Chapter 24: Vampires

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Chapter 24: Vampires.

"I feel so tired..." muttered Tsuna. "Am I even alive?" Taka smiled. "You'll be fine." "I feel like I'm drifting far away..." muttered Tsuna. He closed his eyes. "Goodnight, Tsunayoshi." smiled Taka.

Taka vanished from the restroom, and reappeared in the throne room. "Ah, Master." Ace bowed "Welcome back." Taka silently nodded. "Tsunayoshi has gone to sleep." Ace grinned. "Finally. It's about time."

"When are we attacking?" said the Devil King. "Tomorrow." replied Ace. "Be sure to wipe the Vongola clean." smirked Taka. "Of course." bowed Ace. "The Cursed Seven will destroy everything."

"Where am I?" Tsuna's thoughts drifted. "It's so dark. I can't see. It's cold." A voice echoed. "You're not alone. Come with me. All you have to do is stay with me." "Who are you?" said Tsuna. "You will know. Come." Tsuna accepted his stretched hand. Then, Tsuna saw blood.

Tsuna blinked. "Blood? Why?" "Because it's who you are." the voice said. "You cannot fool yourself. You can never beat your instincts." "I don't need this!" said Tsuna. "Why?" "Because, you need this to survive, Tsuna. Just accept it. Accept yourself."

"Tsuna!" Gokudera opened one of the doors and found Tsuna sleeping. "Why is he sleeping?" said Yamamoto. "It's so dark in here." "I'm surprised you managed to find him." Taka appeared behind them. "What did you do?" demanded Hibari. "Tsuna has just fallen asleep." replied Taka.

"Don't lie. This looks like he won't wake up for years." said Ryohei. "This isn't normal." "He had just gone through the ceremony. He had just gone to sleep." "You did it against his wishes, didn't you?" said Chrome. "He probably didn't want it."

"And let him die? I refuse to. I didn't do this to let him die." said Taka. "What?" the six Guardians glared at Taka. "You did all this...because you wanted Tsuna, is that it?" said Gokudera. Taka smirked.

"How could you?!" yelled Lambo. "You ruined our lives!"

"It's impossible to just have Tsunayoshi." said Taka. "His Guardians are necessary to be around him. In order for him to evolve, he will achieve the state I desire."

"You're evil." said Yamamoto.

"I am the Devil King. Go. You have to attack the Vongola. Don't go around having sentiments." said Taka. "Former Vongola Guardians."

"All of you, it's time." Ace approached them. "Tch." Gokudera clicked his tongue. Taka grinned. "Good luck." "I'm gonna kill him one day." growled Gokudera. Hibari glared at them. If only they didn't have Tsuna, they could've killed the Devil King. That's what they thought. But in reality, it wasn't possible. The Cursed Seven acts on the Devil King's order. They share a bond of blood with the Devil King. None of them are able to go against him.

"Kill the Vongola." said the Devil King. The six of the Cursed Seven froze. When the Devil King commands, they cannot oppose. "Now, go." "Yes, sir..." they reluctantly vanished.

"What's that?" the Vongola base in Namimori exploded. Some didn't manage to get out in time. "Who attacked. The Cursed Seven stood before Ienari and the Guardians. "You guys!" Ienari was dumbfounded. "I thought you guys were dragged into the demons' world."

"We're sorry, Ienari." said Yamamoto. "You must kill us, or you'll die." "Well, that saves the trouble, since Tsuna isn't here." said Lal Mirch. "Where's Tsunayoshi?" asked Murasaki. "Tsuna has gone to sleep." replied Mukuro. "We can't do anything." "Tsunayoshi is becoming more and more like a vampire." said Zen.

"He has become one. The Devil King made him go through the ceremony. There's no way back anymore." said Ryohei. "So, do us a favor and kill us." said Yamamoto. "We will. Gladly." Lexi and Seira raised their weapons.

