Chapter 6: Rokudo Mukuro

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Chapter 6: Rokudo Mukuro

"What are you doing here, Ilario?" Ienari blinked. "Decimo." Ilario smiled. "We have come." "We?" Ienari raised an eyebrow. "So you're not alone." said Reborn. "Where are they?" "Oh, I lost them." "So you were tailing me." scowled Ienari. Tsuna smiled. "Why don't we go in? It's getting chilly outside."

Hibari opened the door and the three of them stepped inside. "What is that noise?" Ilario said, noticing the clanking and chattering next door. "Oh, don't mind it. It doesn't matter." said Tsuna. Hibari walked into the kitchen and began making a pot of tea.

"Now, Storm Guardian." Said Tsuna, a little too curt, causing Ilario to flinch. "Why are you here? Ienari was the only one supposed to be taken into our care." "How could you, after abandoning Decimo?" said Ilario. Hibari glared at Ilario. "You don't understand anything."

"Which part of it? We grew up together. We're childhood friends." said Ilario. "Oh, wonderful." smiled Tsuna. "Why are you smiling, Tsuna?" asked Ienari. "Is that something to be happy?" "No, but I felt relieved. You were never told anything." replied Tsuna.

"This is the legendary almighty ex-Boss Sawada Tsunayoshi supposed to be?" scowled Ilario. "I don't know what you're talking about." Tsuna leaned against Hibari. "Don't lie," said Reborn. "You're Ienari's brother. You could've been the Vongola Decimo." "According to the Ninth, there was a Boss who took over Vongola for a short period of time before Ienari succeeded as the heir. That Boss was abominable. He was even stronger than Primo." said Ilario. "But one day, he and his Guardians disappeared completely."

"Hn." Hibari grunted. Tsun a just stared at Ilario. "You are that Boss, aren't you?" said Ilario. "This is the first time I've heard of it," said Ienari. "Because you weren't listening while I was talking, Baka-Nari!" Reborn kicked Ienari. "Ouch!" Ienari whined.

Tsuna mobile phone then rang. He flipped it and pressed the answer button. "Chief." As he listened to the voice on the other end, Tsuna smile turned into a scowl. After he ended the call, he stood and grabbed his coat. "Another?" said Hibari. "Yeah. I'll be back soon, Kyouya." Tsuna smiled.

Within seconds, Tsuna was gone. "He has work at this hour?" said Ilario. "It's not surprising." said Hibari. "Since it's his work." "What is his occupation?" asked Ilario. "Yeah, I had also wanted to know for a long time." said Ienari. "Eh?" Ilario blinked. "You didn't know?" "No. He wouldn't even tell." said Ienari. "He's Namimori's Investigator." said Hibari.

"Eh?! He works for the force?!" both Ienari and Ilario were stunned. "I'm surprised you never noticed, Baka-Nari." said Reborn. "He always carries a card holder with him. Didn't you see it?" "Oh, that black rectangular leather thingy?" said Ienari. "It was on the table." "That's Tsuna's badge." said Kyouya.

Ienari and Ilario were stunned, and speechless. "No one ever said anything." said Ienari. "You're weaker than Primo. That Boss who disappeared must be very strong if he is even stronger than Primo." said Reborn. "You're going to undergo more training, starting tomorrow."

Tsuna drove Hibari's bike to the crime scene. "What's the situation?" said Tsuna. "Two girls, died instantly after two bullets punched through their skulls." said an officer. He had golden shoulder-long hair. "Good evening, Sil." said Tsuna. "Good evening, High Investigator Sawada Tsunayoshi." he saluted.

"Tsunayoshi." the chief smiled. "I'm glad you made it." "You were the one who called me middle of the night!" said Tsuna. "It's only eight." said the Chief. Tsuna scowled. "I have a guest. I left Kyouya with them. Just hope he won't bite them all to death." "Maybe you should've brought them all along," chuckled the Chief. "And ruin the crime scene? No way." said Tsuna.

"They're from Vongola. Do you think they're that incompetent?" sighed the Chief. "Trust them more, like they did for you." "That was a long time ago, Chief Kuroyuri. I won't go back anymore." said Tsuna.

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