Pickup Lines (Donnie x Reader)

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Y/N: Your name
Y/H/C: Your hair color
Y/E/C: Your eye color
You walked through the sewers eager to see the guys. You had plans to workout with Leo today, and by workout you were gonna watch and study for your Chemistry exam. You would study with Donnie, but the others said he was busy with something with April. You walked through the door and smiled as you were greeted by Mikey. "Dudette, where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" He yelled dramatically, scooping you up in a hug. "Mikey! You saw me yesterday!" You laughed. "Y/N, Hey, finally made it I see." Leo said, walking in from the dojo. A nervous smile found its way to your lips as you said, "Yeah, sorry. I had to finish up some homework." You tucked a stray strand of Y/H/C behind your ear. "Oh, no problem. Donnie wanted to see you anyways." He said with a smirk. "But I thought he was hanging out with April?" You questioned. Mikey laughed and said, "No, more like getting advice to-" Leo quickly covered his younger brother's mouth. "Advice for what?" You questioned, narrowing your Y/E/C orbs at them. "Nothing!" Leo said, pulling his brother away. You looked at them warily before sighing and heading toward the lab. Peeking your head in, you looked around. Your eyes finally landing on the purple clad turtle. He looked nervous and flustered. You knocked softly on the door. He looked up from the scattered papers on his desk and smiled at you. "Hey, Y/N." He grinned. You returned<b> </b>the gesture and walked into the room. "Um, Leo said you wanted to see me?" You asked. He had a dazed look on his face as the words left your mouth. "Donnie...?" You said, trying to get his attention. His beautiful copper colored eyes soon focused on you, making you blush lightly. "Hmmm? O-Oh, yeah. I knew you had that chemistry test and I thought y-you would like some help studying." He rushed, rubbing the back of his neck. You beamed and replied, "Yeah. I would like that." You walked over and sat down beside him. After you set up, the two of you began studying
---Time Skip brought to you by a certain freckled turtle--
"OK, Y/N, just answer these and you'll be done." He said, handing you a sheet of paper. After a glance over of the quiz you looked at him with a huge grin on your face. His face was covered in a deep blush as he avoided your gaze. You quickly got your own blush as you answered all of the questions. After you were done, you glanced up at the nerdy turtle before you. He was looking glancing between you and the tile below. "A-Are you a C-Carbon sample? B-Because I want to d-date you." Donnie squeaked, clearing his throat afterwards. Fifty shades of red passed your cheeks as the words sank in. "Donatello Hamato, was that your way of asking me out?" You questioned with hopeful eyes. He nodded with hope also swimming in his eyes. "Well in that case..." You trailed off before pressing your lips to his. To say what you did was bold was kinda an understatement and you almost regretted it until you felt him kiss you back. That kiss was everything you hoped for and more, it was soft and tender yet passionate. You guys soon parted, as you did, you gently bit your lip. You blushed and suddenly found the floor much more interesting. "I'm taking that as a yes?" He whispered. "Mmhmm, the "quiz" was a nice touch." You giggled. "April helped with that." He smiled softly. "C- Can we do that again?" He asked, looking at you. You nodded and leaned in. As you did, a single piece of paper fell from the desk. It read:
1. Are you made of Copper and Tellurium because you're: CuTe.
2. Are you made of Fluorine, Iodine, and Neon because you are darn: FINe

Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors... And yes I know this is on tumblr, MY tumblr~

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