Ienari pulled on his gloves. The battle started. "He ordered a massacre, didn't he?" said Reborn, firing his Chaos Shot. The Cursed Seven were silent. "He did." said Colonello, judging by their expressions.

"Cambio Forma." said the Cursed Seven. "Kill us. If you can, you will save Japan." Ace cackled. "This is what I wanted! Wonderful!" "You..." Reborn frowned. "You were the one kicked out of Vongola for doing illegal business." "Acrobaleno Reborn. Seems like you remembered."

"I see. So it's your doing. You turned Tsuna into something unforgivable." Colonello fired a bullet. "What can you do? It's already done." smirked Ace. "You won't be able to find him either." 'I'll kill you!" growled Ienari. He zoomed from the sky and punched Ace. "Return me my brother!"

"He has become the Devil King's partner. He will bear the Devil King's child." cackled Ace. "The Vongola blood, shall be tainted with vampire's blood. That's the best ending!" "How could you..." Ienari punched.

"I'll kill all of you." said Murasaki. He unsheathed his sword. "Rain Gear." the sword changed form. "Normal attacks won't work, you know that, don't you?" said Hibari. "You don't mean...Tsunayoshi passed on the kill himself?" said Ilario. Tsuna's Guardians were silent. "Why?" said Ienari.

"We don't need a life when we are to live as monsters. Tsuna wanted to die so much!" said Lambo. "No one should ever suffer like us." "What about your family? Ryohei-san, your wife is pregnant, isn't she?" said Ienari.

"Hana will have to take care of it. Kyoko is there. The child might turn out like me...cursed." said Ryohei. "But Tsuna is different! His Vongola blood is so strong that it evolved, with the Curse, he became a vampire."

Ienari and the Guardians attacked. Ienari activated the weapon Tsuna passed on. "That's right. Kill us." said Chrome. "Farewell." Ienari wept. "Don't cry." smiled Yamamoto. "It's for the best."

Light expanded so bright no one knew what happened. When their visions were restored, the Vongola base was destroyed, but Japan was fine. The Cursed Seven were nowhere to be found. "Tch. They killed themselves." Ace clicked his tongue.

"Anyway, Vongola is over." Taka appeared. "The Headquarters in Italy is over too." "You're...Tsuna's kidnapper!" Ienari growled. "Give me back my brother!" "No can do." said Taka. "He promised me his life."

"What?" the Guardians yelled. "When did that happen?" "Twenty years ago. He promised me his life, if you are not to be harmed, and live a proper life." said Taka. "He did it all for you." "Isn't it because you threatened Tsuna with Ienari?" said Reborn. Taka smirked. "It turned out fine. It should end well."

"If you don't want to waste your brother's efforts, stay away." said Ace. "Or you'll end up like your brother, a monster." "You turned him into one?" Ienari glared. "Vampire blood has been injected into your brother twenty years ago." said Ace. "And it's not a small amount."

"Suffer, Vongola! Know your place!" they vanished.

" the world..." Ienari collapsed. "What should we do, Reborn?" said Colonello. "We must find Tsunayoshi." said Reborn. "Only when we find him, we can find out the truth."

"Tsunayoshi was a Namimori High Investigator. He knew. He must have left something with Chief Kuroyuri." said Lal Mirch. Reborn nodded. "First, go home and rest, all of you."

Ienari scowled. "When my brother's life is in his hands?" "You need to rest. You're too tired." "Let's go, Ienari. We'll start the search tomorrow."

Taka smirked. "They didn't know Tsunayoshi was here all along. It has started." "One year. We just need to buy time for one year." said Ace. Taka nodded. "Make sure you protect this place."

Ace bowed. And then he vanished. "Tsunayoshi." Taka sighed. He glanced at Tsuna sleeping. "The next time you wake up, you'll become mine." Tsuna wasn't someone who'd accept such things. Even after becoming a monster, he believed he was still human. "Just accept it already. You're a vampire."

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