed the rest of the Acrobalenos standing behind Reborn.

"Oh. We just great lengths to find them." said Colonello. "Especially Verde." "Hnph. No one asked you to bother." said Verde. "By the way, he didn't do anything to you, did he?" said Skull.

"The Devil King chased us home." said Zen. "Weird. He killed the Vongola and all, but he's hesitant to kill us." "They're on defensive mode." said Fong. "They're protecting Tsunayoshi."

"Why?" Ienari blinked.

"Because Tsuna might be carrying the Devil King's child." said Viper. "Just like he wished, the Vongola blood will be stained." "Then...Tsuna's wish to kill him..." said Seira. "Tsuna knew." said Reborn.

Ienari screamed. "Why?! Of all people, why him?!" "There's no time to be depressed." said Reborn. "We have to restore the Vongola." "You have to do it, Ienari." said the Ninth. He walked in, with his walking stick in his hand. "You shouldn't be walking, Ninth!" said Ienari.

The Ninth laughed. "I'm fine. Restore the Vongola, won't you?" Ienari nodded. "I will." he replied. "If that is Tsunayoshi's wish, we have to respect it. It's saddening Iemitsu couldn't see through it."

"You knew?" said Ienari. "Why didn't you tell my father?" "He needs to find out himself, or it'll be useless." said Nono. "What's done is done, but we have to protect the future. Make sure this doesn't happen the second time."

"Yes." said Ienari. "I'll protect it." "And that concludes, more training." smirked Reborn. "And we'll be your tutors." "WHAT?!" the Guardians yelled. "No way!" Nono laughed. "Ho ho ho. The youth of life, is interesting, isn't it?"

Dino paled. "Reborn is still a spartan tutor. I can never forget that." "Yes, Boss..." Romario paled, as he watched Reborn pull Ienari away. "We have lots to do as well. Reborn is probably going to have a nice time torturing all of us." said Dino.

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